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Old 01-20-2017, 09:31 AM   #226
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
I will be honest; I'm too much of a narcissist in many ways....

Tell us something we don't already know, SC
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Old 01-20-2017, 10:02 AM   #227
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Default U mad...broe

Originally Posted by broes View Post
My 2017 resolution was to stop making fun of your retarded ass so I am not taking the bait this time.

Judging by your lack of signature line, I am assuming that your resolution was to stop pretending to be a professional photographer.

Well, shit.
Well, that lasted about as long as your commitment to stop eating boogers, or to stop sitting on your thumb.

Oh, that broes of mine...
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Old 01-21-2017, 01:41 AM   #228
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Well, that lasted about as long as your commitment to stop eating boogers, or to stop sitting on your thumb.

Oh, that broes of mine...
Urkel.... we all feel sorry for you.....your not that......smart, funny, good looking, have ANY redeeming value.........but you still try........bless your heart
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Old 01-26-2017, 06:50 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post
And if you are not a black man interested in seeing women who advertise that they don't want to see you,
You Obviously do not RESPECT the PREFERENCE of this thread!
227 replies... as many NOT black men whom are interested in seeing women who advertise that they don't want to see them because they are black posted on this thread (including myself lmao) it just goes to show peoples true feelings about "Preference" on this board.

What would have really made me look like a dumbass is if NOBODY posted on this mother fucker. Ha Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA

My experiment worked excellent.

Thank you folks couldn't have done it without you!

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Old 01-26-2017, 07:09 PM   #230
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Well i made this thread to be sarcastic.


I made this thread to mock the AFRICAN AMERICAN BLACK MEN whom brag about seeing women who openly discriminate against them because they are black and put up a sign in their ads as if we are in 1925. They actually justify their own discrimination and accept it. That was whom this post was meant for...

If I am upset at ANYONE its the black men who practice this bullshit .
I'm not upset at the women whom post NO Blacks Allowed. I'm not mad at anyone who supports NO BLACK ALLOWED POLICIES... I AM NOT MAD AT ANYBODY WHO DOES NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE.


and it doesnt even matter because i can count on one hand the number of black men i have seen in 3 years since i went over 300/hr ... so i guess i'm jealous of that lmbo. But seriously Keep calm and Hobby on!
I stand by my statement you dont see the crap from women whom charge over 250-300 an hour hardly.
And why is it that the most legendary woman on this site you could argue because she has the most reviews has never increased her rates? has never progressed much at all it seems in over 10 years of escorting?

because they are being controlled... if not by a pimp then by other hobbyist for the most part, or are just caught up in the fake ass statics american media gives us.

Just imagine you are one of the most popular girls in the region, you book up everywhere you go. You are praised and recognized and acknoweledged. You have been on the job over 5 years... You not gonna increase your rates? all the money you making, you still never gonna sit down? Come on now, read between the lines.

The point is people need to realize the color of their skin does not equate to more or less than. Fact is most people whom are racist are angry and just looking for something to be angry about or have low self esteem and need someone to feel better than, and then there is plain envy... that right envious of brown skin LMAO why else are half the No Blacks Allowed chicks tanner than me??? I guess its just the sun...

Thats the next thread i want to make... why do white people tan?

Many people understood the point i made by making this thread. Many more whom posted also did, but chose to make it into a great debate instead of the ISO it was made for on behalf of the brothas who don't care if she racist, he still wanna fuck her

Yes it is ridiculous for black guys to have to come on here and brag about still seeing women who openly advertise " No BLACKS allowed"

YES It is ridiculous for guys to get super upset and argue girls down to see them and try to convince them they are better than the other black guys. . .

all of the crap is stupid... but this world has been stupid way before this board was created.. LOL

I would rather no black guys ever complain about how some woman won't see them because they are black.

I would rather they ignore every woman they come across with the words NO BLACKS ALLOWED in their advertisement.

Not make a thread about why they are not like the sterotypes that they equate to the reason of her saying NO BLACKS ALLOWED.

Now yall can say whatever the hell yall wanna say about me cause, this is YALLS board not mine.

Yall can keep this mofo trust me. i don't want it.

This turned out just how i expected it would of course, a train wreck, almost 250 replies on a thread that was supposed to be about black guys who wanted to convince women who advertise NO BLACKS ALLOWED , to try to change their minds about just lil ol them themselves...

But its understandable, having a NBA sign up gets you an lot more business down south.

After all; "Money & Power" that is the only Religion. ~ Lil Durk

and this post was not directed at the person i quoted. I only quoted it because it was a good post.

and here is a pic to sum up this entire thread and everyone who replied whom is not a black man interested in seeing women whom openly advertise NO BLACK men allowed...

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
To the original OP. I'm different because I don't have to pay for any flavor of pussy by a hundred country miles. Most of these providers would envy my RW white model frieds. Bad bitches to be honest.

I feel bad for the black guys that unfortunatel as it may be have to pay because this is their only source. So they want it and they feel rejected. I will be honest I'm too much of a narcisst in many ways to feel bad because a provider ever told me no. I just can't relate to guys letting these providers dress them down to act white just to see them. That is some sad shit to me. Not trying to sound arrogant because I'm a gentleman so I won't say what I really want to say but no I'd never let an escort make me feel bad because of my race. Not because I think I'm superior but because I'm educated, maybe privledged to some degree and I just can't relate to that. i cant imagine what these guys have to go through but i guess in a sense I understand if this is all they got.

I posted earlier I don't even tolerate too rigorous of a screening. If it's not simple enough for me then I'm out. I dont need to see you. That's pretty much it for me.

That being said. I'm overly generous and a sweetheart to the ladies that know me.
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Old 01-26-2017, 07:45 PM   #231
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You clearly dont fuck enough if you have time to write that much shit. TLDR. When i volunteer to feed the homeless Ill drop you an extra piece of pie.
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Old 01-26-2017, 07:48 PM   #232
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You're right i type 60 wpm... i surprise myself sometimes...but hey what can i say i have alot to say i'm a real woman... not just a "whore" (as dorthy likes to call us) I' actually have more to offer than a piece of Apple pie for u to stick your wee wee in. not to mention i have a super fast internet connection. LMAO
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Old 01-26-2017, 07:55 PM   #233
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Hold on let me start my slow clap

You are a whore/escort/call girl/courtesan/gfe, plain and simple, there are many words you can use which all round up the same summation....you fuck for money.

And before you BS me, I have done MANY overnights and pretty much never do just an hour. I enjoy the time but at the end of the day, you know she fucking for the money.
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Old 01-26-2017, 08:12 PM   #234
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Originally Posted by vitaminD View Post
Hold on let me start my slow clap

You are a whore/escort/call girl/courtesan/gfe, plain and simple, there are many words you can use which all round up the same summation....you fuck for money.

And before you BS me, I have done MANY overnights and pretty much never do just an hour. I enjoy the time but at the end of the day, you know she fucking for the money.
Well i would hope once you turn 21/ graduate college you would learn your pussy is worth something... and after you find out its worth something, and learn that it is above average in value/ EXCELLENT, i would hope you would want to get the value you deserve out of it...
but thats just me , i'm all about progress, never get comfortable.

Yes many men put different values on women. Just like people put different values on the quality of alcohol they drink, food they eat, excercise, cloths, car/truck they drive.

Some people call their car a hunk of junk, some people name their car like its their baby. Same with pets some people abuse and neglect their pets, some people treat their pets better than their kids...

we all have different values sweetheart. The goal is to connect with people whom have the same values as yourself.

example: i value myself, so i seek out places and people who value me as much as i value myself... get how that works.

The south has deep roots of racism that arent going anywhere anytime soon... Thats why i removed myself from there. Sure there is racism all over the world. All over the world light skin trumps dark skin..
Nothing new, nothing thats going away.

what irks me (not makes me mad though dont get it twisted) is when people want to sit up and pretend like the crap is not there.

Admit it already. You not fooling me, you not fooling yourself, you not fooling nobody. Everybody knows ITS TRUE!

now as much fun as it is expressing myself to yall fine folks, i have an appointment to put my fat ass pussy all up in this guys face for a good 45 minutes until he nuts all over himself...

and i promise i wont be thinking about yall while he takes me to the stars
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Old 01-26-2017, 08:19 PM   #235
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You graduated college? And at 21? Hold on, univ of phoenix doesnt count. Lets be real you didnt graduate a legit 4 yr university with a bachelors degree unless it was in basket weaving, poly sci, or some other no one gives a fuck degree.

Your pussy is no different than most, and the ones who are above average...dont talk as illiterate as you.
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Old 01-26-2017, 08:54 PM   #236
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First of all: lol the "/" indicates an "or"

Second of all: I know men who would surely challenge you on the fact that my pussy is not special! but they're too busy, making money to reply. My pussy, ass, titties, stomach, arms, legs, head, neck, shoulders, toes, fingers, nails, hair, skin and whatever other body part i didn't mention is *Perfecto*

and you're right i never graduated college.. but i did go! LMAO
It's so funny the effort you people put into insulting me...
Taking up for racism.. sheesh give it up.

Okay, I am self made boo boo, everything you see i did it myself, from day one no help no mentor no nobody. No one can take that away from me honey pie, just like no one could take a college education from me, intelligence and knowledge and know-how is life.

From website to pictures. i havent even paid for a photo shoot since i lived in Dallas lmao with photo fantasies. and my website is $200 a year for the domain name, i built the website though.

Someone mentioned i'm saying $200 a year like 'm balling.. no i'm saying $200 a year like i'm cheap as hell, i'm used to making 100% profit, so i like to keep my expenses low. I do all my own screening, ads, pictures, booking, calls/texts. I literally pulled myself up from the boot straps.

But yet i can look back on a MANY nba chicks who are still with no website just got a p411 page, still claiming they going to college, charing the same 250/he they was 5 years ago... and they still geting 10+ reviews every month. If yall love her so much let her increase her damn rates! Sheesh so she dont gotta see 25 people a month to make a decent living...

the goal in this business is to charge more and see less people, and eventually charge MORE see LESS people and MAKE MORE money than you was seeing 25 people a month for 250 at piece...

and i'm only 26... so i figure i got a GOOD 10 more years if not 20 years... atleast to be the best god damn hoe i can be!

I'm sorry that i have goals as an escort... but this is a legitimate career, believe it or not.

And in the end i will marry a Rich man who wants me all to himself
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Old 01-26-2017, 09:11 PM   #237
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Keep the dream alive baby
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Old 01-26-2017, 09:18 PM   #238
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Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle View Post
i'm cheap as hell, i'm used to making 100% profit, so i like to keep my expenses low.
You still don't understand what profit means. I'll give you a quick accounting lesson - if you have any expenses, it's impossible to be 100% profit. Maybe you should watch a youtube video or something about what "profit" means. You obviously can't comprehend the concept. Google net income and gross income. Learn how to divide. And that's your profit %.

And you obviously don't pay any taxes so I wouldn't be bragging about that profit % in case the IRS is reading this. If you do pay taxes, you could take out a depreciation expense on your pussy though. I think they told me that in my tax accounting classes. I can't remember.
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Old 01-26-2017, 10:25 PM   #239
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[QUOTE=VIP Mya Michelle;1059118733]I know men who would surely challenge you on the fact that my pussy is not special!

and i'm only 26... so i figure i got a GOOD 10 more years if not 20 years... atleast to be the best god damn hoe i can be!

I'm sorry that i have goals as an escort... but this is a legitimate career, believe it or not.

all I can say is yikes, those three statements alone leave very little doubt in my mind that you won't achieve much after this, so shoot for the escort/whore stars

I actually don't deny the fact that racism exists even to this day, we can all discuss the levels of which it exists for each culture (ie AA, middle eastern, indian, Mexican, etc) and this election proved that, but I doubt your much better off in Chicago where they have focused on violence there based on poverty levels of black and Mexican individuals which is unfortunate. However that wasn't the point of my getting involved in this thread.
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Old 01-26-2017, 10:41 PM   #240
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The funniest part was that she's going to marry a rich guy after she's done 20 years from now? I'm sure rich guys are hunting for nearly 50 year olds that fucked their whole adult life for money, what a prize for the lucky old fart.

If she was smart she would try to catch a bench warmer NBA or NFL player NOW and become one of their many baby momma, But with all them hot looking Instagram hotties, she wouldn't be able to pull that off. Oh well
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