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Old 09-06-2016, 09:35 PM   #16
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I would go with that. Harriet actually did something for Black People and risked her life doing it. Obama never has.

I beg to differ. Obama has increased the debt to some god awful number, seen black on black crime in our big cities reach record highs, destroyed much of the good will between the various races, and made the US the laughing stock of the world.

Put him on the penny, because "he ain't worth one red cent".
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Old 09-06-2016, 09:38 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I beg to differ. Obama has increased the debt to some god awful number, seen black on black crime in our big cities reach record highs, destroyed much of the good will between the various races, and made the US the laughing stock of the world.

Put him on the penny, because "he ain't worth one red cent".

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Old 09-07-2016, 02:12 AM   #18
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Stick your head up your ass and fight for air you ignorant fuck. Obama is a total joke. He's brought this country to lowest of lows in the history of this country. The best he can do is get his mug on a roll of toilet paper.

His picture hangs with pride in assup's and EKIM's gloryholes and in the other "fruit bars ' across the land after his "support " ( read blackmail ) of SCOTUS to pass gay " marriage "
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Old 09-07-2016, 02:16 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

That Obama is the United States' most admirable, accomplished modern president is a widely acknowledged fact, of course, but it seems possible that controversy might develop if he replaces another equally beloved figure. Here's who's currently on our coins and bills:

My God! Garry Shandling didn't die and he's posting as pisstine craphole!!!!

who knew!!!



is that the queer bill???? ahahahahahaha

The 3 dollar bill...accepted in gloryholes worldwide ! Visa don't have shit on it !
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Old 09-07-2016, 03:46 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I beg to differ. Obama has increased the debt to some god awful number, seen black on black crime in our big cities reach record highs, destroyed much of the good will between the various races, and made the US the laughing stock of the world.

Put him on the penny, because "he ain't worth one red cent".
theres talk of getting rid of the penny.
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Old 09-07-2016, 03:52 AM   #21
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only thing obama has done is drip drip the country in useless pontification he deems wise and lies about his actions.

I'd say Thomas jefferson, he's on the .05 & $2.00.

I'd think that'd be too much to deal with, that's like 100 million of them to look at. ugh.. no thanks.

put him on the $500 or $1000 bill as that currency never sees light of day and is used in house by the Fed as currency chits between banks.
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Old 09-07-2016, 05:38 AM   #22
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He has to be dead first. Right?

Then you can put him on the wooden nickel. Nobody would take it.
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Old 09-07-2016, 06:37 AM   #23
Sistine Chapel
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Stick your head up your ass and fight for air you ignorant fuck. Obama is a total joke. He's brought this country to lowest of lows in the history of this country. The best he can do is get his mug on a roll of toilet paper.


I love you like a brother Jimbo but you're factually wrong par par. Obama brought us from the depths of despair. Let's not forget Financial crisis of 2008 (the greatest depression since the 1930's) caused by Bush and the Republicans which incidentally threatened the World Order in which we live. Obama reversed all of that and that's a FACT that cannot legitimately be disputed by anyone with common sense and credibility.
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Old 09-07-2016, 06:41 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
This is the reward we get for freeing the slaves, letting women vote, and taking in millions of immigrants.

Disdain and hatred.


All of what you say was accomplished based on modern day Democratic principals. even freeing of slaves. Even though Lincoln was a Rep he espoused modern day Democratic principals since it's clear Dems and Reps have swapped Principals over the lasr 50 yrs or so.

So in other words you can exclude yourself and thinking from the "WE" category. You seem to espouse demonic and devilish like principals. I see your lot as being in hell there is nothing decent about your character.
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Old 09-07-2016, 07:11 AM   #25
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
I love you like a brother Jimbo but you're factually wrong par par. Obama brought us from the depths of despair. Let's not forget Financial crisis of 2008 (the greatest depression since the 1930's) caused by Bush and the Republicans which incidentally threatened the World Order in which we live. Obama reversed all of that and that's a FACT that cannot legitimately be disputed by anyone with common sense and credibility.
You're a lyin' lib-retard, Sissy Chap, it was Slick Willie the Perjurying Sexual Predator who signed the bill that repealed Glass-Steagall and put the Community Reinvestment Act on steroids, Sissy Chap: the combination that directly led to the 2007-08 financial crisis.
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Old 09-07-2016, 07:28 AM   #26
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If Sissy Chap doesn't learn how to spell principle correctly, then he should be sent to the principal's office and forced to write it out 500 times!
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Old 09-07-2016, 07:52 AM   #27
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put Obama on any bill he chooses, but only with the proviso one of maya angelou's trite and tedious and pedantic poems appears along with him
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Old 09-07-2016, 08:48 AM   #28
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I don't know what kind of problems you have. This country was hardly in despair compare to now. Violent crime is up, race relations is awful. We wouldn't have a "Black Lives Matter " movement if Obama was a good mediator between the races instead his strategy is to divide and conquer. The economy isn't any better than when Bush was President. We still have conflicts in the Middle East, our American soldiers are still getting killed or coming home maimed. Leaders from other countries don't have that much respect for Obama one just recently call him an SOB, lol. Obama is no prize, he's nothing but a puppet. That's really all this country will ever have for a president, until the people of this country wise up and stop falling for all the empty promises from the empty suits.

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Old 09-07-2016, 09:19 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I don't know what kind of problems you have. This country was hardly in despair compare to now. Violent crime is up, race relations is awful. We wouldn't have a "Black Lives Matter " movement if Obama was a good mediator between the races instead his strategy is to divide and conquer. The economy isn't any better than when Bush was President. We still have conflicts in the Middle East, our American soldiers are still getting killed or coming home maimed. Leaders from other countries don't have that much respect for Obama one just recently call him an SOB, lol. Obama is no prize, he's nothing but a puppet. That's really all this country will ever have for a president, until the people of this country wise up and stop falling for all the empty promises from the empty suits.

Good point People of this county wise up and stop falling for the empty promises from empty suits.All their asses need to be kick out of office.
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Old 09-07-2016, 09:33 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I don't know what kind of problems you have. I should be in a straight jacket. ;-) Happy now? LOL This country was hardly in despair compare to now. This statement is a blatant patent lie; this country hit rock bottom in 2008 and the global economy tanked thanks to Bush and the Republicans. There is no way around that FACT for you. - The 90's were also a very bad time for crime and race relations. Let's not even talk about the preceding decades of racial violence against blacks; the KKK, skin heads, MLK (a peaceful protester being slain) hanging people from trees, bombing churches killing little girls, raping black women during slavery and subsequent decades. I could go on and on. The facts prove and show beyond police encounters that black lives have never really mattered in this country. You are too old to be this stupid Jimbo. Listen to me the young lad while I take you to school. I will not allow you to spew this revisionist history unchecked. Violent crime is up, race relations is awful. - Race relations have always been aweful because certain whites felt the need to enslave and oppress their fellow man while doing so in the name of Jesus. LOL. Whites have never been on the systemic end of bad race relations. So just what in the flying fuck is your complaint Jimbo? Huh really what is your goddam complaint. You got it good Jimbo. We wouldn't have a "Black Lives Matter " movement if Obama was a good mediator between the races instead his strategy is to divide and conquer. - Obama was born in 1961 so everything from 1961 until 2016 is Obama's fault right? You're a Putz living in a cocoon Jimbo and you have no clue about reality. The sooner you go to hell I assume the better. The devil is waiting for you. The economy isn't any better than when Bush was President. - Patently false. We still have196 conflicts in the Middle East, our American soldiers are still getting killed or coming home maimed. Thanks to the false premise Iraq war it's called a domino effect. Leaders from other countries don't have that much respect for Obama one just recently call him an SOB, lol. - Name calling is not important in the mind of a leader. They look past that. Obama has been mocked and called worse. It literally means nothing to him. Like Obama once said: "I don't lead based on what people think of me. I understand their passions." Obama is no prize, he's nothing but a puppet. We can say that about every man that has ever walked this earth including Jesus if you believe in the Bible. That's really all this country will ever have for a president, until the people of this country wise up and stop falling for all the empty promises from the empty suits. - What's ironic and hilarious is that no one is literally more of an empty suit than Donald Trump who openly brags on the fact he has ZERO political experience; and yet he has your vote based on the line: "Everything is a disaster and I will make America great again." That is literally his singular talking point and your dumbass fell for it hook, line, and you guessed it. Sinker. Talk about an empty suit voting for an empty suit. That fact is you're just like everyone else Jimbo you literally don't know what the fuck you're talkin on top of the fact you're angry based on some Sky is falling Facade. Guess what Jimbo. Obama served 2 terms and he didn't take away your guns nor did he bring about Armageddon. You people are a colossal joke.

Carry on ; your ignorance is bliss.


See comments in red Jimbo
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