First..what ADULT male or female is fuckin worried about "brand name" shoes..this isnt high school nor the focus of her pics...and further more only a complete failure of an adult would make that the basis of their argument against a perceived "competitor"
2nd..lets just say..for sake of argu.ent that in fact that was her attempt..what is it anyones business? I will answer...NO ONES..I dont know what the fuck red bottoms are nor do I care..I worry about adult even if she stood here and said "yep thats what I was trying to do"..its no ones problem and certainly not yours
Your ability to totally miss the fact that A: you created an argument where there was not one.. B: you constantly spew childish ignorance that would get most kids punished for(since thats your mental fortitude)..C: the fact you think mature adults looking for sex would give a damn about brand name shoes..
You are hung up on material things likely because you came from nothing and considering this job affords you a life you couldnt otherwise attain via a normal job you think others worry about material things as well. Great you stayed in a 3 story house on the beach...maybe its the one I own? I always appreciate it when its rented..a benz..thats depreciated as soon as it left the lot..cali king mattress..really..thats impressive to you?
Let me ask you..with all your wealth did you max out your IRA contributions last year? What sort of return did you see on your investments? Did you buy a house? Rental property? Land? Start a viable business venture for the future? Do you diversify your portfoilio in a way that has both long term benefits and short term ability to be liquid if needed..did you perhaps invewt in a whole life policy or 2?
Thats grown folks shit that most people can get with..your fixation on material things then thinking people give a damn baffles most..
You had no reason to even read the thread..much less comment to it..especially with childish banter..I remember when you burst on the scene..nothing has changed you are still the same person that buys what she is "allowed to" once you have cashed in..

despite your claims otherwise
I would encourage you to download an dread dale Carnegie as suggested. .I would add "how to stop worrying and stwrt living" and "how to enjoy life and your job" from his books as well..u need to learn both