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Old 01-06-2017, 08:05 PM   #1
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Default I had a grand to spend.....

I had a grand to spend...one of the few times I actually had some unspoken for dough and I was going to treat myself. I don't hobby as much and that might have been a problem.

I contacted a total of 10 providers this Friday. TEN!!!!!!

The first one got back to me 6 hours after the initial contact!!!
I don't know about you, but that's too long.

The next 7 NEVER got back to me. I asked if they had any appointments open and they all said that they did and I replied back immediately asking what times they might be available....nothing but crickets...now, I thought maybe their was something wrong with my phone, but all of my other contacts were coming through...

So that was 8 of them. One did get back to me, but said she couldn't do it tonight, but was willing to do an early morning session, but that wouldn't work out for me.

So, that was nine...then on my way back from Omaha, I tried a younger provider that I had seen once before...she's pretty new, but has great potential, and has had a few other good reviews. Same thing...I asked if she was taking appointments tonight...she said yes...I said will 9pm work, and nothing...I waited for 45 minutes and repeated, still nothing.

So, I took my money, stuck it back in the bank at the drive through, gonna pay a credit card off with it now.

I could understand maybe one or two, maybe even 3...but TEN!!!...unbelieveable...evide ntly business is soo good that they don't want my business...and btw...I was looking to do a double...So, I guess we both lost....just not happy at all...
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Old 01-06-2017, 09:57 PM   #2
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Damn never heard of a guy having so much trouble to spend some money on a great time :/.
I'll help you out the next time i'm in town which will be either March or April lol. <3
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Old 01-07-2017, 04:12 AM   #3
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I feel your pain. This isn't a hobby friendly area like some of the other bigger cities. I've been NCNS multiple times even by ladies I've seen previously. When the talent pool is soo small they can get away with more and continue getting business. I'm still new to all of this but also it seems like a lot of the ladies normal lives get in the way more often. Then again you could chalk it up to bad day. These are just my thoughts...right or wrong.
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Old 01-07-2017, 05:17 AM   #4
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I usually make first contact with new providers I haven't seen on P411 at least a day or two before I want an appointment. Once I've seen them, I will text for short notice appointments, but quite a few have other jobs, or kids etc, so less than 24 hours notice gets pretty tough with a lot of them.
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Old 01-07-2017, 08:16 AM   #5
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Sucks for you
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Old 01-07-2017, 09:13 AM   #6
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What I don't get is some providers don't like it when a client sends them a message. "Are you available" . It's like they want a long conversation before you ask them if they are available. So you have to be careful on how you word your message. Some get offended I guess. So some may have not responded because of the message you sent. I don't know. Maybe some providers may chime in on this.
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Old 01-07-2017, 09:22 AM   #7
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Lol! Paying bills smarter choice.
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Old 01-07-2017, 10:11 AM   #8
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That is some pretty bad luck! I've had some times on short notice that things haven't worked out but NEVER have I contacted 10 ladies and got nothing.
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Old 01-07-2017, 02:10 PM   #9
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I usually ask if they have time to play about 2 pm, or whatever time give or take an hour would work for me.
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Old 01-08-2017, 05:25 AM   #10
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The lack of specificity and short notice time frame may have been the OP's problem. It's not the case for everyone, but I know of lots of providers who really do prefer thorough inquiries, especially those that include all pertinent details like what time, where, how long, etc. And if you are trying to coordinate the logistics of what could have been a two hour or so long doubles session with two escorts, more leeway would probably enhance the experience for everyone involved. Especially if the ladies haven't played with each other or you before.

If it really is difficult to know a full day or more beforehand that you'll have time to visit an escort, I'd highly suggest a verification service. P411 or even RS-AVS if ladies in this area use it. Best of luck next time.
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Old 01-08-2017, 01:20 PM   #11
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I have a rule that I have stuck by almost my entire hobby career. If I have to work to get an appointment then I won't see the provider. It's my time and my money. I understand things happen from a providers side but simply put that's too bad. I am the consumer plain and simple. I want to feel that they want to see me not how can I adjust my time to fit their schedule. If I miss seeing a provider because of this then so be it.
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Old 01-08-2017, 04:49 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lena Duvall View Post
The lack of specificity and short notice time frame may have been the OP's problem. It's not the case for everyone, but I know of lots of providers who really do prefer thorough inquiries, especially those that include all pertinent details like what time, where, how long, etc. And if you are trying to coordinate the logistics of what could have been a two hour or so long doubles session with two escorts, more leeway would probably enhance the experience for everyone involved. Especially if the ladies haven't played with each other or you before.

If it really is difficult to know a full day or more beforehand that you'll have time to visit an escort, I'd highly suggest a verification service. P411 or even RS-AVS if ladies in this area use it. Best of luck next time.
This is true. I think men forget that we aren't "on" 24/7, some of us are students, parents, caregivers, or have other jobs. It's why I rarely (and usually only for regulars) ever do same day appointments or something short notice. If I lose a client or two, so be it. I tried being available short notice 24/7 and it drove me crazy, lol.
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Old 01-14-2017, 03:26 AM   #13
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Well if the local girls don't want to work, then watch for the girls.traveling. I suggest making sure you prescreening with the providers you have on your short.list so when you do have the time to make an appointment you are already finished with the business end and can just kick back and have fun.

I know for me, I look forward to seeing someone who shows me respect by getting the business end out of the way before hand. Let's me know I can relax a little and be a little less concerned about gaining a pair of silver one size fits all.bracelets.
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Old 01-14-2017, 06:50 AM   #14
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Lack of response is becoming more common for me, even with regulars. Has uncle Leo's efforts had that effect? I am on the road some and find myself having fewer Nebraska dates and visiting regular Kansas ladies.
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Old 01-14-2017, 07:13 AM   #15
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First, you shouldn't expect a lot of success on a last minute request. I always plan at least a day out, and more for first meetings where my references need to be checked.

That said, Omaha/Lincoln girls have NCNS or late cancelled on me 4 of 5 tries (none were same day requests). And out of about 30 non-Nebraska meetings it has happened ZERO times. Hmmmm.
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