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Old 09-28-2016, 03:49 PM   #46
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
It's about goddam time. lol I guess I don't need the reparation but I will take it if it's a check and give it to my favorite porn star escort who lives in Canada. lol

If I had to guess my ancestors hailed from Shaka Zulu tribe of South Africa.

But seriously I like how you folks want to forget about Slavery while propping up the Holocaust. lol
Since 90% of slave traffic bound for the Americas came from Western Africa, be prepared for disappointment. You're not noble or part of a frightening group of people. Your ancestors were the losers who were taken captive and shipped out. You more likely came from Benin and if you were living there today....welcome to Ebola you slimy piece of shit.

By the way Faux Bro, Zulu was the tribe and Shaka was their king. There is no Shaka Zule tribe.
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Old 09-28-2016, 03:56 PM   #47
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Old 09-28-2016, 04:45 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
When people think of the Holocaust, what comes to mind? Hitler , the Nazis killed six million Jews in Gas Chambers. The Holocaust doesn't spark any interest or concern in anything else. Most people don't even know that typhus was killing Europeans by the tens of thousands every month including European Jews. Most people don't even know what Typhus even is. The treatment for typhus at that time was minimal and ineffective especially for people living in cramped quarters at Nazi Concentration camps. So you can't reasonably hold the Nazi's responsible for Typhus and the thousands of deaths that occurred from it.

We held German POW's in Europe and they didn't die by the thousands of Typhus, so please provide a link to a credible source.

According to the Geneva Convention, war crimes against prisoners are prosecuted under many statutes, including failure to exercise due care.
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Old 09-28-2016, 09:31 PM   #49
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
I don't know when all these international Africans in other countries are gonna pay their reparations. I'm an American and I want my 40 acres and Champion Breed horses as penance. Stay focused this is about American citizens or did you forget what we were talking about? White America's debts to their historically enslaved citizens not other countries.
you're not getting a horse.

you're getting a mule! hee haw hee haw!!!
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Old 09-28-2016, 09:43 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Dizzzy, you're an idiot but I'm sure you've heard that before. Not everyone in the south supported slavery or kept slaves. Two major battles of note; Vicksburg and Fort Sumter. In both cases the Confederate commander did not keep slaves or support slavery whereas the Federal commander owned slaves.

One of the most successful plantations in Louisiana was owned by a former slave and black woman. She had hundreds of slaves. So who pays whom in that case? She was not the only black person to own slaves in those days.
shouldn't be too hard to go thru those slave records. it would take alot of time tho.

Freedmman are the only group of free blacks that could own slaves. In most cases, these free blacks are generally of mixed ancestery (mulatto, creole, etc.)

this is an interesting story on this one, an ex-slave turned slave owner.

my guess is she prolly wouldn't qualify, she already gained her freedom by some other method. it is possible that she had children by her former owner and married him, I'm just guessing here.
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Old 09-28-2016, 09:48 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Of the hundreds, and hundreds of thousands of American Soldiers who fought to end slavery, how many do you think even had any personal knowledge of it?

The decision was made that the abomination of slavery had to end. The decision was made that the Union had to be preserved.

It was worth the ultimate sacrifice by these men. Now we want to cheapen that sacrifice by cutting a check.

Fine. Do it. Then get on with life.
some would disagree that it was worth fighting for.

civil war cost 650,000 lives on both sides. a majority of them did not own slaves. so, if they weren't fighting to free the slaves out of the good of their hearts, what were they fighting for?

this was one war Mr. Lincoln could have avoided, but chose not to do so.

there were many people in the North were fine with the South leaving the Union.
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Old 09-28-2016, 09:48 PM   #52
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Purple carpet, baby... I'm going to rule the world!

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Old 09-28-2016, 09:54 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
No one is propping up the Holocaust, it is a unique and historic tragedy. I think the Germans should pay reparations to the Jewish people.

As for slavery reparations, I fucking agree completely as long as all the [prohibited]'s will quit bitching about everything and stop using the expression "white privilege" and give up welfare programs such as Section 8 housing, public housing, low income energy assistance, Head start, Obama phones etc etc etc and on and on and on.

Many of those are good programs on a temporary basis, but we have to give motherfuckers a little push to support themselves, especially if they get 100 grand per [prohibited].

the -N- word??? really now.
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Old 09-28-2016, 10:56 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
We held German POW's in Europe and they didn't die by the thousands of Typhus, so please provide a link to a credible source.

According to the Geneva Convention, war crimes against prisoners are prosecuted under many statutes, including failure to exercise due care.
This is just one of the many links out there depicting the tragic loss of life by typhus in the concentration camps during WW2. It was noted in this article that at Dachau alone 400 prisoners died each day that's over 140,000 Typhus deaths a year in just one location.


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Old 09-29-2016, 12:38 AM   #55
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Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
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Old 09-30-2016, 12:27 AM   #56
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When did reparations for "SLAVERY" become reparations for being black? Why is it so often assumed that ALL white people owe ALL black people for slavery?

Fact: There were black slave owners and slave traders. An African captured in Africa was captured by another African. European slave traders were not running around the African interior to capture Africans. They waited at Port for slaves to be delivered.

Fact: There were white slaves in America and elsewhere. No, I'm not talking about indentured servants (who were also sometimes taken against their will.) There were white people who were bought and sold as property. We're they any less wronged because they were a minotity? The word "slave" comes from the word "Slav" because Slavic people were traded as slaves.

Fact: Slavery was not purely an American institution. Slavery existed all over the world for almost all of recorded history. Our 150 years without slavery is not a historical norm. That is not to say it is not an atrocity. It is to say almost every person on the planet likely has ancestors that were slaves in one country or another, at one time or another.

Fact: I am white and I have documentation that I have ancestors that were slaves in the US.

Question: Should I get reparations too? Or would you rather my reparations go to the descendants of a black slave trader or black slave owner?

I dare you to answer.
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Old 09-30-2016, 01:34 AM   #57
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The first slave owner in America was a black man. They owe reparations to themselves.

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Old 09-30-2016, 07:31 AM   #58
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It is true there are more people who are not black that are descendants of slaves than black people

Slavery exists today in the Muslim world

Since it does, it begs the question, why do some American blacks turn to Islam as a religion? Is it a form of anti white animus, however uninformed?
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Old 09-30-2016, 07:42 AM   #59
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How many of those UN countries pay for their freedom?
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Old 09-30-2016, 07:50 AM   #60
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the only people who deserve to get reparations are the black people who's homes & towns were burned to the ground resulting from race riots ginned up by government officials who were hostile to successful black people.
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