Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Typical liberal does not understand that hard work can and will lead to success in spite of the governments meddling. When the government fails at social engineering, why should a person not take advantage of the failed program. Common sense is lost on libtardes. The idea that because they have deemed themselves "educated" they believe they are smarter than others, but fail to understand that all the knowledge in the world does not help you if you do not have sense enough to get off the tracks when a train is coming.
I understand that sometimes success is a result of hard work; thats why I qualified my statement with "rarely".
however you're still trying to causally look over Trump openly rooting for failure vs. capitalizing off the end result of the collapse.
again your brain synapses are firing on all the wrong cylinders and it's clear as day that you, oralist, GS, and anyone that gleefully and ignorantly agree with your absurdity will never comprehend the basics.
sure once an event happens its nothing but business to capitalize on it. Keep in mind though that's not what we're arguing. We're arguing whether or not it was Patriotic for Trump to openly root for the Market collapse for 2yrs and now go around wearing those wack ass Make America Great Again hats. The fact you can't see it is well Priceless.