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Old 09-27-2016, 07:37 PM   #46
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My guess on the way Hillary was prepped for the debate.
1) Suck the blood out of several☠️healthy donors, or at least a couple of good transfusions mixed with vitamin B-12 and steroids. Maybe even an injection of freshly aborted stem cells so she could feel young again.
2) Wear industrial strength adult diapers with odor control so no alarms would go off, eliminating the need for a bathroom break.
3) The tubes that channel her body fluids were not so well concealed but at least they did not fall out.
4) Prep her with the answers. Sure, we believe that she didn't know the questions ahead of time.
5) Utilize the best Hollywood writers to come up with zingers.
6) Put higher wattage studio lamps over Trumps podium to raise the temperature by 20 degrees.
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Old 09-27-2016, 07:55 PM   #47
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Whatever she did to prepare worked. She whipped him like an orange headed stepchild.
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Old 09-27-2016, 08:04 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
A lot of voters disagree:


400,000 votes, Trump 58% Clinton 42%
Did you even read this from your nonsense survey?

"A disclaimer: Online reader polls like this one are not statistically representative of likely voters, and are not predictive of how the debate outcome will affect the election. They are a measure, however imprecise, of which candidates have the most energized online supporters, or most social media savvy fan base."

Shocking. A survey of Trump supporters says they thought he won. And in breaking news, water is wet.
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Old 09-27-2016, 08:27 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Asfaloth54 View Post
Did you even read this from your nonsense survey?

"A disclaimer: Online reader polls like this one are not statistically representative of likely voters, and are not predictive of how the debate outcome will affect the election. They are a measure, however imprecise, of which candidates have the most energized online supporters, or most social media savvy fan base."

Shocking. A survey of Trump supporters says they thought he won. And in breaking news, water is wet.
I said these online polls are not scientific. But there are millions of people participating. The pundits have been wrong about Trump from the beginning. These polls said Trump won all the Republican primary debates. He won the nomination with a record vote. They may not be scientific, but they've been correct so far this year. Prove me wrong.
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Old 09-27-2016, 09:58 PM   #50
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He may have lost the 400lb geek vote.
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Old 09-27-2016, 10:13 PM   #51
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10-11-16 (2 weeks) DVD release... Yeah Baby!

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Old 09-27-2016, 10:59 PM   #52
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What a piss poor debate from trump... yup. . .called it. . .it's the moderator's fault. . .it's the mic's fault. . .it's the media conspiracy. . .grow up, face the real world, and admit that actions have consequences. . .or in dt's case, lack of actions. . .you can't refuse to prepare for a presidential debate and then blame everybody but yourself. . . . . .Putin and his Russian oligarchs may need to collect early on trump. his stock may crash unless he follows through on his backup plan: a Roger Ailes network that services the alt right all day.
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Old 09-27-2016, 11:11 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by The Motley Fool View Post
What a piss poor debate from trump... yup. . .called it. . .it's the moderator's fault. . .it's the mic's fault. . .it's the media conspiracy. . .grow up, face the real world, and admit that actions have consequences. . .or in dt's case, lack of actions. . .you can't refuse to prepare for a presidential debate and then blame everybody but yourself. . . . . .Putin and his Russian oligarchs may need to collect early on trump. his stock may crash unless he follows through on his backup plan: a Roger Ailes network that services the alt right all day.
Trump's only short coming was that he didn't sink hildebeest beneath the weight of her lies and criminal activities, Fool. Trump very succesfully knotted the rope of compilicity around her fat, lying neck tying her to the foreign and domestic policy failures of this administration, but he neglected to throw the anchor into the water that will carry her corrupt and lying ass to the bottom of the sea, Fool.
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Old 09-27-2016, 11:39 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by ugotme10 View Post
He may have lost the 400lb geek vote.

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Old 09-28-2016, 12:36 AM   #55
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I doubt if this debate will have any long term effect. We know Hillary's stamina was artificially induced. We know Trump held back on some issues that would have destroyed Hillary. Let's see what happens in the next one.
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:39 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I doubt if this debate will have any long term effect. We know Hillary's stamina was artificially induced. We know Trump held back on some issues that would have destroyed Hillary. Let's see what happens in the next one.
You are full of shit, Hillary has more ammo to come at Trump - this isn't 2012 where Romney had the economy to attack Obama - trump can't attack Clinton on the economy, terrorism or character. Wait until they talk about immigration - no one gives a shit about her emails and Benghazi is a dead horse. What about Trump university his taxes and trumps perceived racist rhetoric.
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Old 09-28-2016, 05:44 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Trump's only short coming was that he didn't sink hildebeest beneath the weight of her lies and criminal activities, Fool. Trump very succesfully knotted the rope of compilicity around her fat, lying neck tying her to the foreign and domestic policy failures of this administration, but he neglected to throw the anchor into the water that will carry her corrupt and lying ass to the bottom of the sea, Fool.

Face it, Trump is the scatter brain version of Sarah Palin. You wanted him to sink Hillary but the reality is that he will forget again at the next debate. Why? Because he's so scatter brain once she starts attacking him he's starts chimping out like a monkey and forgets everything he practiced to say. He goes nuts and starts going bat shit crazy in defense of himself.

Hillary knows this and so she will time her setups very well. Fact is Hillary let him off the hook on so many things. Sure they didn't elaborate on Bengahzi or emails or the Clinton foundation because to be frank she has very good answers for them. Emails she says it was a mistake and that's what the voters want to hear she played that beautifully. Benghazi she testified for 11 hrs before Congress and proved her case. No issues there. Clinton Foundation review found nothing was done inappropriately.

Conversely, Trumps foundation has been found to engage in money laundering if it's brought up he wont be able to answer the questions so it's in his interest not to bring up her foundation. He's been stealing money from his own Foundation and using it for personal items. Hillary didnt really bring up Trump university and how he defrauded those folks and bribe the Florida AG not to prosecute him and was subsequently fined by the IRS. She didn't bring up the fact he's in love with Putin, she not once mentioned David Dukes name, she didn't mention the violence he insights at his rallies. She didnt mention how he belittles Vets and war heros by saying POW's arent war heros and showing disrespect for the Purple Heart. I could go on and on there's so many areas she didn't touch on so its in his best interest not to get into a mud slinging contest with the Secretary. lol

ok Rant over.

PS: His lack of Foreign policy knowledge is a glaring black hole and she hasn't even touched the surface of it. He's in a world of trouble at the next debates because he's angry and like boxing you never get into the ring if you're angry and mad at your opponent. It's a recipe for you getting knocked the fuck out. lol
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Old 09-28-2016, 07:19 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Hillary looked like she was *forbidden topic*. She was swaying and had that goofy, arrogant grin the whole time. She repeated mainly memorized talking points with no substance. She was not fully present. That being said, Trump had several opportunities to deliver knockout blows, but he didn't. Trump was disappointing, but he was much more on top of real world problems than Hillary, but he could have done much better.

Finally a very compos mentis (aka sane) response. I saw the debate in the same light COG. Trump certainly was not on top of his game, but lets face it, anyone who has done anything their very first time stumbles like the child trying to walk for the first time, but that does not negate the fact that HRC has deceived the American people for the last 30 yrs, starting with Bill's philandering and blaming the women and the evil "right wing conspiracy", to her recent events of emails.

There were definitely a number of situations that Trump did not take advantage of, e.g., when she started on his misogyny, he could have easily put her on the defensive instead himself being defensive (I am hopeful he is fast learner for next debate, and hoping he doesn't agree with Guiliani and chooses not to do debates). When she attacked him his taxes, instead of being defensive, he should have shot right back about her and Bill running around the country on their charity money or how is Chelea living in a 10 million apartment. He needs to get off the defensive and put himself on the offensive.

It also appeared to me, that HRC, was like the student getting ready for their exam, they memorize everything, what do they remember a week a month a year after exam?, very little.

Still got faith in Mr Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-28-2016, 07:39 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
Finally a very compos mentis (aka sane) response. I saw the debate in the same light COG. Trump certainly was not on top of his game, but lets face it, anyone who has done anything their very first time stumbles like the child trying to walk for the first time, but that does not negate the fact that HRC has deceived the American people for the last 30 yrs, starting with Bill's philandering and blaming the women and the evil "right wing conspiracy", to her recent events of emails.

There were definitely a number of situations that Trump did not take advantage of, e.g., when she started on his misogyny, he could have easily put her on the defensive instead himself being defensive (I am hopeful he is fast learner for next debate, and hoping he doesn't agree with Guiliani and chooses not to do debates). When she attacked him his taxes, instead of being defensive, he should have shot right back about her and Bill running around the country on their charity money or how is Chelea living in a 10 million apartment. He needs to get off the defensive and put himself on the offensive.

It also appeared to me, that HRC, was like the student getting ready for their exam, they memorize everything, what do they remember a week a month a year after exam?, very little.

Still got faith in Mr Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The debate did very little for either candidate. We'll see Friday when some new polls will be published.
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Old 09-28-2016, 07:47 AM   #60
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What? Rudy G. advised Trump not to do any more debates? Why? Trump says he won the debates from several polls, including the one from the CBS network. CBS says they didn't do a poll, lol.

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