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Old 11-05-2016, 09:04 PM   #271
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Once again we are not speaking of guilt or innocence regarding penal laws or statutes. We are not necessarily speaking of crimes. We are speaking of actions against the interests of the United States which fall short of crimes, but which are against our principles and interests.

Huma has never renounced her family's wahabbist activism. Under normal circumstances for even a TOP SECRET level of security the FBI checks out family members and their affiliations.

Under normal circumstances the FBI would have never have granted Huma a clearance. She is presumed under normal protocals to be vulnerable to passing classified information to her family, which are supporters of ISIS and other Islamist groups and causes.

It is a normal presumption.
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Old 11-05-2016, 09:07 PM   #272
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There are other academics who give Trump a win. This is typical. Our universities today are a disgrace of PC and far Left Wing propaganda. I'm glad my kids are out of those places finally and in the real world.
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Old 11-05-2016, 09:13 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Excuse me? I've lost credibility??? You've got to be kidding with the crap you've been coming up with. If you don't like the source I cited on the alleged rape there are many more below.

But you have TOTALLY missed my point in the post which is there are baseless attacks on Trump just as there are on Clinton and Abedin. I made that ultra clear. It is so easy to say the Clinton Foundation is corrupt or Abedin has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood or Trump raped a 13-year old. At least I've cited websites that explain where the claims are coming from. You've given us zip, nada, nothing, rien, squat.





Being intelligent means having the ability to make distinctions. The sex charges against Trump are baseless for a variety of compelling reasons. However if you look carefully at the emails and other evidence you will see that the current set of charges against Hilary are credible. That is why the FBI and the NYPD are investigating. It is why credible sources like former FBI officials are providing their opinions that Hilary is culpable.
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Old 11-06-2016, 07:53 AM   #274
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
Once again we are not speaking of guilt or innocence regarding penal laws or statutes. We are not necessarily speaking of crimes. We are speaking of actions against the interests of the United States which fall short of crimes, but which are against our principles and interests.

Huma has never renounced her family's wahabbist activism. Under normal circumstances for even a TOP SECRET level of security the FBI checks out family members and their affiliations.

Under normal circumstances the FBI would have never have granted Huma a clearance. She is presumed under normal protocals to be vulnerable to passing classified information to her family, which are supporters of ISIS and other Islamist groups and causes.

It is a normal presumption.
Ridiculous. Huma was exposed to wahabbism as a child. Huma Abedin has declared herself to be a "proud Muslim" and some idiots have turned that into her saying she is a "proud wahabbist Muslim". I was in Communist China earlier this year but I did not become a Communist. Abedin does not have to renounce anything. There are no ties between her and radical terrorist groups. And she has never shown, as you put it "actions against the interests of the United States which fall short of crimes, but which are against our principles and interests. "
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Old 11-06-2016, 07:59 AM   #275
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
Being intelligent means having the ability to make distinctions. The sex charges against Trump are baseless for a variety of compelling reasons. However if you look carefully at the emails and other evidence you will see that the current set of charges against Hilary are credible. That is why the FBI and the NYPD are investigating. It is why credible sources like former FBI officials are providing their opinions that Hilary is culpable.
The sex charges against Trump are very much credible. He is a man of power and such people often use that power to manipulate others. I most definitely believe that Trump could be guilty of the charges made against him by those 10 or more women. But until there is solid proof, Trump is innocent. Same with Clinton. There is a possibility that she is guilty of something. Until solid proof comes out, whether it be from the FBI, NYPD, or any other source, she should be considered innocent.

And since nothing will come out between now and Tuesday, how do you feel about Tim Kaine as POTUS?
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Old 11-06-2016, 08:16 AM   #276
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Ive got 50 on trump for anyone who wants to take it
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Old 11-06-2016, 08:55 AM   #277
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[QUOTE=pussycat;1058833125 That is why the FBI and the NYPD are investigating. I[/QUOTE

BTW. I can't find a single REPUTABLE news source that is reporting on the NYPD getting involved in any investigation. Breitbart. nickwells. thepoliticalinsider. viralliberty.

When the FBI said they were looking into the possibility of more information coming forward that might implicate Clinton, EVERY new source reported it. Why haven't ABC, NBC, ABC, CNN, or even FOX mentioned this?

Same goes for FBI officials providing opinions that Clinton is guilty. What credible source do you have that support this statement?
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Old 11-06-2016, 12:22 PM   #278
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Ridiculous. Huma was exposed to wahabbism as a child. Huma Abedin has declared herself to be a "proud Muslim" and some idiots have turned that into her saying she is a "proud wahabbist Muslim". I was in Communist China earlier this year but I did not become a Communist. Abedin does not have to renounce anything. There are no ties between her and radical terrorist groups. And she has never shown, as you put it "actions against the interests of the United States which fall short of crimes, but which are against our principles and interests. "
Neither you or I knows what Huma's opinions are. But according to standard practices of conveyance of security clearances if you have immediate family members who are activists for ideologies or party members of ideologies in armed conflict with America then you will be disqualified from the granting of a clearance.

For example, during the Cold War if you applied for a clearance and your mother and brothers were Russian nationals who were members of a communist front organization preaching communist ideology you would be denied a clearance.

In order for Huma to overcome this presumption she needs to break her ties with her Islamist family members and renounce Radical Salifist Islam.

But she hasn't done that.
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Old 11-06-2016, 12:31 PM   #279
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
The sex charges against Trump are very much credible. He is a man of power and such people often use that power to manipulate others. I most definitely believe that Trump could be guilty of the charges made against him by those 10 or more women. But until there is solid proof, Trump is innocent. Same with Clinton. There is a possibility that she is guilty of something. Until solid proof comes out, whether it be from the FBI, NYPD, or any other source, she should be considered innocent.

And since nothing will come out between now and Tuesday, how do you feel about Tim Kaine as POTUS?
Now you are being ridiculous. You cannot claim that anyone who is in power must be manipulating others and therefore any claim of abuse must be believed.

The girls who made accusations against Bill had physical evidence...a semen stained dress, or made their accusations promptly after the events happened.

The slew of people making accusations against Trump only came out at the time of this campaign. If their charges were credible they would have complained when the events happened. They are presumed to be motivated by partisan motives to smear him if they only come out with accusations during a political campaign. Furthermore the one who claimed she was molested on an airliner was discredited by her own statements in her appearance on CNN when she misspoke and said she allowed the touching to continue for at least 15 minutes before she got up and left.

Like I said, being intelligent means having the ability to make distinctions. In this case to look at the circumstances involved in these various claims and deduce which are might be true from those which probably are not true.
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Old 11-06-2016, 12:37 PM   #280
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What the Trump movement is about is working people using their right to vote to oppose the agenda of the Left, which has abandoned them.

The Right doesn't give a shit about working people and never has. And the Left with it's activists and intellectuals and academics have thrown American working people under the bus. They did this because the Left are humanitarians and not nationalists. The Left doesn't care what's best for American workers. The Left is just as concerned about the well being of Chinese and Mexicans and Hondurans and Peruvians because they are all human beings.

But to working Americans this is ridiculous. Life is a jungle. Life is competition. Life is a zero sum game. If the Chinese are better off today in our trade with them it's at OUR expense. As a businessman Trump knows this.

Working people are nationalists, and demand that their government do what is in their interests only, and not exist to provide benefits to foreigners at the expense of Americans.
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Old 11-06-2016, 04:16 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
Neither you or I knows what Huma's opinions are. But according to standard practices of conveyance of security clearances if you have immediate family members who are activists for ideologies or party members of ideologies in armed conflict with America then you will be disqualified from the granting of a clearance.

For example, during the Cold War if you applied for a clearance and your mother and brothers were Russian nationals who were members of a communist front organization preaching communist ideology you would be denied a clearance.

In order for Huma to overcome this presumption she needs to break her ties with her Islamist family members and renounce Radical Salifist Islam.

But she hasn't done that.
You are 100% wrong if you believe that Abedin's parents have been associated with radical groups. NOTHING IS THERE!!! Her father died 23 years ago. Her mother took over control of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs upon his death. It is not even a newspaper. It is an academic journal which has never preached anything remotely supporting terrorism. There is absolutely no evidence that Huma or her mother or father were, as you put it "activists for ideologies or party members of ideologies in armed conflict with America."

Once again your "conspiracy theory" accusations can not be proven. Once again you consider Abedin guilty without proof.
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Old 11-06-2016, 04:32 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
Now you are being ridiculous. You cannot claim that anyone who is in power must be manipulating others and therefore any claim of abuse must be believed.

The girls who made accusations against Bill had physical evidence...a semen stained dress, or made their accusations promptly after the events happened.

The slew of people making accusations against Trump only came out at the time of this campaign. If their charges were credible they would have complained when the events happened. They are presumed to be motivated by partisan motives to smear him if they only come out with accusations during a political campaign. Furthermore the one who claimed she was molested on an airliner was discredited by her own statements in her appearance on CNN when she misspoke and said she allowed the touching to continue for at least 15 minutes before she got up and left.

Like I said, being intelligent means having the ability to make distinctions. In this case to look at the circumstances involved in these various claims and deduce which are might be true from those which probably are not true.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

"You cannot claim that anyone who is in power must be manipulating others and therefore any claim of abuse must be believed." I never said anything like that. I said people like Trump, in a position of power, often use that power to manipulate others. Usually to gain an advantage over others. Rarely sexually I would assume. But I can certainly believe Trump COULD BE guilty but until it is proven I consider him innocent, just like anyone else who has been accused of a crime. I NEVER said any claim of abuse must be believed. I said exactly the opposite.

To respond to your second paragraph consider this scenario -- a woman is in a night club and a guy comes up and grabs her ass or breasts. No one is around to see it happen so no witnesses. If the woman brought her complaint to the police, what would happen? The police would explain to her that without a witness or maybe some sort of bruising, there would be no proof against the guy and therefore useless to bring charges. The women who claim to have been molested by Trump say they came forward after the damaging audio came out and Trump said he had never done what he described he could so. As in my scenario, reporting the unwanted sexual advances when they happened would have done little good. Although one woman did tell family members about her encounter. It sounds sketchy to me too so that is why I say innocent until proven guilty.
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Old 11-06-2016, 04:42 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
What the Trump movement is about is working people using their right to vote to oppose the agenda of the Left, which has abandoned them.

The Right doesn't give a shit about working people and never has. And the Left with it's activists and intellectuals and academics have thrown American working people under the bus. They did this because the Left are humanitarians and not nationalists. The Left doesn't care what's best for American workers. The Left is just as concerned about the well being of Chinese and Mexicans and Hondurans and Peruvians because they are all human beings.

But to working Americans this is ridiculous. Life is a jungle. Life is competition. Life is a zero sum game. If the Chinese are better off today in our trade with them it's at OUR expense. As a businessman Trump knows this.

Working people are nationalists, and demand that their government do what is in their interests only, and not exist to provide benefits to foreigners at the expense of Americans.
Correct and incorrect. I support the U.S. first. I care more about me than I do about you. But I think we are a prosperous enough nation that we can lend a helping hand to others throughout the world that need help. Regarding your last paragraph -- my wife about 13 years ago traveled into some of the poorer sections of Africa. Some people spent their waking hours simply searching for fresh water and food. How many people in our country do that? Once she also saw a plane landing that was part of The Clinton Foundation and was delivering food, water, and badly needed medicine to the people. And there was Bill Clinton (whom we both voted against twice for POTUS) helping to unload the plane. So while I most definitely am in support of the citizens of the U.S., I do not support that we do only what is in OUR best interests only.
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Old 11-08-2016, 10:06 AM   #284
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Old 11-08-2016, 12:14 PM   #285
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Originally Posted by helenasweets View Post
Satanism. Oh my god. Satanism. So, its come to that. Thought those irrational fears died in the eighties with the death of LPs. Good lord.
Ah guess yew ain't heard. Vinyl's makin' a cumback!
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