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Old 10-26-2016, 10:08 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
Who said there's anything wrong with having one's cake and eating it as well? I don't see anything wrong with that scenario. Life is for enjoying oneself; why deny yourself such pleasures? Life is fleeting.
I am not saying that it is wrong. But it is selfish and egocentric. I wanted the dude to realize that he was searching for a win for himself and that deep down inside he really doesn't care about anyone else UNLESS the decision(s) thwarted his objective to maximize pleasures for himself.
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:10 AM   #62
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Only 47% of men are pussy whipped liars?
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:10 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by cr76 View Post
- just look at the bonemake barbie story -
That's why I made it known publicly that this happened. But sadly enough some guys don't learn that well until it bites them in the ass.
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:11 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
I am not saying that it is wrong. But it is selfish and egocentric. I wanted the dude to realize that he was searching for a win for himself and that deep down inside he really doesn't care about anyone else UNLESS the decision(s) thwarted his objective to maximize pleasures for himself.
I disagree that it is selfish. I think that we are somehow programmed to think that we don't deserve to "have it all"; that somehow, if we find ourselves ending up in these sexless marriages, etc, that as long as "everything else" is "good" in the relationship, then it means we should be "happy" and that is is somehow wrong to want more (i.e. a kickass emotional bond as well as a sexual bond with our partners.)

I just don't believe in feeling bad about something if it feels right/good. That includes having my cake and eating it as well, which I do on a regular basis in my life.
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:11 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
Only 47% of men are pussy whipped liars?
The rest have wives that have already pussy whipped them so non-feeling sex is more important for them. All of them are probably pussy whipped if they are married or have a SO. All of them are naturally liars because that is what Johns do.
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:16 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
I disagree that it is selfish. I think that we are somehow programmed to think that we don't deserve to "have it all"; that somehow, if we find ourselves ending up in these sexless marriages, etc, that as long as "everything else" is "good" in the relationship, then it means we should be "happy" and that is is somehow wrong to want more (i.e. a kickass emotional bond as well as a sexual bond with our partners.)

I just don't believe in feeling bad about something if it feels right/good. That includes having my cake and eating it as well, which I do on a regular basis in my life.
The guy didn't have the courage to tell his wife that she sucks because he didn't want to lose more money after the fact and he wanted to maintain the cheaper sexual alternative, seeing hookers. That's selfish!
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Old 10-26-2016, 12:08 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
I don't know about you guys, but I've been super bored lately by the co-ed discussion topics as of late.
So very true, good thread VoH.

Mods, I think you are over due puttimg WW back into his crate. He soiled the carpet again.

Originally Posted by nikkivikkisix View Post
(apparently onCe you walk down the isle THAT stops)
There you have it guys, taking a knee before her means she will no longer take one before you. Provider job security in the name of matrimony.

Originally Posted by maineblame View Post
So who's gonna be the lucky lady? Hmmmmmm
When a threAD goes right! Nothing wrong with that. Kudos VoH. Kinda like Yummy's Kitty Karavan - which is over due for a bump... ladies?

Originally Posted by StinkyFingers View Post
Pay, Fuck, Leave ... That's as emotional as I get, but I am friendly and a gentlema
Imo, that is what a spa/agency is for, you are wasting your time with the ip, she is more than an orifice.

Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
Well I do have one hard spot.
Your heart?

Originally Posted by Dynalow96 View Post
To me the most beautiful thing on this earth is a sexy sex driven lady in full orgasmic song. Shaking, quivering, breathing hard, writhing, tightening her thighs around my head (the big one) then slowly coming down only to get back there again.
I'll be in my bunk.

Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8 View Post
If it floats, flies, or fucks, rent it.

Originally Posted by Oralist View Post
Providers, for some, are the Bartenders that sell Pussy instead of Booze.
A therapist who will lay you on the couch is indeed better than one who won't.
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Old 10-26-2016, 12:17 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Mythos View Post

Mods, I think you are over due puttimg WW back into his crate. He soiled the carpet again.
The carpet was already soiled before I got here. We are speaking of Coed.
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:24 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Mythos View Post
So very true, good thread VoH.

Mods, I think you are over due puttimg WW back into his crate. He soiled the carpet again.

When a threAD goes right! Nothing wrong with that. Kudos VoH. Kinda like Yummy's Kitty Karavan - which is over due for a bump... ladies?
Thanks sir; just doing my part to keep the men of Houston both entertained and (hopefully) satisfied.

Originally Posted by Mythos View Post

A therapist who will lay you on the couch is indeed better than one who won't.
Mmmm, I knew there was something about the therapy scenario that's always turned me on, lols.
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:26 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
The guy didn't have the courage to tell his wife that she sucks because he didn't want to lose more money after the fact and he wanted to maintain the cheaper sexual alternative, seeing hookers. That's selfish!
I respect your opinion, I just have a different perspective on the whole thing, but fair enough.

Sometimes we don't make the best decisions and people get hurt along the way....but we're all human, no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we all have desires/needs that need to be fulfilled. I don't feel the pursuit of such is selfish in any way, but rather the opposite.

It would be easy for me to be judgmental, but look at what business I'm in. One thing providing has helped me with, is how to have an even more open mind that I once did.
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Old 10-26-2016, 03:07 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
I respect your opinion, I just have a different perspective on the whole thing, but fair enough.

Sometimes we don't make the best decisions and people get hurt along the way....but we're all human, no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we all have desires/needs that need to be fulfilled. I don't feel the pursuit of such is selfish in any way, but rather the opposite.

It would be easy for me to be judgmental, but look at what business I'm in. One thing providing has helped me with, is how to have an even more open mind that I once did.
Fact of Life #2: If you don't make yourself happy, ain't nobody else going to do it for you. As long as no one gets hurt, it's all good.

Fact of Life #3: If you don't really want to know the answer, best you don't ask the question.
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Old 10-26-2016, 03:18 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
They should be comfortable with their long standing financial safety. THEY ARE SENIOR CITIZENS!!! It has to do with technology. Ever heard of tech stocks? Much of senior citizen financial safety hinges upon the stock market. Baby Boomers aren't necessarily Ted Kazinski types that abhor technology. Like I said before, the older members of society are using the latest technology for personal and non-personal objectives.

They are ill-prepared because they are becoming slaves to technology. They don't get out there and socialize. STICK WITH THE TOPIC!!! This other information has nothing to do with today's youth lacking an ability to communicate. They are spoiled brats and expect the world to be on a silver platter for them.

Knowing how to take photos with your cell phone and posting it on facebook doesn't make your smart but a new kind of consumer. Hence, my accusation that Corporate America is melting technology with that of culture. BTW, the most educational gains are from women and most of their degrees are concentrated in health sciences, in education, and in social sciences, most of which are low paying jobs. The job positions of today don't require a great amount of complex intelligence and decision-making. In fact, there is such a shortage of engineers, doctors, and nurses that many times they have to be imported into the US to meet the demand. Having an education doesn't necessarily mean that a person is fully educated in terms of quality. Much of the education in the USA is remedial in nature. Less and less people are obtaining degrees in the sciences in the States and prefer to work on liberal arts degrees just to "graduate with a degree." How is that helping the US to build assets? It doesn't take a degree to make a good salesman and that is what the USA has become, service industry concentrated. If Americans have become more open minded then why are neighborhoods and schools are becoming more segregated by race and by socio-economics? The public school has now become a daycare center for impoverished parents, whereas the well-to-do send their kids to expensive private schools. The newer generation doesn't care since many are still living in their parents' basement and have no aspirations in life except to play the latest video games or to upload silly youtube videos.

The faulty logic age metric died a long time ago after people realize that the Baby Boomers were aging which meant that the culture had to change to accommodate them. Ever heard of the new 30, the new 40, the new 50, and so on? The Millennials and Centennials will make the same mistake because that's the nature of human beings. We don't learn that well. One way or another Corporate America will figure out a way to sell their products to people despite the change in demographics and that is what the age metric is all about. Global Citizens? You mean the New World Order which has been around for a long time now. That's a Baby Boomer creation! The racism and the environmental denials will continue because events change but the mindset of power does not change. The new bad guy is now a Muslim but before it was the Communist. The new environmental danger are the gas guzzlers but before it was industry pollution. The death of Baby Boomers is just another era that will pass. There will be pros and cons for every and any group. These are some of the things that the Baby Boomers did for the youngsters:
(1) End the Cold War
(2) Decreased capital punishment
(3) Polio was stopped
(4) improved Africa economically
(5) Women have become more liberated which has increased the productivity in the USA
(6) Wireless communication has accelerated economic growth and promoted open communication
(7) Communism was dismantled. Communism killed millions of people.
(8) Disabled people can live normal lives and be part of the work force
(9) Welfare has been undermined
(10) Voyager I pushed humanity beyond the solar system
(11) The internet opened economic and communication boundaries
(12) The Civil Rights helped to promote social justice
(13) The democratization of the computer through creation of the personal home computer changed the world
(14) Mandatory seat belt laws have saved lives
(15) WWIII was avoided and all the millions that died during the Baby Boomer Age cannot be compared to all the deaths that occurred in WWII
(16) People can still work even after the age of 60
(17) The Golden Era of movies occurred in the 70s with some of the most iconic movies that have ever been made and that have changed culture
(18) Globalization or the interdependence between different nations and cultures was nurtured by Baby Boomers
(19) Baby Boomers apologized for a lot of things that went wrong, such as the Crusades, The Holocaust, Japanese internment, slave trade, racism, medical experimentation, etc.
(20) Environmentalism was popular during the Baby Boomer Age

(21) Baby Boomer music has impacted the culture for the good by creating awareness and promoting change and freedom


All women like successful men or men that can "pay" their own way in life. Shakes his head.

They live in such an exclusionary bubble that the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln or the man who saved the nation and who is considered one of the most thoughtful and rational men that the US has ever produced, actually nominated Donald Trump as its Presidential Candidate.

People naturally fight for their beliefs and should not readily submit because some Elitist or a group of Elitists claims its way is the most progressive. In the States, fighting for one's beliefs goes back to the Revolutionary Days when the American people proudly waved the "Don't Tread On Me" flag to fight against oppression from England. Ignorance occurs when you are willing to accept the status quo out of fear.

Your enlightenment sounds more like anger and hostility to me because your self-entitled nature requires you to actually do some real work than depend on social programs that are doom to fail. Shut up and get to work if you want the life that you want! Jealousy does little for productivity in the end.
^ whatever it is you're smoking you can keep that shit to yourself playa. ;-)

***Newsflash*** if you have to write a thousand page book to defend an argument then you're clearly on the losing side of said argument. You defending old people's use of a PC as being technologically savvy is priceless. Ohh there's more to it than that? ok let's hear it. What you're doing is what most who can't defend an argument do. You're scatter brains all over the place trying to defend the indefensible. Baby Boomers royally fucked this country up and you can pivot to talking about jobs, women's advances, mixing up global citizens with new world order, etc, etc, and all your other copy-pasta from the interwebs fact still remains (and I'm going to make your mentally lazy ass wear this around your neck like a mill-stone) jump in the Atlantic if you wish, but the newer generation has to clean up all of your fuck-ups. You highlight all the boomer generation has done positively but you've done an even greater amount of damage and it's the primary reason this Nation is in debt, suffering, and on straddling a very delicate line of recession and will be for the foreseeable future.

All the rest of that bullshit you posted is just garbage and to be honest not worthy of a serious response.

As for me being angry, hostile, or jealous of anyone. All I can say is Ha!
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Old 10-26-2016, 03:36 PM   #73
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So after reading this shit (posted some of it below) it's clear I was right all along. You don't know how to properly communicate and worst of all you're upset over a few hundred dollars (in the context of success). Man get your clown ass outta here. I may have fucked up a couple of relationships due to my arrogance, inexperience, and occasional narcissism but you're crying over a few hundred dollars and allowing yourself to be suckered in such a fashion as a baby boomer and trying to talk shit to me. You're outta your ever loving, goddam, cotton pickin mind to be honest. The nerve of you even approaching me to argue such a topic. Get the fuck on dude for real for real. lol

Originally Posted by WolfWhistle View Post
I constantly tell myself not to get involved with a provider and be taken by one but lo and behold it happened to me. I lost $320 in total from Bonemaker Barbie. I met her a few weeks ago. The first session was a good session and we hit it off pretty well. There was "chemistry" as she put it and I, myself, would have to agree. But soon this "chemistry" was nothing but a con job with Bonemaker Barie at the helm. We would occasionally text and got to know each other that way. I felt very good with Barbie and the rapport was good. One day she texted about needing $100 because her deadbeat ex-bf failed to bring in child support and business was slow and so she had no food for her small child. I was concerned. I normally would blow it off but this girl was special to me. She told me that I would get a free session if I could wire the money to her. I of course wanted to help because I was beginning to fall for this girl. I told her that I would meet her at her place and would give her the cash there. I did and went home later after we hugged and kissed and talked. She looked so miserable and worn down. I felt so bad for her. I thought I was doing the right thing by helping her out. I tried collecting on the free session but she blew me off. I decided to compromise by paying for an hour session but at an half hour rate because I did give her the 100 dollars. She did not agree until I told her that I would pay for a full hour session at regular prices but that she would give me an extra 30 minutes on the house. We met and it was becoming a good session but near to the end she left abruptly after the hour because she felt weird after we tried playing in the tub while the water ran. I later found it, recently, that she does not feel right she will stop what she is doing and take off. I tried talking to her about what she did not give me the full hour and a half and why she left abruptly but she refused communicate. This session was good and we communicated better. I was really falling for this girl. To this day, I don't know why. Nevertheless, I tried contacting her via text and it was difficult to reach her. We finally talked on the phone. She talked a lot about having a relationship with me and what a relationship entails, etc. I was glad to hear her voice. I was already in the sucker mode, big-time. But it was really nice to see a side of Barbie that was intelligent and willing to connect further. The conversation was so amazing and we were just clicking emotionally.

The following day she texted me about needing $200 because she had no food for the kids and her government assistance was not kicking in until next week. She said she would pay me back. I wanted to see her of course because I cared about her and so I drove all the way to Baytown. I did give her the money after we talked and caressed each other in my car. We decided to meet an hour or so later after our car meet (gave her another $20 so that her babysitter mom would be paid). I found a room for us to communicate and to be intimate again..
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Old 10-26-2016, 03:43 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
I much rather see the same woman multiple times over seeing a different chick every time. I fit the mold of the article you read, I think. I'm married to a gorgeous woman, but we have totally drifted apart romantically. We are still "friends," I suppose.

BUT, I'm still horny and I do get lonely.

When she decided to stop fucking and not hold up her end of the deal and not even bother trying to work out our problems, I was left with four options as I see it:

#1.) Divorce.
Of course that means not being able to see my kids daily and only be a part-time parent. Also, of course, child support X 3. Having to find a new place AND pay for a place for them (she wouldn't have anywhere for her and the kids to live at.) And the fact that some other guy will be living under the same roof as my kids at some point. Destroying my intact family and devastating me economically. Bad option.

#2.) Girl on the side.
They tend to get "emotional" and feelings can develop making for tricky situations. Hard not to get caught eventually. As my buddy found out, a "jilted" mistress can be a nightmare. Bad option.

#3.) Jerk off constantly.
It's free, disease-free, and you can imagine fucking whoever you want. But, that's only going to work for so long. After a while loneliness and carpal tunnel will cause you to get tired of it. A woman's touch is needed at some point. Bad option.

My choice:

Option #4 - HOOKERS!!!
If you do research, minimal chance of getting caught by LE. Paying for it puts the emphasis on "my needs" and the "fuck and go" nature of a hooker encounter minimizes possible "real" feelings developing by the chick. Cons: Costs a lot of fucking money and using a rubber is just awful.

But, it's the best option for me to keep my family together, minimize getting caught, and still have at least a semblance of an IOP. I know it' fake. But if you build at least a "friendship" with the provider, it becomes a passable substitute for a woman that actually has true romantic feelings.

Sex with someone I care about will ALWAYS be better than with someone who is basically a socket.
This is quite a complex and thoughtful commentary for Al Bundy. Guess the character on TV was acting.
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Old 10-26-2016, 04:50 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
^ whatever it is you're smoking you can keep that shit to yourself playa. ;-)

***Newsflash*** if you have to write a thousand page book to defend an argument then you're clearly on the losing side of said argument. You defending old people's use of a PC as being technologically savvy is priceless. Ohh there's more to it than that? ok let's hear it. What you're doing is what most who can't defend an argument do. You're scatter brains all over the place trying to defend the indefensible. Baby Boomers royally fucked this country up and you can pivot to talking about jobs, women's advances, mixing up global citizens with new world order, etc, etc, and all your other copy-pasta from the interwebs fact still remains (and I'm going to make your mentally lazy ass wear this around your neck like a mill-stone) jump in the Atlantic if you wish, but the newer generation has to clean up all of your fuck-ups. You highlight all the boomer generation has done positively but you've done an even greater amount of damage and it's the primary reason this Nation is in debt, suffering, and on straddling a very delicate line of recession and will be for the foreseeable future.

All the rest of that bullshit you posted is just garbage and to be honest not worthy of a serious response.

As for me being angry, hostile, or jealous of anyone. All I can say is Ha!
The thousand page book indicates that there is so much wrong in what you have to say. I said old people like using today's technology. I never said that they were expert hackers or programmers that work for NASA. I am scatterbrain? This is more of the pot calling the kettle black. The fact is that you are pissed off that I made some good points that are difficult to refute. This country is suffering not because of the ideals of the Baby Boomers but because of the poor leadership. The newer generations have problems of their own that aren't necessarily the failure fruits of the generation before it. Responsibility can be a double-edged sword. Your rebuttal proves that you are part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution. You can't cry over spilt milk, just be a real man and go clean it up.
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