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Old 10-14-2016, 01:39 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
So it's OK now to call someone a [pad,hp]?
No, it is not kosher to call someone a [prohibited and deplorable, hurtful pejorative]

You should be ashamed of yourself, you fucking [prohibited word].
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:13 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Cut the crap, ExNYer...
You folks seem to be obsessed with that guy.

Perhaps you feel inferior to him?

I think you all need to seek professional help. Especially IBSodomized. He is clearly very jealous of that ExNYer chap.
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:35 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Ok ExNYer, you should know better than to fuck with me on economics. I monitored the economy carefully through the entire 2008/09 recession and remember it like yesterday. Did you even bother to open and use the link I provided? It was for real GDP, which economists measure in order to pinpoint when recessions start and end. I assumed you were smart enough to figure out how to use the link, but evidently you're too clueless. So I will do everything for you. Here are the (annualized) percentage changes in real GDP for the 6 quarters starting with Q1 2008:

Q1 2008: -2.7%
Q2 2008: +2.0%
Q3 2008: -1.9%
Q4 2008: -8.2%
Q1 2009: -5.4%

Q2 2009: -0.5%
Q3 2009: +1.3%

Do I need to interpret it for you, mope? The economy was bouncing up/down and basically going sideways until the fourth quarter of 2008 - when it suddenly fell off a cliff! Real GDP contracted at an annual rate of 8.2%, which is alarming. It continued to shrink at an annual rate of 5.4% in the first quarter of 2009, before bottoming out. From the recession's peak to trough, 84% of the slump in output was packed into Q4 2008 and Q1 2009 (the six-month period from October 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009).

So you are completely out to lunch with your assertion that “the economy was already in shambles” by the time Lehman collapsed in Sept. 2008. It was wobbling, but hardly in shambles yet.

If you knew how to analyze these things, you also would have checked the unemployment rate. In mid-2008 it was still low at only 5.6%. A year later it had soared to 9.5%! That's a gigantic increase!

All the empirical data supports everything I said. YOU are the only person who thinks otherwise. The real tanking didn't start until late 2008 – just in time to impact the November election. For the economy to “tank” means to head south in a hurry. And by the way – EVERY recession is an “end result of everything that had gone on before”. Is that statement supposed to be illuminating in some way? Housing is only one sector in the economy. Yes, Wall Street was growing skittish about mortgage securities all through 2007 and the first half of 2008. But the recession didn't arrive until Lehman Brothers choked on them and credit froze up in the latter half of 2008.

Get it now, mope?
Complete and utter horseshit. I don't accept YOUR interpretation of when the economy went into recession.

Here is a link for you:


All you have to read is the first sentence. How easy is that? I will even paste it for you:

"The Great Recession officially began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, making the upcoming release of December 2013 employment and unemployment data the six-year anniversary of the Great Recession’s beginning and the four-and-a-half-year anniversary of its end."

And I didn't say anything about a recession being the end result of "everything" that had gone on before. I said the collapse of Lehman was the result of that because you, for some unknown reason, think that it wasn't until Lehman went under at the end of 2008 that the economy went bad.

We were already fucked by that point. The housing market had collapsed and all those credit default swaps were coming home to roost throughout 2008. I remember the drone of bad news all through 2008, not just at the end.

And unemployment figures follow the economy, they don't lead it. First there is a drop off in demand and money gets tight, THEN the layoffs occur. So, by the time the layoffs are occurring, the economy has already gone bad.

The economy went into the tank in 2000 while Clinton was still in office as first Nasdaq began dropping precipitously and then the Dow Jones as a realist of the dotcom bubble bursting. But Bush got the blame because he came into office as unemployment started rising and growth slowed even thought the economy was going into the crapper before he was sworn in.

But Bush and Congress decided the way out of THAT recession was to stimulate (over stimulate really) the housing market.

Ultimately, in 2006-2007 mortgage defaults soared because of lousy wage growth and shitty credit ratings. You can't depend on stripper and landscapers to prop up housing prices. The movie "The Big Short" gave a nice concise summarization of what led us into the abyss.
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:42 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
A bunch of twaddle from Revenant the fraud. Why the lie? You're not fooling anyone. Same pompous, arrogant posting style. Same buzz words.
Maybe I just like to copy clever buzz words. Are you mad because you don't have any worthy of copying?

Originally Posted by bambino View Post
If anyone's a troll, it's you.
There it is again! The old "I know you are, but what am I?" comeback. Tell me, do you pick up a lot of chicks with that?

Originally Posted by bambino View Post
You're no better than Lube the asshole. You're a fraud too. A know it all that knows nothing. Crawl back in your hole and hide from whatever made you change your handle loser.
Clearly I know more than you.

But I like that "loser" touch. Copied that from The Donald, did you?
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:54 PM   #80
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Old 10-14-2016, 09:55 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
That would be the handle that is more commonly connected to your favorite pegorative,
And what handle might that be, tranny fuckee?

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
And you stupidly imagine that a Republican Congress doesn't have extant cause to impeach hildebeest for 'gross negligence' from day 1,
Once again, you try to put words in my mouth in order to make yourself seem clever.

I only commented on how much fun it would be to see Trump get impeached. I never said ANYTHING about Hillary not being impeachable. That is YOUR bogus statement.

But, for the record, I hope she gets impeached, too, as more evidence of her past wrongdoing gets uncovered. She and Bill can down in history as both married and impeached co-Presidents.

And quit playing with the thesaurus, IBSodomized. Nobody believes you know what "extant" means when you can't even spell "pejorative".

Your faux intellectual act fools no one.
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Old 10-14-2016, 10:02 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Revenant View Post
I B Sodomized. And what handle might that be?
Originally Posted by Revenant View Post

It seems you answered your own question, and yes, U B sodomized, because you can't get another dick in your mouth, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader.

Originally Posted by Revenant View Post
I B Sodomized
Encore: "Yes, U B sodomized because you can't get another dick in your mouth, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader."
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Old 10-14-2016, 10:20 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post

Yes, U B sodomized because you can't get another dick in your mouth, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader.

Encore: "Yes, U B sodomized because you can't get another dick in your mouth, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader."

You and Bambino BOTH are doing the "I know you are, but what I am?" shtick?

Can't either of you come up with something original?

Quit giving each other a reach-around and put some effort into your responses, tranny fuckee.
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Old 10-14-2016, 10:24 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Revenant View Post

You and Bambino BOTH are doing the "I know you are, but what I am?" shtick?

Can't either of you come up with something original?

Quit giving each other a reach-around and put some effort into your responses, tranny fuckee.

You know what you are, you're a dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader; that's what you are.
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Old 10-14-2016, 11:53 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
It seems you answered your own question,
Does it seem that way, IBHankertwat?

Or does it just see like you cut-and-pasted it and then edited it that way because you can't think up a clever riposte?

You have sooooo many names - tranny fuckee, IBSodomized, IBHankertwat, IBHomo, IBMassa, and a slew of others posted by Yssup Rider over the years.

And what have you got for me? Oh yeah, "dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader".

Boy, that just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Just like all that tranny spunk rolls off your tongue.

I guess you never heard the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit", did you? Apparently it wasn't in your thesaurus.
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Old 10-15-2016, 04:24 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Revenant View Post
Complete and utter horseshit. I don't accept YOUR interpretation of when the economy went into recession.

Here is a link for you:


All you have to read is the first sentence. How easy is that? I will even paste it for you:

"The Great Recession officially began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, making the upcoming release of December 2013 employment and unemployment data the six-year anniversary of the Great Recession’s beginning and the four-and-a-half-year anniversary of its end."

Listen, you arrogant and argumentative prick - you started this by referring to the “2007 financial meltdown”. When I said in my last post “the recession didn't arrive until Lehman Brothers choked” what I meant was the FINANCIAL MELTDOWN didn't happen until then - and that's when the economy really tanked.

I am not challenging the NBER's official determination of when the Great Recession started and ended. In fact, I just spoon-fed you the data for all six consecutive quarters that fall within the NBER's recession bookends! Are you going to dismiss all of that data as “complete and utter horseshit”?

And I didn't say anything about a recession being the end result of "everything" that had gone on before. I said the collapse of Lehman was the result of that because you, for some unknown reason, think that it wasn't until Lehman went under at the end of 2008 that the economy went bad.

You said “the economy was already a shambles” when Lehman collapsed in September 2008. I said "the economy was wobbly, but hardly in shambles yet". Then I spoon-fed you the data indicating that real GDP didn't nosedive until AFTER Lehman collapsed. Do you have a problem understanding the official GDP data? I even walked you through it and interpreted it for you.

We were already fucked by that point. The housing market had collapsed and all those credit default swaps were coming home to roost throughout 2008. I remember the drone of bad news all through 2008, not just at the end.

Yeah ExNYer, everyone who reads the financial pages remembers. Lehman was preceded by problems at Bear Stearns and Fannie and Freddie, inter alia. All that shit went down in 2008, not 2007. Those other firms either merged or received government lifelines. Lehman, on the other hand, had to declare bankruptcy. That's what triggered the financial meltdown, you mope.

And unemployment figures follow the economy, they don't lead it. Granted, it's usually a lagging indicator, but this time unemployment spiked almost concurrently with the slump in GDP. First there is a drop off in demand and money gets tight, THEN the layoffs occur. Every recession is different, you mope. Usually money gets tight first, precipitating the drop in demand. So, by the time the layoffs are occurring, the economy has already gone bad.

You still haven't refuted the data (and if you're smart you won't try). I already explained that 84% of the drop in aggregate output or real GDP was packed into two of the six official recession quarters – Q4 2008 and Q1 2009. That's why economists call it the 2008/09 recession, not the “2007 financial meltdown”.

The economy went into the tank in 2000 while Clinton was still in office as first Nasdaq began dropping precipitously and then the Dow Jones as a realist of the dotcom bubble bursting. But Bush got the blame because he came into office as unemployment started rising and growth slowed even thought the economy was going into the crapper before he was sworn in.

Stay on topic. Let's focus on one recession at a time.

But Bush and Congress decided the way out of THAT recession was to stimulate (over stimulate really) the housing market.

Gross oversimplification/distortion of what actually happened.

Ultimately, in 2006-2007 mortgage defaults soared because of lousy wage growth and shitty credit ratings. You can't depend on stripper and landscapers to prop up housing prices. The movie "The Big Short" gave a nice concise summarization of what led us into the abyss.

Rising mortgage defaults were not a concern in 2006. In 2007 they started climbing gradually. They didn't “soar” until 2008-09 (see graph below). They were primarily a result of the industry-wide loosening of mortgage underwriting standards, not “lousy wage growth and shitty credit ratings”.

Michael Lewis is a good writer, but only a foolish mope would trust Hollywood narratives and not take them with a big grain of salt.

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Old 10-15-2016, 08:18 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Revenant View Post
Does it seem that way, IBHankertwat?

Or does it just see like you cut-and-pasted it and then edited it that way because you can't think up a clever riposte?

You have sooooo many names - tranny fuckee, IBSodomized, IBHankertwat, IBHomo, IBMassa, and a slew of others posted by Yssup Rider over the years.

And what have you got for me? Oh yeah, "dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader".

Boy, that just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Just like all that tranny spunk rolls off your tongue.

I guess you never heard the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit", did you? Apparently it wasn't in your thesaurus.
There is nothing 'brief', except intelligent input, in your paragraph of insults, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader.
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Old 10-17-2016, 01:23 AM   #88
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More horseshit rants. This time in blue ink. None of which refutes my original point, you just try to "refine" your earlier mistakes.
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Old 10-17-2016, 01:24 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
There is nothing 'brief', except intelligent input, in your paragraph of insults, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader.
Keep cutting and pasting, tranny fuckee.
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Old 10-17-2016, 01:27 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Revenant View Post
Keep cutting and pasting, tranny fuckee.
Keep sucking faggot dick, you dick sucking Yankee prick that tried to reinvent yourself with a new handle popularly associated with a 19th century slave trader.
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