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Old 10-08-2016, 05:15 AM   #1
Sistine Chapel
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Default Hillary's email dump only proves that she's screwing Wall St.

Yep my takeaway from all this silly shit is that she's telling Wall St and private donors what they want to hear. There is no proof that anything she's said to these groups maps back to anything she's done while in elected office. So in essence she shows up, gives a speech, collects a big check, and then heads back to the crib for a swiss cheese and turkey sandwich. If anything all this does is ensures that the Bernie coalition will continue to apply pressure to ensure she sticks to her promise to work with millennials.

This is no big deal. Keep it moving folks. This is about Trump's incompetence and rape culture behavior.
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Old 10-08-2016, 06:29 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post

Yep my takeaway from all this silly shit is that she's telling Wall St and private donors what they want to hear. There is no proof that anything she's said to these groups maps back to anything she's done while in elected office. So in essence she shows up, gives a speech, collects a big check, and then heads back to the crib for a swiss cheese and turkey sandwich. If anything all this does is ensures that the Bernie coalition will continue to apply pressure to ensure she sticks to her promise to work with millennials.

This is no big deal. Keep it moving folks. This is about Trump's incompetence and rape culture behavior.
It is Hillary that has toiled in a rape culture. Bill has kept her very busy with it. As the old saying goes " sticks and stones..............
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Old 10-08-2016, 08:22 AM   #3
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post

Yep my takeaway from all this silly shit is that she's telling Wall St and private donors what they want to hear. There is no proof that anything she's said to these groups maps back to anything she's done while in elected office. So in essence she shows up, gives a speech, collects a big check, and then heads back to the crib for a swiss cheese and turkey sandwich. If anything all this does is ensures that the Bernie coalition will continue to apply pressure to ensure she sticks to her promise to work with millennials.

This is no big deal. Keep it moving folks. This is about Trump's incompetence and rape culture behavior.
I am really starting to think that you are gay Dizzzy. Obama transferred $3 trillion for everyone to Wall Street with QE and you think that Wall Street is getting screwed. I believe that if you have 14 inches of dildo up your ass that you will really believe that you're doing the fucking. the stock market went up to the benefit of small investors and 401K holders but the real winners are the billionaires like Warren Buffet and Wall Street brokers.
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Old 10-08-2016, 08:42 AM   #4
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More JDrunk talking about JUNK in the TRUNK.

Why don't you just take him furniture shopping?
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Old 10-08-2016, 09:14 AM   #5
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post

Yep my takeaway from all this silly shit is that she's telling Wall St and private donors what they want to hear. There is no proof that anything she's said to these groups maps back to anything she's done while in elected office. So in essence she shows up, gives a speech, collects a big check, and then heads back to the crib for a swiss cheese and turkey sandwich. If anything all this does is ensures that the Bernie coalition will continue to apply pressure to ensure she sticks to her promise to work with millennials.

This is no big deal. Keep it moving folks. This is about Trump's incompetence and rape culture behavior.

Your inverted, cranial rectumitis view of the world is always shitty, Sissy Chap. Previous Wikileaks show hildebeest directly advancing the interests of her loyal donors, Sissy Chap -- especially Soros!
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Old 10-08-2016, 01:56 PM   #6
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Obama didn't give Wall Street anything. He doesn't control the Federal Reserve.


1) Bernanke was appointed by Bush and QE was Bernankes baby.
2) the other voting members of the Fed are not appointed by the pres. They all come from the privately funded Fed banks. The US gov does not fund reserve banks. They are funded by private banks. All that QE money comes from private banking credit creation.
3) the Federal reserve thought about bailing out the little guy (Ie buying people's bad debt, mortgages, etc) but determined it would be viewed as too much interference. They barely got to capitalize the banks because some people were screaming "nationalislzation! It's socialism!"
Reveal on the Clinton speeches actually shows a complex and nuanced understanding that we need the financial sector. Shocking. But, she views that as a partnership where the financial sector takes responsibility and accountability along with the government. Not just the government back stopping bad banking decisions.

There's basically no Wikileak that can de-rail this trump story. This didn't even get to second place story. It was 3rd or even 4th billing on Friday, let alone for the week.
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Old 10-08-2016, 08:18 PM   #7
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Yes. Behind closed doors, Hillary is telling Wall Street what they want to hear. And Wall Street is telling Hillary what to do. They are paying her to do it. And she will obey once she is elected. What Hillary tells us is bullshit and lies. Wall Street owns her.
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Old 10-09-2016, 04:19 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Yes. Behind closed doors, Hillary is telling Wall Street what they want to hear. And Wall Street is telling Hillary what to do. They are paying her to do it. And she will obey once she is elected. What Hillary tells us is bullshit and lies. Wall Street owns her.
Not really what the e-mails actually revealed. She tells them point blank in the speeches that they need to work with government on regulations.

It also doesn't follow logically. She hasn't had to promise them anything for a variety of reasons. She has a fund raising machine that doesn't need their money. She's aware Wall Street is going to back her because Trump is viewed as a financial moron by almost all the wealthy people in this country.

She made them the same offer she made defecting Republicans. You get nothing. I'm doing you a favor by saving you from a mad man. If anything, she took her platform from centrist (which is what she has always been, imagine if Bernie had won. He'd be leading Trump by 15 or 20 points) to being left leaning and she's still getting that support.

She doesn't need their support to win. Why is she going to give them anything?
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Old 10-09-2016, 11:12 AM   #9
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She has taken their money. There's a reason for that. She belongs to them.
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Old 10-09-2016, 01:14 PM   #10
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Holy cow! I'm beginning to believe that Hillary is a jedi. The force gives her power over the weak minded.
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Old 10-09-2016, 05:15 PM   #11
Sistine Chapel
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Originally Posted by goodman0422 View Post
Holy cow! I'm beginning to believe that Hillary is a jedi. The force gives her power over the weak minded.

^ Interesting self analysis
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Old 10-09-2016, 05:26 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Stromprophet View Post

Obama didn't give Wall Street anything. He doesn't control the Federal Reserve.


1) Bernanke was appointed by Bush and QE was Bernankes baby.
2) the other voting members of the Fed are not appointed by the pres. They all come from the privately funded Fed banks. The US gov does not fund reserve banks. They are funded by private banks. All that QE money comes from private banking credit creation.
3) the Federal reserve thought about bailing out the little guy (Ie buying people's bad debt, mortgages, etc) but determined it would be viewed as too much interference. They barely got to capitalize the banks because some people were screaming "nationalislzation! It's socialism!"
Reveal on the Clinton speeches actually shows a complex and nuanced understanding that we need the financial sector. Shocking. But, she views that as a partnership where the financial sector takes responsibility and accountability along with the government. Not just the government back stopping bad banking decisions.

There's basically no Wikileak that can de-rail this trump story. This didn't even get to second place story. It was 3rd or even 4th billing on Friday, let alone for the week.

WTF are your talking about? How much JÄGERMEISTER did you have before you came up with that one?
White house owns the FED by proxy. FED creates the money to buy the treasuries. Quit listening to Bloomberg and all the other MSM liars. Its called a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.
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Old 10-09-2016, 05:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Stromprophet View Post
Not really what the e-mails actually revealed. She tells them point blank in the speeches that they need to work with government on regulations.

It also doesn't follow logically. She hasn't had to promise them anything for a variety of reasons. She has a fund raising machine that doesn't need their money. She's aware Wall Street is going to back her because Trump is viewed as a financial moron by almost all the wealthy people in this country.

She made them the same offer she made defecting Republicans. You get nothing. I'm doing you a favor by saving you from a mad man. If anything, she took her platform from centrist (which is what she has always been, imagine if Bernie had won. He'd be leading Trump by 15 or 20 points) to being left leaning and she's still getting that support.

She doesn't need their support to win. Why is she going to give them anything?
Soros and his puppet David Brock are going to yank your paycheck if you don't come up with some better shit than that, 0zombie...

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Old 10-09-2016, 09:54 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by goodman0422 View Post
Holy cow! I'm beginning to believe that Hillary is a jedi. The force gives her power over the weak minded.
not jedi, Sith.
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