Golf Joke
So this guy goes golfing one day by himself. He sees this chick at the course one hole behind him and he says why not. He goes and asks her if she'd like to play a round with him and she agrees.
The two play golf for a round. He asks her for her number and asks if she'd like to meet the next week to play another round. She obliges and the two end up meeting 5 or 6 times over the course of the month.
After a month of games, the woman says to him, "Hey I have something I'd like to tell you but you can't get mad, okay?"
He insists its not fair to say something like that with that sort of lead in and she tells him anyway, "Look I'm actually a cross dresser."
He reaches back and punches her right in the face, knocking her down and messing her hair up. She looks up at him, tears welling in her eyes. "How could you?"
"Look lady, its not because you're a man. But its because I've been letting you hit from the woman's tee the whole time. How about next Sunday from the men's tee?"