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Old 11-07-2016, 07:57 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I have a job moron. Between me and my employers I have paid over $225,000 in social security tax over the years. You want the see the statement from the government?

Before the ACA was passed if you were in the individual market (i.e. you could not get health insurance from your employer) and your blood Glucose was over 280 mg/ml, no health insurance company would sell that person a health insurance policy. If your blood glucose level is that high, that means you are going to be diabetic if you aren't already. Any doctor worth his degree would tell you that dumbass.

Stick to accounting LL, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
How the fuck can you say a motherfucker with blood glucose over 280mg/ml is "going to be a diabetic if they aren't already"?

That motherfucker has diabetes, no normal non diabetic could ever get that high!!!
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Old 11-07-2016, 09:59 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
I have a job moron. Between me and my employers I have paid over $225,000 in social security tax over the years. You want the see the statement from the government?

Before the ACA was passed if you were in the individual market (i.e. you could not get health insurance from your employer) and your blood Glucose was over 280 mg/ml, no health insurance company would sell that person a health insurance policy. If your blood glucose level is that high, that means you are going to be diabetic if you aren't already. Any doctor worth his degree would tell you that dumbass.

Stick to accounting LL, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
That's the same reason you can't buy auto insurance to cover a wreck you've already had. Mandating pre-existing condition coverage means the insurance company has to take on a customer that they know will cost them more than they will make. It's ridiculous. I've had a very bad pre-existing condition my entire life, and I always had insurance, because I knew where to look. My insurance now costs more and covers less, thanks to Obama. The free market would resolve these issues much more efficiently at a much lower cost. You know nothing about business. Government was the problem, and its worse now.
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Old 11-07-2016, 10:14 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
This alone is making the premium price go up. Before the ACA was passed health insurance companies did not sell health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions or to people who were "already sick" in the individual market.
Liar. Many states had high risk pools. People with pre-existing conditions could get insurance but it cost more.

Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Now the health insurance companies can't weed out sick people. People who were very sick loaded up on the bronze plan (the cheapest one) and submitted up 5 million dollars worth of claims, which is the typical policy max.
Now EVERYONE pays more. For the policy AND the deductibles and co pays. You're an idiot. I didn't say it, Gruber did.

Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
There is no easy way for health insurance companies to make a profit off of policyholders who are already sick. If there was you wouldn't need to pass a law to get health insurance companies to sell health insurance to sick people.
Then why call it the "AFFORDABLE Care Act?" Jeez, you're a moron.

BTW, you forgot the lie that the average family would save $2500 and it would be as affordable as a cell phone bill.
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Old 11-07-2016, 10:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Neither was your hero Bush43, the "C" history student from Yale University who ran the Texas Rangers into the ground before running the USA into the steepest RECESSION ever.
Wow. That's embarrassing. A bunch of legitimate points against your Obamacare namesake and you freak out and yell "BOOOOOSH." Sucks to be you.
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Old 11-07-2016, 11:40 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
This alone is making the premium price go up. Before the ACA was passed health insurance companies did not sell health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions or to people who were "already sick" in the individual market. Now the health insurance companies can't weed out sick people. People who were very sick loaded up on the bronze plan (the cheapest one) and submitted up 5 million dollars worth of claims, which is the typical policy max.

There is no easy way for health insurance companies to make a profit off of policyholders who are already sick. If there was you wouldn't need to pass a law to get health insurance companies to sell health insurance to sick people.
The ACA was developed and designed for one reason and that is to inevitably fail and be a spring board to single payer Government regulated Healthcare. An honest Doctor will tell you that. Doctors have to make a living treating illness and they need to get paid. Under a single payer system Doctors can expect to receive payment for administering bare minimum health services and patients won't have to really pay anything. It's when patients need more extensive treatment to ensure extension of life, improve quality of life or when traditional treatments just may not be effective treatment, that's when Doctors may not get compensated in a timely manner and patients will be stuck with a overwhelming bill that single payer insurance doesn't cover.

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Old 11-09-2016, 07:47 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
How the fuck can you say a motherfucker with blood glucose over 280mg/ml is "going to be a diabetic if they aren't already"?

That motherfucker has diabetes, no normal non diabetic could ever get that high!!!
DSK, your last sentence is not a true statement. You can be non diabetic(your system makes the insulin molecule) and still get a blood glucose level of 280 mg/ml for a short period of time. I'll give you an example. You eat 5 candy bars or a half of an apple pie, then take a non fasting blood test for Glucose 2 hours later. Your blood glucose could measure that high before the insulin starts getting the glucose molecule across the cell membrane to be utilized by the cell for energy and out of your blood stream.

A diabetic is a person whose body can't make insulin in sufficient amounts to get the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. Without insulin glucose just stays in your blood stream and never gets into your cells. Your glucose level would consistently measure in the high 200's.

If you eat a normal meal, and 6 hours later, your glucose level measures 280 mg/ml, then yes you are probably diabetic. That is your biochemistry lesson for the day.
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Old 11-09-2016, 08:12 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Liar. Many states had high risk pools. People with pre-existing conditions could get insurance but it cost more.
Your mixing apples and oranges dipshit. I wrote that health insurance companies did not sell health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. States that had high risk (risk pools) that was a state government solution. There were two major problems with this.

1. Not ALL states had high risk (risk pools). So if your in the individual market and you have pre-existing conditions and you live in a state that doesn't have a high risk (risk pool) then what? Just don't get sick and stay uninsured?

2. Some states that did have the high risk (risk pools) had a mandatory waiting list of 6 months before you could even apply to get into the high risk (risk pool).

Go back and read the post of J.D. Barleycorn's crude explanation of health insurance where he talks about keeping people off the "lifeboat" i.e. health insurance companies refusing to sell insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. You calling me a liar?
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Old 11-09-2016, 11:41 PM   #23
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Obamacare is toast, Fluffy. Watch what happens when we let the market work. You'll like it.
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Old 11-10-2016, 08:34 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Obamacare is toast, Watch what happens when we let the market work. You'll like it.
Go Fluff your hero Ron Paul faggot. I get health insurance from my employer. Which means I can't be on Obamacare, dipshit.

Wasn't the private sector at work before the ACA was passed? Yet 40 million people did not have health insurance.
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Old 11-10-2016, 10:19 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Go Fluff your hero Ron Paul faggot. I get health insurance from my employer. Which means I can't be on Obamacare, dipshit.

which means u are a turd monkey. you extol a program you don't need to participate in. what if you did?? ouch! those premiums are going sky-high!! bahahaha

you do realize ... if you are smart enough .. that just lifting bias against pre-existing conditions and leaving the rate to the open market you get a much better result, yeah?? idiot

Wasn't the private sector at work before the ACA was passed? Yet 40 million people did not have health insurance.
one idiot riot, one ranger. bahahaa

Texas Rangers motto .. with slight modification

why are you still trying fagger65??? you and your libtard ilk have been rejected. what do you expect to accomplish now??? bahahahaha

run under the nearest rock libtard cockroach! bahhaa

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Old 11-11-2016, 01:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
Go Fluff your hero Ron Paul faggot. I get health insurance from my employer. Which means I can't be on Obamacare, dipshit.

Wasn't the private sector at work before the ACA was passed? Yet 40 million people did not have health insurance.
Burger King offers benefits? Good for you!
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Old 11-11-2016, 01:40 PM   #27
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One problem is that the ACA essentially handed the insurance companies with a captive market. Either pay for the coverage or pay hefty annual fines. What happens when a company has a captive market? They inflate the price...

My question is.. when the ACA gets scrapped, which it will.... what are the odds of the insurance companies backing down on their pricing, now that they have seen that they can get it? And what DOES happen to people who currently have policies and who also have Pre Existing Conditions?
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Old 11-11-2016, 03:08 PM   #28
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Competition. Allowing insurance companies to market across state lines will help. Also, if a person is allowed to to choose what coverage they want, instead of a pre-determined set of coverage, they will be able to reduce their cost. And I've had a pre-existing condition since childhood and have always had insurance. It will be even easier to find once some of regulations are repealed. By the way, my insurance never cost more or covered less since Obamacare. It's a disaster.
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Old 11-11-2016, 05:00 PM   #29
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healthcare insurance monopoly was never a good idea to begin with.

this monopoly started like what in the 1930's in some states? back then it was considered a luxury. only the rich could afford it.

the ins players wanted a captive market, the states gave it to them..
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Old 11-11-2016, 08:34 PM   #30
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
one idiot riot, one ranger. bahahaa

Texas Rangers motto .. with slight modification

why are you still trying fagger65??? you and your libtard ilk have been rejected. what do you expect to accomplish now??? bahahahaha

run under the nearest rock libtard cockroach! bahhaa

He can always opt for more hours at the Austin reach-around crew's club house and get " coverage " from the fudgepackees union ! Or from the bukakke union !!! HE already " knows " the union reps, assup and EKIM !! See, options and price shopping is available for the fudge packers and "Caitlyn " wanna-bes " !!!
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