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Presidential debate...are you for Trump or Clinton...
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There are now reports he's trying hard to get a Trump TV gig going along with an online webcast where he's charging his current supporters $9.95 per month.
Trump is big pimping his supporters and has been all along. let's not forget he's been handing out these worthless ass Gold cards to his supporters for a small price. America's bootleg preachers ain't got nothing on this cat. Once this election shit is over he's gonna fleece the hell out of his supporters.
If those are the best two clowns this country can produce than I think it's safe to say we are all losers in this years facade of an election. I'm writing in Jeff Spicoli...
I thought about this quite a bit and although I'm no big fan of Hilary it's all about the devil you know (Hillary) vs. the one you don't (Trump). I'd much rather have Hillary's "so called" corruption vs. Trump's incompetence. Fact is they're both likely to be as equally corrupt; big difference is Trump is also incompetent.
I also recognize that while we call Hillary corrupt we'd likely be just as power and money hungry as she is if we were in her position with those type of opportunities and connections. The point is corruption can be checked and nullified by other branches of our government, whereas there's no cover for incompetence.
I'm still not sure why everyone hates Hillary, other than the basic "Democrats suck" rhetoric. She's Obama's third term. Nothing substantial will change. But everyone is up in a panic, like they were back in '92 when Willy penetrated the White House.
Everyone seems so cynical over nothing. Hillary will win because she doesn't come across as a creepy loser. America will continue to provide us all with cushy office jobs, fancy phones, football, and porn, like it's been doing for the last thirty years.
Just chill the fuck out people. Smoke a J and get laid.
Yes she will say what it takes to get elected then she will change her stance once in office. That is not new info just like with tpp she's got 5 more months of saying she doesn't like it. I'm betting she moves us to single payer as I think she will. She wants that shit to be called Hillary care again
People cry about abortions and at the same time bitch about welfare. If all these unwanted basterds are born they can only add to the welfare line. You got to decide if it's your fake God or your money that you care more about.
It's because they're not really pro-life, they're pro-birth. They don't care what happens to the fetus after it's born until it's old enough to be enlisted in the military.
It's because they're not really pro-life, they're pro-birth. They don't care what happens to the fetus after it's born until it's old enough to be enlisted in the military.
George Carlin mentioned that little fact about 20 years ago.
Let us take a look of everyone who is against Trump.
the Pope
Mainstream Media
Funny thing is everyone on this list is against YOU as an individual.
They have their way and they will take away your rights, and the money you earn.
The only successful war they are winning is on the middle class.
I will vote Trump so their plan will be on hold for awhile.
Hopefully the dumpublicans trot out a reall competitor 4 years from now. If they don't implode on themselves after the crap show they just put on. Can't say the Clinton fuck fest was any better but it looks to limp across the line first in the battle of least worst candidate race.
Funny thing is everyone on this list is against YOU as an individual.
They have their way and they will take away your rights, and the money you earn.
The only successful war they are winning is on the middle class.
Actually the real funny thing is I heard the same thing about Obama in 2008. Guess what? The black man didn't bring about the predicted Armageddon, and you still have your guns and your Bibles. lol so much for fear of a black planet
Don't be this guy:
ohh wait he still has a few more months in office Armageddon could still come and he could still take away your Bibles, Guns, and money.
In Carlin's routines he often stated he did not vote.
You missed the joke. Democrats use dead people to register them as a voter to win elections.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Actually the real funny thing is I heard the same thing about Obama in 2008. Guess what? The black man didn't bring about the predicted Armageddon, and you still have your guns and your Bibles. lol so much for fear of a black planet
Thanks to Obama we still have our firearms but the cost of ammo has skyrocketed. Suppliers are inconsistent because Obama's Admin is putting bullshit restriction orders on the companies who supply the suppliers.
Clinton plans on making all firearm manufactures liable for whatever the end users do with their products to run them out of business.