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^ I could be wrong but I think SF was referring to the allegations of the women Trump brought with him to the last debate.
Which people can argue the same points as in Trump's accusations, why wasn't it bring to light/court when it happened, where is the evidence? why wait until this election to bring it up ? Especially because the accusations to Bill are even stronger than Trump's alleged assaults.
Those weren't "allegations". Gennifer Flowers had actual recordings and when she released them to the press Bill was quick to change his tune and paid her out.
Those weren't "allegations". Gennifer Flowers had actual recordings and when she released them to the press Bill was quick to change his tune and paid her out.
That pic fits you very well, since reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your thing.
No one is arguing the Monica Lewinsky or Geniffer Flowers affairs as they were both confirmed.
Had you read/comprehend what I wrote you would know that I was specifically referring to the allegations of the 4 women Trump had with him at the last debate. Those accusations remain allegations to this day just like the recent allegations towards Trump, or has Bill ever been convicted for rape or unwelcome sexual advances?
That pic fits you very well, since reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your thing.
No one is arguing the Monica Lewinsky or Geniffer Flowers affairs as they were both confirmed.
Had you read/comprehend what I wrote you would know that I was specifically referring to the allegations of the 4 women Trump had with him at the last debate. Those accusations remain allegations to this day just like the recent allegations towards Trump, or has Bill ever been convicted for rape or unwelcome sexual advances?
Broaddrick: Not enough evidence to press charges Jones: Didn't press charges but filed a civil suit which Bill ended up paying more than her asking price. Who does that? Willey: Same as Broaddrick Shelton: The rape victim who didn't get to see justice done because Hillary got the perp off the hook. Personal beef with Hillary not Bill.
Broaddrick: Not enough evidence to press charges - therefore it remains as allegations Jones: Didn't press charges but filed a civil suit which Bill ended up paying more than her asking price. Who does that? No-conviction= allegations, who makes settlements in lawsuits ? -apparently your guy Trump has, MANY times, so does that make him guilty of what he was sued for too? Willey: Same as Broaddrick-"" Shelton: The alleged rape victim who didn't get to see justice done becauseallegedly Hillary got the perp off the hook. Personal beef with Hillary not Bill.
How did I do? Plz judge me!
FFIY. Her story doesn't add up in my opinion in many ways, but that's just me.
I'm not saying Bill didn't do it, just stating facts.
I think both candidates are terrible people who may be guilty of worst terrible things that we will ever know, but as far as who's actually qualified to be president between the 2, Hillary wins all day everyday.
I got the last names confused, my bad, I thought you were talking about the lady who claimed Bill raped her when she was 35.
He plead guilty to negotiate his punishment, she was a defense lawyer the case was assigned to her, she did what a lawyer is supposed to do defend their client. Was she supposed to not take the case?
Personally, I find listening to that recording and how the system works, disturbing.