Originally Posted by Budman
Just curious. What happens to his senate seat if he is moved to the supreme court? Trump has already named Sessions so another senator may not be the best move unless we are assured of a republican replacement.
That was my concern as well, but the other hurdles to Cruz getting appointed make it unlikely to be an issue ... his seat is up for grabs in the primary anyway if Perry makes a run for it. Right now head-to-head Perry would beat him ... unless he makes nice with Trump and gains back some self-respect. He's quasi-establishment.
It all depends on Trump's performance with the team he has in place in January based on the reality and not the blogs.
This blog and 90% of the others will be .. "the sky is falling ...etc."
The outcasts from 2016 will be whining for four more years!!!!!
You can always tell the kids at the grocery who get a candy when they lie on the floor and throw a tantrum screaming bloody murder.
It's the ones who .....
.."lie on the floor and throw a tantrum screaming bloody murder."
It'll take 'em about four years to figure out .... "no candy"! It's "education."