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Old 12-05-2016, 04:58 PM   #1
Kat VonDee
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Default BackPage Ad

I've received over 70 texts, 30 missed called & an unbelievable amount of emails in regards to the Backpage ad Lariyah Cash & her former pimp made on me. I would like to clear the air, I don't use backpage nor will I ever post my RW info in an ad on bp. I really hope you & your pimp & your guy's little puppet Ellie got a real good laugh out of what you've done. & even more so, thank you Lariyah for backstabbing me when you reached out to me for help & advise on how to get out of the stable. I'm personally sick of all 3 of you constantly trying to find ways to bring problems in my life. Lariyah, if you didn't want people speaking badly upon you, maybe you should have made better decisions in life when it comes in regards to who you are as a person, don't be mad at me people are calling you out on your hoax. Even more so, don't be mad at me you felt like an idiot for not listening to me when I told you the truth about your pimp. You played yourself when you had all the info to do better with yourself. Everyone warned me about talking to you, everyone told me you were going to back stab me. But just know, all the lies you're spreading everywhere about me, my family, my friends & even my own child knows it's far from the truth. Unlike the things people said about you. & I hope you & TPC got a real good laugh out of it. But none of you will ever take me down again. & I will be waiting to see whatever else you all have to post somewhere about me & my child, since you claim you're far from done bothering with me.
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Old 12-05-2016, 06:10 PM   #2
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Sorry you have to continually put up with this BS, I think most everyone realizes it is them.

Keep your chin up babe!!
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Old 12-05-2016, 06:33 PM   #3
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Sounds like a real piece of work that one, sorry to hear it.
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Old 12-05-2016, 06:56 PM   #4
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So sorry you're dealing with this. Hang in there KVD!
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Old 12-05-2016, 07:24 PM   #5
Kat VonDee
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Thanks everyone, problem has been solved.
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Old 12-06-2016, 10:42 PM   #6
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Good to hear. I reported the post on BP the moment I heard about it. Outing someone is such a shitty thing to do.
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Old 12-07-2016, 02:44 PM   #7
Kat VonDee
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Originally Posted by Dkayz View Post
Good to hear. I reported the post on BP the moment I heard about it. Outing someone is such a shitty thing to do.
I've been banned on this site for accidentally "outing" someone because I was being accused of something. It's one thing for people to speak the truth in regards to who you are, but it's another thing for people to make up stories about you just out of pure spite to try to destroy your life & biz. & then to go above & beyond & post things to where people can look you up on social media & even find your rw address. All has been taken care of though & I truly hope that this is the last time this crew decides to bother with me. They can be miserable on their own time, but I refuse to go thru another year of harassment. Misery loves company & I refuse to bless them with mine
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Old 12-07-2016, 11:37 PM   #8
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I have not been named in any drama since you got banned for accidentally outing someone last year now that you are back my name gets thrown into more drama. You do know that you don't have to keep up drama or play the victim in order to get business do you? I'm no one's puppet and LC is her own person. I won't go into detail about the situation but her and I were friends when you accidentally outed her personal information, and accidentally posted those ads about her and everything else you accidentally did. Whatever problems you might have had with her it could have been solved in a different way but to accidentally out her like that was a messed up thing to do. I saw all the problems that came with you outing her RW info. I don't know who posted about you or even if a post was made. it was not me but at the same time you can't run to the boards crying about someone posting things about you when you accidentally did the same thing to someone first. It seems that your beef is not with me so keep me out of it. We all have personal lives outside of this. Outing is never ok and it does sucks and it should never happen even if it was accidental on your part. You can keep the drama going, play the victim role or whatever but you can do that alone or with whoever wants to join you bc I won't play apart in it bc I don't have the time or energy for it. If you have any issues with me or if you think I had something to do with the post you are talking about you have been misinformed and i'm sorry you feel that way.
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Old 12-08-2016, 12:33 AM   #9
Kat VonDee
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Originally Posted by Ellie_AlexandraXXX View Post
I have not been named in any drama since you got banned for accidentally outing someone last year now that you are back my name gets thrown into more drama. You do know that you don't have to keep up drama or play the victim in order to get business do you? I'm no one's puppet and LC is her own person. I won't go into detail about the situation but her and I were friends when you accidentally outed her personal information, and accidentally posted those ads about her and everything else you accidentally did. Whatever problems you might have had with her it could have been solved in a different way but to accidentally out her like that was a messed up thing to do. I saw all the problems that came with you outing her RW info. I don't know who posted about you or even if a post was made. it was not me but at the same time you can't run to the boards crying about someone posting things about you when you accidentally did the same thing to someone first. It seems that your beef is not with me so keep me out of it. We all have personal lives outside of this. Outing is never ok and it does sucks and it should never happen even if it was accidental on your part. You can keep the drama going, play the victim role or whatever but you can do that alone or with whoever wants to join you bc I won't play apart in it bc I don't have the time or energy for it. If you have any issues with me or if you think I had something to do with the post you are talking about you have been misinformed and i'm sorry you feel that way.
I didn't post any ads on her, & I told her that personally when I spoke to her on the phone, AY. It's funny I notice her P411 is back up & she's coming to KC soon & you want to get on here & fight with me to save her already tarnished reputation. Hmmm, is there a tactic here? Why don't you tell people how 2 nights ago you were driving LC to my house to come fight me & how you were supposed to "help" her? I don't have to play victim. You thought posting that bp ad of me would tarnish my rep & you both expected me to stoop to your level & do the same thing, & when I didn't, that really pissed you off, huh? You know the reason why I got banned a year ago is because I accidentally mentioned the site where you could find this post that I supposedly made on LC. It wasn't because I got on here & "accidentally" said her RW info. Before anything was even said on my behalf, there was plenty of stuff to find on her all over the place. So if she wanted to be mad or go after anyone, she should've went after who did it first, all I did was repeat what they said & what others told me from working with her in clubs.
Even more so, according to LC, she claimed she left the PaperChasing stable because you were favoring Ellie more than her & was just sending her off to make you money. She begged me not to get on here & say anything about anything she told me. Well, we see how that worked when she turned around & back stabbed me!
But I see she is happily back in her little stable with Tango & her little puppet friend Ellie & that's cool. Like I've told her, I have an inner peace in my life that CANNOT be bothered & I am truly blessed to be away from your shitty situation & I wish you would all find someone else to fuck with because I am truly over it. Been going on over a year. When is enough, enough?
It's no secret EA & LC have a pimp. It's actually quite obvious. My motive was to never destroy anyone's biz, regardless people are going to see your woman if you're the one controlling everything but their phones or not. All I ever wanted was people to understand all info they pass over via pm or email is going directly into a pimp's "black book" & you are more than just a disgusting, lazy, worthless human behind a screen. You are a monster who preys on women.
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Old 12-08-2016, 08:12 AM   #10
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The victim card has been used up Kat. Maybe if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. Oddly enough, I only see you keeping up with them and calling them out online and staying in touch with them.

And maybe you oughta worry about your own reputation before you try to slander theirs some more. We all know the pimp story, its over 2 years old by now. No pimp harasses his ex hoes for this long. And no hooker should ever be this much worried about an ex pimp and his hoes.

This seems like some jealous plot to ruin these girls. It's especially funny to see this thread right when lariyahs p411 ad pops up in Wichita. Just move on. You are the one keeping this drama going.
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Old 12-08-2016, 10:45 AM   #11
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Gemma, I haven't spoke with you since you messaged me accusing me of trying to copy your P411 profile. For some odd reason, seems like you have some pent up hatred towards me within the past few months that I can't pin point why.If you knew about Lariyah reaching out to me the past few months over the pimp situation, you would have a better understanding as to why they did this. Her P411 profile miraculously came back up the day after she posted a bp ad on me with my real world info, so it was very much a tactic to ruin my biz & rep. Since I've got back on Eccie, not once have I stirred up shit anywhere or even spoke about these people. Had no intentions to neither. Only reason I even said anything was after LC decided to post a bp ad on me with my RW phone #, social media connections & ways to find my RW address. Last 2 pics on the ad were old pics regarding me & AY so I know exactly why she did it. I will happily send you screen shots of the bp ad & even screen shots of the convo we had via Facebook to show nobody is playing "victim".
Bottom line, I'm not bothering anyone & I'm not worried about what anyone's doing. I just want to be left alone.

Now I hope everyone has a good day because I know I will.
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Old 12-08-2016, 11:17 AM   #12
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Yes... nothing makes people want to go spend time with providers more than drama. LOL.

Isn't the powder room a better place to hash all this out? Does anyone think this increases business? Just a thought.

If not!
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Old 12-08-2016, 11:25 AM   #13
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I never wanted my biz to be associated with drama. I don't think it does anyone's biz any good. I have nothing more to say in regards to this situation, I've said what I had to say. The only reason I posted what I did was to let people know the bp ad was fake & who made it & why. Everyone else is entitled to their own opinion. I have no reason to be vengeful, play victim or even as much be jealous. End of story.
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Old 12-11-2016, 10:33 AM   #14
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Default hmmm...

Originally Posted by Ellie_AlexandraXXX View Post
I have not been named in any drama since you got banned for accidentally outing someone last year now that you are back my name gets thrown into more drama. You do know that you don't have to keep up drama or play the victim in order to get business do you? I'm no one's puppet and LC is her own person. I won't go into detail about the situation but her and I were friends when you accidentally outed her personal information, and accidentally posted those ads about her and everything else you accidentally did. Whatever problems you might have had with her it could have been solved in a different way but to accidentally out her like that was a messed up thing to do. I saw all the problems that came with you outing her RW info. I don't know who posted about you or even if a post was made. it was not me but at the same time you can't run to the boards crying about someone posting things about you when you accidentally did the same thing to someone first. It seems that your beef is not with me so keep me out of it. We all have personal lives outside of this. Outing is never ok and it does sucks and it should never happen even if it was accidental on your part. You can keep the drama going, play the victim role or whatever but you can do that alone or with whoever wants to join you bc I won't play apart in it bc I don't have the time or energy for it. If you have any issues with me or if you think I had something to do with the post you are talking about you have been misinformed and i'm sorry you feel that way.
Ellie speaks out or did she?

I find it interesting that you have decided to speak out at this time, if this really is you and not your pimp who has had control of your account. He was Lariyah's pimp previously also, right, but she got away.

Tell "Tango" we're still onto him and his tactics and are watching and waiting.

One more thing, when will you be getting your crown tattoo with the letters "TPC" (Team Paper Chase)?
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Old 12-11-2016, 05:16 PM   #15
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LC got away for a bit, but is now back with the crew. She wouldn't know how to be independent even if you gave her an instruction manual. Even more so, the situation that caused me to post has been taken care of, the bp ad is down now & as you can see, I haven't pulled my claws out & lashed back. I simply explained on here why this ad was posted in the 1st place. TPC has no credibility here or on any other site & they're fully aware of that. I've never played victim, me along with several others have done our fair share of attacking this crew, but after almost 2 years, I've got better things to do now. If someone asks me about the truth in regards to this situation, I will gladly tell them, other than that, I care less to speak upon it anymore.
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