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If you are looking to a President to be your moral compass, Houston we have a problem.
Let's do a President morality check.
Obama, Kung Gang + drug dealer
Little Bush, Coke + Hookers (nothing personal to the hookers)
Cigar Clinton, rapist
Big Bush, Love Child, Mistresses
Ronnie, Hollywood rat pack parties
I can do this all day.
We need American Jobs so more people have money to spend to American Hookers so supply and demand continues.
It is almost impossible to believe anything that the media presents due to their inability to report without bias or outright complicity with the Democrat party.
What I do believe is that Hillary would be much worse for this nation than Trump could ever be.
Among things we know about Hillary is that she is a confined liar, proven by the head of the FBI.
I fully believe that she took money from foreign governments through her bogus "charity" and is a pay to play master.
Funny for someone who is openly misogynistic that these sexual assaults are just now being reported weeks before the election but not within the 12+ month his campaign has been going on. One of the broads has already been connected to The Clinton Foundation. On top of that the women making the claims don't even look like the kind of women The Don even goes after.
Funny for someone who is openly misogynistic that these sexual assaults are just now being reported weeks before the election but not within the 12+ month his campaign has been going on. One of the broads has already been connected to The Clinton Foundation. On top of that the women making the claims don't even look like the kind of women The Don even goes after.
^^^ The Republican primary candidates must have had really shit oppo research on Trump. The Clinton Foundation link has already been debunked. But, her story on the airplane still does not add up ... assaulted for 15 minutes? ... Gimme a break.
Ooops! ... Now an Apprentice contestant is coming out with allegations. This is like BIll Cosby ... just too many for some of it to not be true.
If the groping and assault incidents happened why no charges and or settlements? Obviously Trump has bank.
I'm sure there's an implied threat by his legal counsel that he will tie them up in court forever and it will cost them a fortune if they want to go after him and that he'll never pay, regardless of the outcome.
Whenever I see someone trot out Gloria Alred as their legal counsel, you know it's all about the money.
^^^ The Republican primary candidates must have had really shit oppo research on Trump. The Clinton Foundation link has already been debunked. But, her story on the airplane still does not add up ... assaulted for 15 minutes? ... Gimme a break.
Ooops! ... Now an Apprentice contestant is coming out with allegations. This is like BIll Cosby ... just too many for some of it to not be true.
The whole purpose of having accusations to come out like this is to make people think that at least one of them has to be true. Cosby has been dealing with it since what the 80s and he never ran for office.
When is the last time an issue that is of concern to Americans was ever discussed in this election campaign ?
You're assuming that the average voter even knows what the issues are, much less care about them. Most people on the street couldn't even identify who Mike Pence is.
Neither party has the ability to solve the problems. Neither. All part of the same game.
Of course he did it. He bragged to Billy Bush that he was a player. Some of his former advisors have come forward and given their accounts of his past behaviors and statements that he would utter out of left field. But he denied it all to Anderson Cooper
Here's a question you can ask yourself: "If you were rich and famous and felt the need to build tall buildings and put your name on them, wouldn't you try to bang every hot chick in sight?"
Fuck, the hobbyists on this board pay to do what Trump and other celebrities get to do for free. Of course he did it. But who cares?