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Old 01-10-2017, 03:37 PM   #1
Simian OrLizard
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Default Virtual Reality is truly here guys.

So, I'm a bit younger than a lot of the average hobbyists. I grew up right alongside the video game industry, and can recall the old cash grab attempts from companies like Nintendo (power glove anyone?). One thing I recall most was Nintendo in their initial attempt at creating a "virtual world". So, when the news came that things like the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR were coming out I was admittedly hesitant. I watched the videos and witnessed the game play second hand and thought, this is yet another gimmick.

Then something strange happened.

While browsing Pornhub I stumbled on a video I was interested in. I know what you're thinking and yes it involved midgets. Haha. When I tried to watch said video however, I was disappointed by a message saying that I would need a VR headset to enjoy it. Bewildered I started thinking back at all the different variations of distribution the porn industry had utilized.

Look back and you will see;

VHS, while fully supported by the Mr. Rogers, was brought to the mass market to satisfy the consumer base created by home viewers of poon.

DVD shut down laser disc when porn began distributing exclusively through them.

Then the internet boom created an all new digital market that has all but eliminated the DVD market.

I'll even go a step further and say that Blu Ray likely thwarted the attempts made by Toshiba HD to corner the home media market when they obtained exclusive rights to distribute the major porn companies.

Which brings me to the current market. We have 4k ultra HD beginning to pick up steam. I haven't seen anything about major porn companies backing the discs however. What I have seen though, is a number of sites promoting new VR content.

Now, this is only a prediction from someone whos thoughts should likely be working toward something else, but I propose that 4k will never quite leave the ground while VR becomes a household item like the DVD player.

Not right away of course, but within 8 years we will have people walk in on us all the time, stroking our dicks - oblivious to the world around us.
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Old 01-10-2017, 05:30 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Simian OrLizard View Post

Not right away of course, but within 8 years we will have people walk in on us all the time, stroking our dicks - oblivious to the world around us.
This happens to me at least once a week now.
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Old 01-10-2017, 05:50 PM   #3
Simian OrLizard
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Public transportation doesn't count, Basscat. Hahaha.
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Old 01-10-2017, 05:52 PM   #4
Simian OrLizard
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Also, I wasn't fair in my initial post. I know ladies like to flick the ol' bean as much as we like to diddle ourselves. So ladies, feel included in that we are all going to be caught with our pants down, tongues hanging out, and a goofy pair of goggles hiding the shame in our loved ones eyes.
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Old 01-10-2017, 08:42 PM   #5
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Well, I've been a lurker here for a while and love reading the different posts but have yet to speak on anything (with the exception of my one whole review - lol!) but this one I had to chime in on.

I'm a tech geek. I had a Google Cardboard as soon as I could get my hands on it. Meh. It was fun for the novelty but not really there. Then I got a Samsung Gear VR and HOLY CRAP! It was awesome. Of course the first thing I started looking for was Porn. Then, I found it.

As I sat in my office chair with the big, bulky headset strapped to my head and headphones in the video started. A young, beautiful, starlet came prancing right up to me and said hi. Fast forward a few minutes and I knew then that this was marking the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it. It's still in an infancy but it was an awesome experience. I give it five years and we'll be strapping in to suits and having "virtual sex" with a woman / cam girl on the other side of the planet. Our girls here won't even have to meet us in person anymore. And we - We'll all be plugged in. HAHA!

Of course I'm (semi) joking but it is awesome and I agree with Simian. I think the future is Augmented reality though. Imagine that pornstar actually in YOUR bed. Not you being transported to her world but her being brought to yours.

Technology is cool I just hope it doesn't end up making us forget about real, physical connection as well.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 01-10-2017, 09:31 PM   #6
Simian OrLizard
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My job entails analysis of digital and social media, video games, and electronics. Most of what I do is advise at different levels, what people and companies should invest in to promote their wealth. One of my "talking points" for people looking to invest is look to the porno market. This post was made with a level of humor but I'm also being fairly serious here. Whether the average person wants to admit it or no, porn decides an increasingly large amount of how we ingest media. All of my statements made regarding VHS, DVD vs. Laser Disc etc. Were based on statistical analysis. This shit fascinates me because we as a society like to pretend like pornstars are useless tools with no value to the world. All the while, the next young starlet is deciding how we are going to be watching the next big thing, all the while with a huge load of cum on her face.
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Old 01-10-2017, 10:24 PM   #7
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You make some very good points on how porn has shaped what technology wins in the consumer market . Clearly sex sells Madison Avenue woke up to that decades ago.

Most people may look down on porn stars but I for one do not. I love some good pov porn. I will see a new girl go search her twitter out and watch her career progress. People are such hypocrites. Most guys putting down a girl for being in porn would suck a egg fart out of her ass just to be near her pussy.
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