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Old 10-01-2016, 03:46 PM   #16
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Never received the invitation to this so called Woman Haters Club, and if I did I would rescind it. Because "There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all life is to short to be anything but happy."
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Old 10-01-2016, 03:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Freaklo1979 View Post
Never received the invitation to this so called Woman Haters Club, and if I did I would rescind it. Because "There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all life is to short to be anything but happy."
You're a sweetheart
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Old 10-01-2016, 04:01 PM   #18
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Trust me, any hatred directed toward women on this board is tame compared to r/incels on Reddit. Those dudes really hate women.
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Old 10-01-2016, 05:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Freaklo1979 View Post
"There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all life is to short to be anything but happy."
This. So much more of this is what the world in general needs.
I'm a woman who can't freaking stand drama. I rarely post on the boards because of that. I like the fun threads like the cereal one a few weeks ago, or Vannah's kitty thread.
I've only met 1 other provider from here in person, and honestly she's a sweetheart. There are a few girls that i talk to on here via pm. And have been wonderful to me from day one whether it was a reference check or a silly question i had when I first got on Eccie.
I've never really had a Man talk any crap or throw shade on another provider.
As someone else said, when they choose to see us, it's an escape from everyday life with a Wife/SO. I feel if they want the BS nagging they can stay home with their wives.
If i wanted to deal with hearing a man bitch and moan about every problem he's having. Well hell i would still be married.

No matter what someone somewhere is gonna be with the bullshit.
Not everyone is gonna like everyone.
I can think a man is fun, safe, best ever in bed. And the next woman will have the totally opposite opinion.
When i start talking to a gent about seeing him, i am blunt and to the point. If u want a spinner whose gonna answer the door in the sexiest lingerie you've ever seen and a bottle of wine, immediately drop to her knees to serve and obey your every want and desire.
Yea ya should probably call someone else.
If u want to have a kick ass time with a chick who loves to suck dick, can laugh and joke with ya and you don't have to worry about drama, BS, and someone just "playing the part".. Then hey you're gonna have a kick ass time with me.

As for the thread.. BD.. You have me wanting to watch Little Rascals now.. Lol
If the men wanna bitch and moan about us. Pshhh... Go for it.
What's the saying?.. "Love me or Hate me.. You're still thinking about me!!"
What one guy may bitch about. Hell i bet theres 3 that get turned on by it and pick up that phone to schedule.

My motto. Screw the drama. Lifes short. I wanna enjoy it. Have fun. Meet new people. Pay my bills. Help my family. And be able to continue to throw my kid money when he calls asking.
I happen to love what i do. And for me that's enough.
Sorry for the long ass comment btw.
Everyone have a great weekend. I've got a date to get ready for. Xo Cass 💋😘
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:47 AM   #20
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Excuse me...

First, let me say I think this could be a very helpful thread to discuss around here. And everyone here, whether they like the subject of this thread or not, has an opinion about it, some of you have very strong opinions. To those with the strongest of opinions, I'll offer a bit of advice, if you have to think twice about a post, wondering if you are pushing the envelope a bit to far, then you probably shouldn't post it. You all aren't children and you know the guidelines well enough to realize when you've gone to far, and that's all I've got to say about that.

What is important about this subject is this thread can go one of two ways, it can mend fences, or it can create an even wider chasm. It's up to you to decide which path it takes. Consider the repercussions from the outcome of this thread on the future of the hobby in your area.

We all have heard that the definition of insanity is to expect a different result from the same repeated actions, keep that in mind as this thread continues, if you want a different result, you are going to have to perform some different actions.

Carry on...


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Old 10-02-2016, 08:28 AM   #21
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I think the mods should ban men and woman that are. Negative. I live the flirting and playing in here. The pictures and the sexy comments. When I first joined I looked forward to logging in.
So much drama now from guys and girls. I love the hobby. I do have my regulars but enjoy meeting new girls. Talking about fantasies etc.
there needs to be a section for just negative stuff and then I would not go there.
This site should be fun to get on.
I don't hate one person on here girl or guy.
I just hate the negative posts.
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Old 10-02-2016, 08:58 AM   #22
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I agree totally splitlog. I have played here since the ASPD days and have met some great ladies. There have been some I've met that I've not 'clicked' with but isn't that life? The bickering and drama here gets tiring. We all participate in the hobby in order to get something that we can't get otherwise. If somebody isn't to your liking well there are other fish in the ocean.
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Old 10-02-2016, 10:17 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Lazrback View Post


Excuse me...

First, let me say I think this could be a very helpful thread to discuss around here. And everyone here, whether they like the subject of this thread or not, has an opinion about it, some of you have very strong opinions. To those with the strongest of opinions, I'll offer a bit of advice, if you have to think twice about a post, wondering if you are pushing the envelope a bit to far, then you probably shouldn't post it. You all aren't children and you know the guidelines well enough to realize when you've gone to far, and that's all I've got to say about that.

What is important about this subject is this thread can go one of two ways, it can mend fences, or it can create an even wider chasm. It's up to you to decide which path it takes. Consider the repercussions from the outcome of this thread on the future of the hobby in your area.

We all have heard that the definition of insanity is to expect a different result from the same repeated actions, keep that in mind as this thread continues, if you want a different result, you are going to have to perform some different actions.

Carry on...


Uh- OK.... Thread seemed to be going fine, but thanks for MODerating.
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Old 10-02-2016, 10:28 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by splitlog View Post
I think the mods should ban men and woman that are. Negative. I live the flirting and playing in here. The pictures and the sexy comments. When I first joined I looked forward to logging in.
So much drama now from guys and girls. I love the hobby. I do have my regulars but enjoy meeting new girls. Talking about fantasies etc.
there needs to be a section for just negative stuff and then I would not go there.
This site should be fun to get on.
I don't hate one person on here girl or guy.
I just hate the negative posts.
Not to be an asshat, but this thread from its inception is a slightly negative poke at some of the guys on the boards. So, while you don't like negative threads in general, you posted on this one? Of course, the mod came and changed the flow of the thread to reflect his personal agenda, what ever that may be.

TBH, most people on this board do get along just fine, though the problem really exist because some have a stronger opinion than others.

For example:

BD always post some interesting points of view, but every time she does, there is a group of guys that put her on blast for not doing DATY. She then does it covered and down of the same crowd puta her down by strongly saying they would not do it. So who's to blame? Her for posting or the crowd who always try to dick-tate to her what they think she should be doing?

I only use her because she started this thread.

Then you have the let's hate a certain girl crowd, typically it's the same guys who chide BD, now chide the other girl as well.

Take it for what the hobby is. A microcosm of the population.

Happy hobbying
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:26 PM   #25
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It's just getting worse. Is all.
Let's talk about sex and kinky stuff.
That's a lot more fun.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:47 PM   #26
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Here's an idea, get rid of the assholes that purposely start drama with certain ladies and watch the atmosphere change. You notice how they aren't posting on this thread...they know who they are and will just try to bury this thread with their filth.

We don't hate men (well some of us don't) we just get tired of the bull shit we deal with daily. Yes it's your escape but don't take your wife issues or work problems out on us. We didn't do it.

Show up on time, wash your balls WITH SOAP!!!, pay the lady, and have fun. It's not hard but a certain group of you try to make it that way.

If THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU, then do not take offense. Do NOT be offended when we gripe about some asshole, it wasn't you so don't get your balls twisted. IF YOI DO TALE OFFENSE then we can only assume the topic is about YOU.

We are so easily offended. Grow some balls (you too ladies) and stop letting things that have nothing to do with you offended you.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:53 PM   #27
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And one more thing. I'm putting this in public because I keep hearing about it

Ladies, mainly one lady I'm talking about. You're new, you're the shit right now, and your hair smell like roses and hemp oil. We get it. But be warned, every time you put down other providers to make yourself look better to a client will end up getting back to those providers. You're selling your pussy like the rest of us. It doesn't matter if you are doing it for fun, to suppprt your family, or just because you have nothing better to do. YOU ARE A WHORE LIKE THE REST OF US
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Old 10-02-2016, 05:10 PM   #28
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Keep Digging.... you'll get there, eventually 👍
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Old 10-02-2016, 05:39 PM   #29
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DR, do you really think the main problem on here is the guys? I agree there are some shit stirrers. I, for one, like to stir it some times, when I think it is warranted. However, to me it appears there are more ladies on here that post negative posts. Of course there are white knights and minions that then chime in as well to "help" there poor abused favorites, LOL.
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Old 10-02-2016, 06:37 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by cassie_love View Post
This. So much more of this is what the world in general needs.
I'm a woman who can't freaking stand drama. I rarely post on the boards because of that.
I've only met 1 other provider from here in person,.......
As someone else said, when they choose to see us, it's an escape from everyday life with a Wife/SO. I feel if they want the BS nagging they can stay home with their wives.

No matter what someone somewhere is gonna be with the bullshit.
Not everyone is gonna like everyone.
I can think a man is fun, safe, best ever in bed. And the next woman will have the totally opposite opinion.

As for the thread.. BD.. You have me wanting to watch Little Rascals now.. Lol
If the men wanna bitch and moan about us. Pshhh... Go for it.
What's the saying?.. "Love me or Hate me.. You're still thinking about me!!"
What one guy may bitch about. Hell i bet theres 3 that get turned on by it and pick up that phone to schedule.

My motto. Screw the drama. Lifes short. I wanna enjoy it. Have fun. Meet new people. Pay my bills. Help my family. And be able to continue to throw my kid money when he calls asking.
I happen to love what i do. And for me that's enough. 💋😘
Well said, I'd like to add that if I hated the hobby so much, I'd like to believe I'd find something else to do with my time and talents. I am here because I enjoy it!! The "Us against Them" (in both directions) gets OLD quick! It takes both sides (the ladies and gents) of this hobby for it to work. As far as the providers who constantly try to tear down women they don't know but who are perceived to be their completion, I'm way too busy enjoying life to let them get to me. Life is too short, to worry about people who do not matter!

Here's a great idea, get rid of all the assholes (male and female) who would rather create drama than have a good time!
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