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Old 09-21-2016, 06:45 PM   #1
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Default El-Sisi Meets with Both Candidates

He likes Trump and can trust him to help with Egypt's war on the mooslem brobros... El-Sisi thinks Hilhag is a 0zombie... http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presid...th-candidates/

NEW YORK CITY, New York — Members of the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations blasted Hillary Clinton just a day after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with both Clinton and Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. They also had high praise for Trump—and while not an official endorsement, it is a positive outcome for Trump’s first and only meeting with Muslim world leaders thus far.
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Old 09-21-2016, 06:51 PM   #2
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Geez, I thought Trump was a leading recruiting tool for ISIS. I'm guessing Isreal prefers Trump as well.
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:27 PM   #3
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^ ok folks now that Happy meal hour at McDonald's is over let me hit you with the facts. lol

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took meetings with foreign leaders. Hillary Clinton met with leaders from Ukraine and Japan and Egypt. Donald Trump just took one. He met with the head of Egypt. And check out the difference.

The Trump campaign put out this press statement about their meeting, quoting, “Mr. Trump thanks President el-Sisi and the Egyptian people for what they`ve done in defense of their country and for the betterment of the world. Mr. Trump expressed to President el-Sisi his strong support for Egypt`s war on terrorism. Mr. Trump said that if he were fortunate enough to win the election in November, he would invite President el-Sisi on official visit to the United States and would be honored to himself visit Egypt.”
Now, look at the Clinton meeting. It starts off kind of the same. “Secretary Clinton and President Sisi had a constructive discussion about bilateral ties and cooperation on a wide range of issues, including counterterrorism.” But now, notice the change, “Secretary Clinton emphasized the importance of respect for rule of law and human rights to Egypt`s future progress. Secretary Clinton called for the release of U.S. citizen Aya Hijazi and raised concerns about prosecution of Egyptian human rights organizations and activists.”
So in Summary:

Clinton goes and meets with a military strong man dictator and presses him on the American human rights worker who he`s had locked up since 2014 and the other human rights organizations and activists he`s got locked up, tells him that the U.S. expects better of human rights, and the way he treats American citizens, not to mention his own dissidents.

Trump takes a meeting the same day with the same guy and tells the guy, “Hey, you know, I really like what you`ve done with the place. I`d love for you to come visit sometime or maybe you could come visit me.”

What a stark contrast in Leadership abilities and qualities. We have a very stark choice to make in terms of how we want the United States to be positioned in this big, bad world. Hilary is clearly poised and mature and comes across as very Presidential, whereas Trump sounds like a kid in awe at a county fare wanting to get onto all the rides and eat the cotton candy. LOL

Source: From Rachel Maddow's 9/20 show transcript.

Thanks Rach!!!
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:36 PM   #4
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and thanks to the OP for starting this thread. I was wondering how I could get that information in and this thread was the perfect conduit. You set em up and I'll knock em down. lol
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:39 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
^ ok folks now that Happy meal hour at McDonald's is over let me hit you with the facts. lol

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took meetings with foreign leaders. Hillary Clinton met with leaders from Ukraine and Japan and Egypt. Donald Trump just took one. He met with the head of Egypt. And check out the difference.

So in Summary:

Clinton goes and meets with a military strong man dictator and presses him on the American human rights worker who he`s had locked up since 2014 and the other human rights organizations and activists he`s got locked up, tells him that the U.S. expects better of human rights, and the way he treats American citizens, not to mention his own dissidents.

Trump takes a meeting the same day with the same guy and tells the guy, “Hey, you know, I really like what you`ve done with the place. I`d love for you to come visit sometime or maybe you could come visit me.”

What a stark contrast in Leadership abilities and qualities. We have a very stark choice to make in terms of how we want the United States to be positioned in this big, bad world. Hilary is clearly poised and mature and comes across as very Presidential, whereas Trump sounds like a kid in awe at a county fare wanting to get onto all the rides and eat the cotton candy. LOL

Source: From Rachel Maddow's 9/20 show transcript.

Thanks Rach!!!
Rachel Maddow? You're kidding right? She's not biased? You stupid sap sucker.
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:47 PM   #6
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^ doesn't matter Facts are Facts. What came out of Trump's mouth is undisputed by his own Campaign. Hilary showed she's way way way more Presidential than that clown who wants to visit Egypt. LOL
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:54 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
^ doesn't matter Facts are Facts. What came out of Trump's mouth is undisputed by his own Campaign. Hilary showed she's way way way more Presidential than that clown who wants to visit Egypt. LOL
Did she collapse during her meetings? That's Presidential. Did she lie to anybody? Did she ask for any money? LMAO
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Old 09-21-2016, 07:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
and thanks to the OP for starting this thread. I was wondering how I could get that information in and this thread was the perfect conduit. You set em up and I'll knock em down. lol

OK 0zombie, read it and cry like a desperate musbrosoros supporter...

Egyptian officials expressed frustration and outrage over the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood and expressed concern that a Clinton administration would continue to undermine Egyptian efforts to dismantle Brotherhood terrorists attempting to destabilize the democratically elected Egyptian government.

Ahmed Gad, a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, told Breitbart News Tuesday night:

I think 90 percent of Egyptians would prefer Trump because he will not cooperate with terrorists. He [Trump] will not cooperate with Muslim Brothers and our main concern in Egypt now is terrorist attacks as you saw two days ago in the United States. We saw it daily in Egypt on the hands of Muslim Brothers so we know very well that Muslim Brothers are a terrorist group and we want to build up our democratic regime.

Many members of the Egyptian delegation spoke on the record exclusively with Breitbart News at an event to promote communication and unity between the United States and Egypt on Tuesday night. The event was organized by popular Egyptian media personality and host of American Pulse Dr. Michael Morgan, and featured several American foreign policy experts including representatives from the London Center for Policy Research and more than a hundred prominent Egyptians including members of parliament, leading media figures, government officials, and businessmen.

The Egyptian delegation interviews came as El-Sisi, in an interview with CNN, said that he has “no doubt” that Donald Trump would make a strong leader. El-Sisi also responded to a clip of Hillary Clinton accusing the Egyptian government of being “basically an army dictatorship,” during a debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. He said, in part, that “in Egypt there will not be a chance for any dictatorship because in Egypt there is a constitution, there is law, and there is the will of the people which will refuse to allow any leader to stay in his position for any period longer than his term which is four years.”

The fact that El-Sisi and those from the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly here in New York City this week would speak so openly and positively about Trump—and so openly and negatively about Clinton—may surprise some. They are Muslim leaders and Egypt is perhaps one of the biggest and longest-standing Muslim nations in world history. Many establishment media outlets have painted Trump’s relationship with all Muslims as toxic, since he has expressed plans to temporarily ban Islamic migration into the United States. But El-Sisi, when asked about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban during his CNN interview, defended Trump.

“The United States in general conducts very strict security measures for everyone who wishes to visit it, which has been in place for quite a few years,” El-Sisi, the first Muslim world leader to meet with Trump, told CNN. “It’s also important to know that during election campaigns many statements are made and many things are said, however afterwards governing the country would be something different. And will be subject to many factors.”

El-Sisi expressed these same sentiments in other interviews with the Egyptian delegation to the U.N.G.A. this week. At Trump’s meeting with El-Sisi, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn—the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for two years during the Obama administration—and U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) were also present.

The Trump campaign said in a readout of the meeting sent to press:

Mr. Trump thanked President el-Sisi and the Egyptian people for what they have done in defense of their country and for the betterment of the world over the last few years. He expressed great respect for Egypt’s history and the important leadership role it has played in the Middle East. Mr. Trump expressed to President el-Sisi his strong support for Egypt’s war on terrorism, and how under a Trump Administration, the United States of America will be a loyal friend, not simply an ally, that Egypt can count on in the days and years ahead. Mr. Trump emphasized the strong partnership that the United States and Egypt have shared for so many years and how this relationship is vital to help promote peace and stability in the Middle East, broader region and the world. Mr. Trump also expressed his recognition of Egypt’s close relationship with Israel on countering terrorism.Mr. Trump highlighted how Egypt and the U.S. share a common enemy and the importance of working together in defeating radical Islamic terrorism, not only politically and militarily, but also addressing the ideology. Mr. Trump emphasized to President el-Sisi his high regard for peace-loving Muslims and understands that every day there are people of goodwill that sacrifice their lives and fortunes to combat the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Mr. Trump said that if he were fortunate enough to win the election in November, he would invite President el-Sisi on an official visit to the United States and would be honored to visit Egypt and the Egyptian people who he has a great fondness for.

Clinton’s campaign described her meeting with El-Sisi as being successful as well. According to a Clinton aide:

Secretary Clinton and President Sisi had a constructive discussion about bilateral ties and cooperation on a wide range of issues, including counterterrorism. They also discussed the importance of economic development and investment in Egypt. Secretary Clinton emphasized the importance of respect for rule of law and human rights to Egypt’s future progress. Secretary Clinton called for the release of U.S. citizen Aya Hijazi and raised concerns about prosecution of Egyptian human rights organizations and activists. Secretary Clinton discussed ways to deepen counterterrorism cooperation, particularly in the fight against ISIS. She and President Sisi exchanged views about the Middle East, and Secretary Clinton underscored the importance of the Egyptian cooperation with Israel on counterterrorism, and her commitment to defeating ISIS, to addressing foreign fighters, and to countering radicalization.

However, the Egyptian delegations’ respective statements to Breitbart News do not reveal a positive aftermath for Clinton’s meeting.

But clearly, based upon El-Sisi’s interview with CNN and comments that the various members of the Egyptian delegation here made to Breitbart News, it is Trump not Clinton whom the Egyptian leadership wants to win the election.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Chamber of Media Industry, Amr Fathy, took issue with Hillary Clinton’s claims that President El-Sisi is a dictator. “The signs you take as dictatorship is not dictatorship,” Fathy told Breitbart News. Of El-Sisi, Fathy added: “This is our president and we are behind him.”

“The Egyptian authorities they have already dealt with Hillary before; we did not deal with Trump,” Fathy explained about the meetings between El-Sisi and the American presidential candidates. “So, maybe we know now much more and better idea about Mr. Trump in specific.”

When asked about the coziness between Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, Fathy showed just how damaging the Obama foreign policy directed by Hillary Clinton and her successor at the State Department, John Kerry, has been to America’s standing in the eye’s of the Egyptians. He said:

They [Muslim Brotherhood] were supported by the Americans and the Western world. Why? I don’t know. They did not come by democracy, they were not the people who came out on the 25th of January. They were not, the youth were the people who came out. We have our own identity, we are not a theocratic nation we have never been a theocratic nation. The American policy is always pushing for theocratic regimes and then when you have a theocratic regime you start crying.

One consistent theme among the Egyptians who spoke with Breitbart News was the deep distrust of Hillary Clinton. Dr. Morgan said of Egyptian President El-Sisi’s meetings with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Monday:

President El-Sisi wanted to meet up with both candidates because he did not want to give Hillary a chance to use and abuse an indirect endorsement from a meeting with a President like El-Sisi. As evil as she is, she was going to go out into the media and say, ‘oh I have a good relationship with this man, I know foreign policy’ so he made sure that he would meet Trump as well to make sure the America public doesn’t think he supports Hillary. We know he would never support Hillary because Hillary is another eight years of Obama and Obama has been really bad for Egypt.

The members of the Egyptian Parliament that Breitbart News spoke with Tuesday night showcased the inclusive nature of the new Egyptian government under President El-Sisi. Among the representatives were two women, a Coptic Christian, and a 31-year-old man. One of the female Parliament members pointed out that a third of the Egyptian parliament members are under the age of 35.

One of those women, Sahar Talaat Moustafa, is the head of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee. When asked by Breitbart News how the Egyptian people see Hillary Clinton, she responded: “A lot of people in Egypt feel she is in support of the Brotherhood. Actually, a majority of people think so.”

Moustafa invited Americans to come visit Egypt and see for themselves.

“I invite you to come and see how things are going on in Egypt,” she said. “Everything is so smooth we are walking normally in the streets and there is no terrorism. Egypt’s is one of the safest countries to go.”

Ahmed Gad is a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee and he echoed the desire of the Egyptian dignitaries who spoke with Breitbart News for a better relationship with the United States, but also concern that under the Obama administration the United States sided with the wrong side in the Muslim Brotherhood. Gad said:

For us, it’s a very important signal that we want to resume our good relations but in the same time, I am speaking as a political researcher, frankly speaking, we are very disappointed from Obama’s policy towards our country. Because, by the way, I am a Coptic in Egypt so we suffered a lot under the Muslim Brotherhood regime. Some sort of cooperation between the American administration, Obama Administration, and the Muslim Brothers. We know very well that they are terrorists, they burned and destroyed over 100 churches in Egypt, and they killed a lot of Christians. They killed and are still killing a lot of Egyptians priests men and soldiers. At the same time the Obama administration is refusing to deal with the Muslim Brothers as a terrorist group.

Gad said that El-Sisi’s background as a general should not be taken to mean he is somehow running a “military dictatorship” as Hillary Clinton claimed.

“Yes, El-Sisi has a military background but he saved Egypt,” Gad said. “He restored the Egyptian identity.”

That’s why they seem to really want Trump elected in the United States.

Some of the members of the Egyptian Parliament did express concern that Donald Trump might have trouble restoring the relationship with Egypt because of the institutional nature of the American system of government and foreign policy. Many of the American foreign policy experts explained that the American President sets foreign policy and that a President Trump would have the authority to change the diplomatic course between the two nations.

“That’s why we are ready to cooperate with anybody who can fight the Muslim Brothers and frankly speaking, we are fighting terrorism on behalf of the Modern World,” Gad said.
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Old 09-21-2016, 08:46 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
^ ok folks now that Happy meal hour at McDonald's is over let me hit you with the facts. lol

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took meetings with foreign leaders. Hillary Clinton met with leaders from Ukraine and Japan and Egypt. Donald Trump just took one. He met with the head of Egypt. And check out the difference.

So in Summary:

Clinton goes and meets with a military strong man dictator and presses him on the American human rights worker who he`s had locked up since 2014 and the other human rights organizations and activists he`s got locked up, tells him that the U.S. expects better of human rights, and the way he treats American citizens, not to mention his own dissidents.

Trump takes a meeting the same day with the same guy and tells the guy, “Hey, you know, I really like what you`ve done with the place. I`d love for you to come visit sometime or maybe you could come visit me.”

What a stark contrast in Leadership abilities and qualities. We have a very stark choice to make in terms of how we want the United States to be positioned in this big, bad world. Hilary is clearly poised and mature and comes across as very Presidential, whereas Trump sounds like a kid in awe at a county fare wanting to get onto all the rides and eat the cotton candy. LOL

Source: From Rachel Maddow's 9/20 show transcript.

Thanks Rach!!!
Retching Madcow, Sissy Chap? Now everyone knows why you're fucked in the ass, lib-retard stupid, Sissy Chap. Your "poised and mature" hildebeest and Odumbo promoted human rights abuse and child slavery in Sudan, you dipshit-cock-sucker.


Hildebeest's State Department Gave South Sudan’s Military a Pass for Its Child Soldiers

"Rebel forces in southern Sudan began using child soldiers long before seceding from Sudan in 2011. The United States, on the other hand, passed a law in 2008 that banned providing military assistance to nations that use child soldiers. The law was called the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, or CSPA, but after South Sudan’s independence, the White House [i.e., hildebeest and Odumbo] issued annual waivers that kept aid flowing to the world’s newest nation despite its use of child soldiers. Odumbo stated in 2012 that the waiver that year was in 'the national interest of the United States....'

"Hildebeest, who was secretary of state when the first waivers were issued, was apparently never asked to comment on them, and the State Department never provided any explanations about its role. Hildebeest had spent years vowing to defend the rights of children worldwide — in 2012, she railed against 'modern-day slavery' in the introduction to a State Department report on human trafficking that took aim at the “unlawful recruitment or use of children” by armed forces. Yet hildebeest does not appear to have publicly explained her role in allowing South Sudan and other countries to receive military support despite using children as combatants. In fact, the State Department played a central role in issuing the controversial waivers, according to two sources, including a former State Department official....

"... there has been little of mention of hildebeest’s handling of South Sudan. With strong U.S. support, South Sudan became an independent country while hildebeest was secretary of state — and soon spiraled into a disastrous civil war that involved large numbers of child soldiers....

"What role was played by hildebeest and the State Department?

"Daniel Mahanty, who served in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor under hildebeest, confirmed that the State Department, in consultation with the White House, controlled the process. The State Department drafted all waiver materials and all recommendations to the president were made on behalf of the secretary of state and with hildebeest's full approval....

"... child soldiers remained in the military as U.S. aid kept flowing to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, or SPLA, and into the coffers of President Kiir’s government, almost $620 million in U.S. assistance in 2012. In 2013, U.S. aid topped out at more than $556 million....

"A 2012 report by hildebeest’s State Department, for example, noted that in addition to recruiting child soldiers, South Sudan’s security forces also committed arbitrary or unlawful killings, tortured and raped women, arbitrarily arrested and detained people, and 'tortured, beat, and harassed political opponents, journalists, and human rights workers.' ”


The mask has been ripped off your hypocritical, so-called "poised and mature" hildebeest, Sissy Chap. Now, go let Madcow butt-fuck your addled brain into permanent oblivion, Sissy Chap.
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Old 09-21-2016, 09:43 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
OK 0zombie, read it and cry like a desperate musbrosoros supporter...
You just bitch slapped Sistine Chapel all the way to hell.
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Old 09-22-2016, 04:52 AM   #11
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Egypt govt. is running more or less a secular system like Turkey was before Ergodan took over. That is not to say they don't have problems, they do. they don't have the secular system nailed down completely.

I think that was the key point el-Sisi was making with the muslim brotherhood.
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Old 09-22-2016, 08:09 AM   #12
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Great assessment, JL. And I'm particularly proud of the way you made SLOBBRIN feel part of the discussion. We all know how important it is to encourage people with disabilities.

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Old 09-22-2016, 08:39 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Great assessment, JL. And I'm particularly proud of the way you made SLOBBRIN feel part of the discussion. We all know how important it is to encourage people with disabilities.

Sucking cock isn't a disability, it's your passion.
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Old 09-22-2016, 04:10 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Hilary showed she's way way way more Presidential than that clown who wants to visit Egypt. LOL
Hey Sissy Chap, take a look at this video showing what Egyptians think of your messiah, that foreign policy virtuoso Obama:

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Old 09-22-2016, 08:04 PM   #15
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At this point we hear is sputtering from the pissants, home of the real El-Sissy.
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