My experience is that okra gumbos have a thinner base and often have tomato.
Cajun gumbo has a much thicker french roux.
somebody can correct me but rarely do i remember having okra in Acadiana gumbo and usually it's an adder or they ask you if you want it.
like beer and pussy.....there is no such thing as THE best gumbo. I've had many gumbos that were great and look and tasted differently. various color, thickness, and texture of ingredients can generate a lot of different combinations of goodness.
Hell I remember back in the day

Luby's would dump the week's leftover seafood into a Friday gumbo.
Every fuckin Friday it was different. But it was always good. Some of us ate two bowls. They were never stingy on the meat.
YappyMarie.....can you post a pic of that Prejean's gumbo? maybe i can suggest something close.
Surely you captured the moment.