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Old 09-22-2016, 11:02 PM   #16
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Well that escalated quickly...

Again, I wanna know where the original question came from... Do you live in a predominantly black neighborhood so its all you see? What gives...

Statistics aside, Whether the black race is "leading" the epidemic or not, that isn't what you asked. You asked if it was only black people/culture. The answer is no.

The fact that you even asked that shows your closed mindedness as well as a lack of exposure to the real world.

Get a freaking clue dude... seriously lol
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Old 09-22-2016, 11:20 PM   #17
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Why do you care to even ask? Please expound more I don't want anyone who thinks like you to be silent please reveal yourselves for exactly what you are
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Old 09-23-2016, 12:21 AM   #18
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Default Skewed statistics !!!!

Any number can be skewed !!! History has proven that ! I'm signing OFF end of this discussion my friend ! The only thing that's proven here... You are a hater !!!! LOL....
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Old 09-23-2016, 01:48 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by gnote View Post
Any number can be skewed !!! History has proven that ! I'm signing OFF end of this discussion my friend ! The only thing that's proven here... You are a hater !!!! LOL....
I'm not a hater.

Go ahead.....please paste your unskewed data UITB.

Prove my data wrong.
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Old 09-23-2016, 03:42 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Karlie Raines View Post
Well that escalated quickly...

Again, I wanna know where the original question came from... Do you live in a predominantly black neighborhood so its all you see? What gives...

Statistics aside, Whether the black race is "leading" the epidemic or not, that isn't what you asked. You asked if it was only black people/culture. The answer is no.

The fact that you even asked that shows your closed mindedness as well as a lack of exposure to the real world.

Get a freaking clue dude... seriously lol
I don't know, you seem defensive with your comments. I have lived all over the world. The idea for this thread came out a conversation I had with my current girlfriend, who is black. She grew up without a father around, raised by her mother, and those conditions led to a poverty upbringing.

It only seems to be in the black culture or community that a man is casually thought of or tossed aside as a baby daddy, and that is all he is. Or that the "baby momma baby daddy" is even a category.

The black athlete is a different story. Almost everyone that has a background story written about them has a child in their teen years. Others like Evander Holyfield, Calvin Murphy, the Jets Cromarti and dozens of others reproduce like mad.
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Old 09-23-2016, 04:00 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post

---- unmarried black woman lead the pack as murderers of their unborn babies

According to statistics white women lead the pack.

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Old 09-23-2016, 04:26 AM   #22
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I think it is a combination of poverty and their social situation. I personally knew a woman with 5 children, none from the same father, none of the fathers around, 22 years old. Their grandmother was 35. She could make more money from Welfare than a minimum wage job, so why work? Make more money by banging out another kid. She lived in a Federal housing project, where everyone was in a similar situation. This is why Welfare and Federal handouts don't work.

And guess what? You and I are paying for it.
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Old 09-23-2016, 05:09 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
Maybe, but statistically:

---- blacks produce the highest number of babies out of wedlock

Looks like white women lead the pack in this category also. See page 41.

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Old 09-23-2016, 05:44 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Oralist View Post
I think it is a combination of poverty and their social situation. I personally knew a woman with 5 children, none from the same father, none of the fathers around, 22 years old. Their grandmother was 35. She could make more money from Welfare than a minimum wage job, so why work? Make more money by banging out another kid. She lived in a Federal housing project, where everyone was in a similar situation. This is why Welfare and Federal handouts don't work.

And guess what? You and I are paying for it.

There is a need, but this is so true and correct. Some people were discussing this just the other day. They didn't want to work and have earned income, because if it got to a certain level, they would lose their free apartment and other benefits would be reduced.

The jobs they could get wouldn't pay enough so they could live without the benefits.
Result is - better not to work.
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Old 09-23-2016, 05:44 AM   #25
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This thread is awesome. I just don't know where to start; what a candy store. lol
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Old 09-23-2016, 06:47 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
I don't know, you seem defensive with your comments. I have lived all over the world. The idea for this thread came out a conversation I had with my current girlfriend, who is black. She grew up without a father around, raised by her mother, and those conditions led to a poverty upbringing.

It only seems to be in the black culture or community that a man is casually thought of or tossed aside as a baby daddy, and that is all he is. Or that the "baby momma baby daddy" is even a category.

The black athlete is a different story. Almost everyone that has a background story written about them has a child in their teen years. Others like Evander Holyfield, Calvin Murphy, the Jets Cromarti and dozens of others reproduce like mad.

It's probably easier if you start off being truthful as to intent as opposed to the typical "I have a black girlfriend" speech. Now the question is do you want me to educate you or was this thread a mere platform for a political grievance? Either way I will presume upon your thought process and either expose intent or get silent acquiescence.

As power corrupts absolutely so does poverty beget poverty absolutely as in your girlfriends case. It's true there's a numbers problem in the black community across multiple fronts but it's no secret that it's virtually rooted in the justice, economic, education, and social disparities we historically live under.

There are many examples to be found rooted in those disparities. Take imprisonment for example. Blacks are locked up at double and triple the rates as others for equivalent crimes, thus removing them from families. You also have babies mamas upset over the failed relationships and so many work overtime to block access to the kids through the court system. Many black fathers aren't going to show up to court to fight for their kids as they're likely to have other warrants or cases pending, again all part of the disparities within the system. It's not my intent at all to remove personal accountability (having kids you can't afford for a paycheck) I just think it needs to be tempered with realities of the system as opposed to a stereotypical misunderstanding of root causes.

I'm cool with talking about all of this but when are we gonna start talking about the ills of white society. I notice you fellas don't miss a chance to talk about what's wrong in black communities; let's spread the love.

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Old 09-23-2016, 07:11 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Is it only in the black culture that babies are made at random, little thought,
with the mother referring to the father as the baby daddy, and having no relationship with them ?

Then there are the black athletes, who seem to have endless amount of kids with different mothers, Evander Holyfield being in the lead, Houston's own Calvin Murphy not far behind.
VitaMan, I think you just hit the bullseye with your keen observation. Absolutely no other culture has ANY incidents of unplanned/underplanned pregnancies or single mothers with living but uninvolved fathers. There aren't even orphanages in, say, former soviet block countries or in east Asia, because of the relative few blacks there and because everyone there belongs to a strong and fully functional traditional family unit.

What the U.S. needs is to return to the societal model we had under our virtuous founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson, for example, would have never avoided his family duties toward his white family.
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Old 09-23-2016, 07:48 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
I don't know, you seem defensive with your comments. I have lived all over the world. The idea for this thread came out a conversation I had with my current girlfriend, who is black. She grew up without a father around, raised by her mother, and those conditions led to a poverty upbringing.

It only seems to be in the black culture or community that a man is casually thought of or tossed aside as a baby daddy, and that is all he is. Or that the "baby momma baby daddy" is even a category.

The black athlete is a different story. Almost everyone that has a background story written about them has a child in their teen years. Others like Evander Holyfield, Calvin Murphy, the Jets Cromarti and dozens of others reproduce like mad.
Please spare me the "I have a black girlfriend " speech. Just because your girlfriend grew up in poverty without daddy around doesn't even justify it only happening in the black community. Unfortunately that comment is severely lacking anything of substance.

I'm not being defensive at all, I'm up for a challenging discussion any time Something I can't deal with though is ignorance, and your "logic" for/in this thread screams it.

For someone who is so well travelled you would think that your eyes would be a bit more opened to the economic deficiencies, poverty and a slew of problems happening all over the world.

I find it hard to believe that you actually believe BD/BM drama is a "black" thing.

Feel free to post some facts as well as reputable sources to back yourself up.
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Old 09-23-2016, 08:04 AM   #29
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noun 1. Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)

2. Slang. something extremely difficult or perilous: That final exam was murder!

3. a group or flock of crows.

verb (used with object) 4. Law. to kill by an act constituting murder.

5. to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.

6. to spoil or mar by bad performance, representation, pronunciation, etc.: The tenor murdered the aria.

[uh-bawr-shuh n]

noun 1. Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

2. any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months.

3. Also called spontaneous abortion. miscarriage (def 1).

4. an immature and nonviable fetus.

5. abortus (def 2).

6. any malformed or monstrous person, thing, etc.

7. Biology. the arrested development of an embryo or an organ at a more or less early stage.

Currently abortion does not fall under the legal & culturally/social (as culture & society norms form the law) definition of murder.

Also from personal experience I only know one (1) Negro that's had an abortion, but two (2) pigment deficients & five (5) Asians. So....... yeah
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Old 09-23-2016, 08:06 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Karlie Raines View Post
Please spare me the "I have a black girlfriend " speech. Just because your girlfriend grew up in poverty without daddy around doesn't even justify it only happening in the black community. Unfortunately that comment is severely lacking anything of substance.

I'm not being defensive at all, I'm up for a challenging discussion any time Something I can't deal with though is ignorance, and your "logic" for/in this thread screams it.

For someone who is so well travelled you would think that your eyes would be a bit more opened to the economic deficiencies, poverty and a slew of problems happening all over the world.

I find it hard to believe that you actually believe BD/BM drama is a "black" thing.

Feel free to post some facts as well as reputable sources to back yourself up.
The well traveled and and black girlfriend comments were nothing but attempted setups. Reminds me of friends and family you haven't heard from in a while call you up just to say hi and make sure you're ok (the setup call) and then 2 weeks later call asking for a loan (original intent).
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