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Old 09-24-2016, 08:11 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by hotrix1 View Post
It was deliberately done, Not that you'd know. Why come into something you clearly have no understanding or standing for that matter? So it would get linked to the reviews of the provider. As it did and made it permanent for that provider.

And who made you a wannabe-mod pyramider? Go stack your legos and leave it to adults to deal with adult matters.
Pantards, like that's sooooo original. In your "state of confusion" you opened mouth and stuck foot in. Might want to check some background before coming to a rash conclusion and go off half-cocked.
Go stir your own shit in Dallas, hear you got mucho. de la Mancha, my ass. More like de las nalgas. Callate mujer, deje ahora!
Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
The pantards cannot even post NCNSs correctly ...

I communicate differently than most. I attempt to look at both points of view. The post by Hotrix was based on historical reviews one by him that was glowing. The provider, to say the least has been, well, inconsistent with her communication. Made for some very disappointing and in some cases expensive member experiences. Hot, who needs NO help in expressing his views, was just striving to let us all know he stands by his GREAT review, however if making a decision to use that review to see said provider, future experiences was not great.

The review format might not have been the right venue but what the hell do I know anyway. What it did do for me is once again alert me of a real situation that my have caused me disappointment.

Hope that helps put some perspective on this situations. Seems I am one of the Pantards, It is my honor to be included in this rare and respected community. However, I do truly respect what your community has done for the rest of us. Thanks brother and keep the faith.

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Old 09-24-2016, 08:46 AM   #17
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Default the other side of the Coin

Originally Posted by AttitudePositive View Post

I communicate differently than most. I attempt to look at both points of view. The post by Hotrix was based on historical reviews one by him that was glowing. The provider, to say the least has been, well, inconsistent with her communication. Made for some very disappointing and in some cases expensive member experiences. Hot, who needs NO help in expressing his views, was just striving to let us all know he stands by his GREAT review, however if making a decision to use that review to see said provider, future experiences was not great.

The review format might not have been the right venue but what the hell do I know anyway. What it did do for me is once again alert me of a real situation that my have caused me disappointment.

Hope that helps put some perspective on this situations. Seems I am one of the Pantards, It is my honor to be included in this rare and respected community. However, I do truly respect what your community has done for the rest of us. Thanks brother and keep the faith.


AP I agree with Pyramider this maybe the best place for this if you look at the other side of that coin.

I think for a Neg review on Her this way more people can see this Not just the PA member's . so on the coed Pg the New member's know what all is going on also !
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Old 09-24-2016, 08:49 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Jjsunday View Post
AP I agree with Pyramider this maybe the best place for this if you look at the other side of that coin.

I think for a Neg review on Her this way more people can see this Not just the PA member's . so on the coed Pg the New member's know what all is going on also !

Good feedback, thank you.
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Old 09-24-2016, 12:47 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by MissLady35 View Post
Thank you Jjsunday! It's been awhile for sure ���� enjoyed talking with you too! ����
from the way you posted this you must not remember me lol that's ok. It was one time you was in Tally and was having a bit of bad luck . I came By to see P. rue and when I walked in you was on the loveseat.Busy as you could be. lol We all talked for a while joking and cutting up some.you even asked what my Handle was and told me you could remember that one! lol then you went to the other room so I could have some fun !

I thought I made more of a inpresstion then That Lol

But guess Not Lmao
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Old 09-25-2016, 07:36 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by AttitudePositive View Post

I communicate differently than most. I attempt to look at both points of view. The post by Hotrix was based on historical reviews one by him that was glowing. The provider, to say the least has been, well, inconsistent with her communication. Made for some very disappointing and in some cases expensive member experiences. Hot, who needs NO help in expressing his views, was just striving to let us all know he stands by his GREAT review, however if making a decision to use that review to see said provider, future experiences was not great.

The review format might not have been the right venue but what the hell do I know anyway. What it did do for me is once again alert me of a real situation that my have caused me disappointment.

Hope that helps put some perspective on this situations. Seems I am one of the Pantards, It is my honor to be included in this rare and respected community. However, I do truly respect what your community has done for the rest of us. Thanks brother and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Jjsunday View Post
AP I agree with Pyramider this maybe the best place for this if you look at the other side of that coin.

I think for a Neg review on Her this way more people can see this Not just the PA member's . so on the coed Pg the New member's know what all is going on also !

Hey, no harm no foul ... The pantards are new to all of this. Stay within the guidelines, and do not fuck with the nuclear rules, and ya'll will be just fine ... also that will make even the dumbest modtard look competent. Now when are the ladies going to post taint photos for my examination, I am a certified taintologist ...
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Old 12-06-2016, 10:26 AM   #21
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I guess this post is worth a bump since she's updated her profile. And could have saved this hobbyist the trouble here:
Let it be a warning not to fall for the new pics. She's not the SexyChloe of previous years anymore.
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Old 12-06-2016, 07:44 PM   #22
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Default C'mon CP, really?

A warning for bumping this thread? What about this?:

#13 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time.

The judicious use of warnings should be applied with the guidelines specifically in mind by a modtard like you. And that's not how the guidelines read, or did I miss something in what it's supposed to mean? So what's your objection to this bump?

Now this thread was denied review status because of it being an NCNS. And moved to the COED forum despite my objections. Bumping it to alert the hobbyists unaware of the drastic downward trend of SexyChloe's appearance and quality of service would have served to warn brians, had it been allowed to remain in her reviews for all to see permanently.
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Old 12-06-2016, 08:38 PM   #23
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Default WTF Cpal ????????????

WTF are you talking about that has got to be one of the dumbest thing I seen !!!!!! Now are you telling us we can't post on a thread that over 30 days old.Bull Shit !!!

I think you are just trying to start your FU rules again !
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Old 12-07-2016, 07:41 AM   #24
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Default Here we go again folks....WTF is Right!!!

Since opinions around here are not always appreciated, I set this up as ONLY MY OPINION. The question here is relevancy and does the information help the members? With all the bullshit that can happen on a PFP site especially in the panhandle, reading the rules that HOT reprinted, reading said review and respectfully not disclosing what was in the ROS, is HOT's comments and listed thread relevant? YES. Does it fall under the exception, YES.

This was greyest of grey lines and quite frankly would have died out quick. Instead, welcome to the "Spin Cycle".

QUESTION OF THE YEAR? Now the question is, shall WE make a BFD out of this? Shall we take sides and go to WAR over this? Do we all have to prove our point and establish the size of our manhood yet again? Is it target practices on members, providers and mods time once again?

Answer: "Maybe!!!!!!!!!". A little drama is always entertaining here in the panhandle and gets the old blood flowing again. OR do we believe that members take care of members with accurate information. AND Mods keep the flow letting most everything die of natural causes as was instructed in writing in the past.

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Old 12-07-2016, 10:04 AM   #25
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Default WTF is Right

AP I agree with alot of what you said......But......This is not a Review it's a NC/NS Thread

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
NC/NS reports go in coed. Moved
Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
I have no desire to be a modtard. Plus, I am not likely to die soon so I would not be a good one anyway. A NCNS is not a review. Nothing happened. If nothing happened then how can it be reviewed and lincked to the provider. Plus, it's icky's policy to not have NCNSs as a review, which makes some sense once one steps back and looks at the bigger picture.

I might agree with you if icky allowed the ladies to respond and post in the review forum ... but icky does not ... Oh I never liked Legos. You ever step on those sharp little pieces with bare feet? Holy crap you will become alert and fully awake quickly.
the GL only say you can't bump Reviews that are over 30 days it says nothing about the threads so there is no need to try to justify it.

This is just another one of CP BS rules !
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Old 12-07-2016, 10:27 AM   #26
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JJ, thank you for the clarification. Seems all this stemmed from a review that both focuses on one provider whom did show and one that did not. Hots linch was tied to the reviewed provider. Sometimes my head spins on all the rules. Really just want good advise on how to have fun and not fall into similar traps.

On the rule thing. Now I have a questions. How can any Mod make up their own rules? I am not trying to be an ass here, if the rules say one thing and the mod says another............ Not really a question here, more like a slight bit of frustration and confusion. Either way, So I stand corrected.
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Old 12-07-2016, 11:23 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by AttitudePositive View Post
JJ, thank you for the clarification. Seems all this stemmed from a review that both focuses on one provider whom did show and one that did not. Hots linch was tied to the reviewed provider. Sometimes my head spins on all the rules. Really just want good advise on how to have fun and not fall into similar traps.

On the rule thing. Now I have a questions. How can any Mod make up their own rules? I am not trying to be an ass here, if the rules say one thing and the mod says another............ Not really a question here, more like a slight bit of frustration and confusion. Either way, So I stand corrected.

Just to show you what I am talking about so you don't think I am making up stuff playing the Gotta-ya game and thats not what I am doning here's what it says

#13 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time.

this GL only talking about in the review forum it says that and in the review forum you can't bump a review that 30 days old.

it also says on the bottom as for discussion thread like the Coed forum will run longer and say nothing about posting on a old thread.and remember CC opened up all the old locked theard so we could post on them if we wanted to.

to ans you on how a MOD can just make up there own rules.if we don't know the GL and just take their word on what it says they can do what they want till they get called to the table. But I for one don't want to give up the freedom we have now just so we wont be like Texas. Fuck that !

But as I see it the warning that CP did was worng. There is nothing right about it. he should give tricx's a big my bad man and remove the warning.

Because it is BS and we all saw what happen the last time CPal tried to strong arm us with his BS rules and he was wrong then .they talk about all the drama kills membership but really all the policing they do really kills it.

Think about it we are a group that don't follow the rules so why put more and BS rules on us

I really think pyri was right "the only good Mods are the dead ones you can dug them up when you need them".
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Old 12-07-2016, 11:49 AM   #28
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Now that is an explanation. Thank you as always my friend.
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Old 12-07-2016, 05:01 PM   #29
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Default Capt Obvious

I open a thread if it's in BOLD writing...when I see it's older than Methuselah, I press on to the next item of interest. You know you can start a new thread just about every 5 minutes if you have the time. That would push everybody else's down the hatch and cover the front page with everything you want to say. So, bump if you really feel the need, but we all read the new stuff.
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Old 12-07-2016, 05:58 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Jardinier View Post
I open a thread if it's in BOLD writing...when I see it's older than Methuselah, I press on to the next item of interest. You know you can start a new thread just about every 5 minutes if you have the time. That would push everybody else's down the hatch and cover the front page with everything you want to say. So, bump if you really feel the need, but we all read the new stuff.
Lmfao you read this one Lmao

you is funny !Jardinier Lmao

it not about us bumping old ones it being told not to.I have no problem writing a new one but if something we want to add to this one it's just fucking BS being warned not to by a Pocket Mod !
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