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Old 11-25-2016, 08:05 AM   #1
Chung Tran
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Default The Quick Visit (QV) Versus the Half Hour (HH) Session

it seems like more providers offer a QV now, than ever before.. I'm sure that's about increasing Client base, but the unintended consequences may be promoting the QV as a HH substitute.. the donation is significantly lower. for guys who are able to "get off" quickly, especially, why bother with the HH?

there is one review on page one right now, where all activities were performed during a QV.. I imagine both Hobbyist and Provider were less satisfied from the encounter (vis-a-vis a HH), but price won out. at what point does the time and pricing compression make it worthwhile?

also, I notice there are many Providers who thrive on the QV, the "blow n go".. for some that is basically all they do.. if that's your means of sustaining, I get it.. not sure I get the appeal for others.

I have not done a QV, or "blow n go" yet.. but it looks increasingly attractive.
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Old 11-25-2016, 09:17 AM   #2
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I only do QV or BNG if the provider gives a very talented BJ, otherwise I'm doing HH. While I'm a 1 shot guy 15 min is too short for a thorough fucking and 1 hr can mean 15 minutes or more of talk or even leaving early. My internal clock is atomic.
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Old 11-25-2016, 10:37 AM   #3
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Lol Chung...you type and think too much. I've never done a QV but it's not a bad idea to just see if you click with the lady and want to come back later for a longer visit. I usually do the 1/2 hour for a meet n greet. Sometimes I repeat for another session and sometimes I won't.
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Old 11-25-2016, 03:05 PM   #4
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I'm sure there are many guys like me who don't last very long and can't do multiple shots. I really appreciate providers that offer QVs. I don't like donating $200 or more if I know I'll only be there for 15 min.
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Old 11-25-2016, 03:18 PM   #5
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Lol Chung...you type and think too much. I've never done a QV but it's not a bad idea to just see if you click with the lady and want to come back later for a longer visit.
type, maybe, but think? I doubt that, LOL..

but while I'm thinking.. can you really see in 15 minutes, or so, if you "click" with a lady? I don't see how.. you're inherently rushed, so unless you define "click" as getting off seamlessly in a matter of minutes...
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Old 11-25-2016, 04:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
type, maybe, but think? I doubt that, LOL..

but while I'm thinking.. can you really see in 15 minutes, or so, if you "click" with a lady? I don't see how.. you're inherently rushed, so unless you define "click" as getting off seamlessly in a matter of minutes...
for me, in 10-15 mins i usually know if i'll be back or not, but
the rematch session(s) lengths are not so obvious at that time.

i do see the cost benefit of more shorter, less expenisive sessions for guys like myself for whom a double shot in 60 mins is iffy.

but the times that i do get it twice, or very rarely three times, in an hour with a special lady is priceless.
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Old 11-26-2016, 10:04 AM   #7
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1) What I can afford
2) If I'm looking to do a specific act or just go with the flow
3) If she's new and I'm testing the waters
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Old 11-26-2016, 10:18 AM   #8
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Well I "think" CT that we only get one chance to make a first (or last) impression. It doesn't take a 300$+ hour to do that IMO

Edit...sometimes you can even tell by the PMs or text if you want a meet n greet
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Old 11-26-2016, 10:31 AM   #9
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Agree...QVs are perfect for guys that pop fast and only once. I've done car dates, BNGs but I felt like I was there too long, even tho the girls didn't say anything. So I stick to one hour sessions now.

The girls see the need for this and I'm sure there are lots of guys that love it.
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Old 11-26-2016, 10:41 AM   #10
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I enjoy the qv because I can check out the girl and see if she's worth spending the coin for the full hour. Hell, I've paid some for the full hour and was ready to leave 15 mins after. Attitude and skill can be measured on her enthusiasm and how she treats you in those first few mins. together. Anyway to each his own.
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Old 11-26-2016, 05:51 PM   #11
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It depends on what your looking for out of an experience. Some guys just like to go in, bust the nut and roll out. For those guys, the QV is the best. I know when I get in a mood like that.. I hit up the streets or a few websites and in 15 - 20 min my troubles are gone. For those that are looking for the total package, connection, possible long term, repeat visits, GFE (lite) the HH/HR is the way to go.

For me. I'm not trying to establish a connection or long term arrangement with a provider. I understand that this is a business for them and I treat it as such, respectfully of course. I save the mental/ in depth physical connections options for those I meet in the RW, Tinder/Bumble and long term fuck buddies.
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Old 11-27-2016, 12:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
it's not a bad idea to just see if you click with the lady
From a ladies view, I don't feel that you can "click" with someone in a 15minute wham bam thank you ma'am visit, but that's just my opinion.

I have had several friends in the that only do these type of "hit-n-run" sessions. Usually it's because they have a quick trigger, are short on time or short of funds.
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Old 11-27-2016, 02:12 AM   #13
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I can get mine in like 3 minutes, so the other 12 is spent "connecting" with the lady. Plus, for 100 or less, it helps with getting to meet more providers to see who I really do click with.

But let's be real. If we're just trying to get a nut and 15m is sufficient, I feel like it's a worthwhile offering.
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Old 11-27-2016, 04:06 AM   #14
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My QV turn into a HHR anyway. Not because I'm purposely taking my time, we just end up shooting the shit. I can honestly say I have never been rushed on a QV but then again, I am seeing regulars for QV's so there is a a connection and familiarity there.

Sometimes when I'm on my way to work early AM I try to set up a quick car date bng or QV but it the coordination takes longer than the damn session...I just give up.
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Old 11-27-2016, 12:38 PM   #15
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Sounds like anyone doing a QV is just too cheap or poor to do longer. Go to BP if you can't afford to play here.
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