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A Question of Legality Post your legal questions here (general, nothing of a personal nature)

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Old 09-01-2016, 10:32 PM   #1
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Default investigation

The AMP I frequented was busted and the news stated that it was under investigation for 10 month and they were taking pictures of people coming and going. My question is I've been there several times during that 10 months. Should I be worried about a knock at the door by the local LEO? I understand that they have what they wanted, to shut down the AMP. I know they have more to do than chase down everyone that was there.


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Old 09-02-2016, 04:36 AM   #2
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Assuming they so spend time locating every guy that went in there for 10 months, all they have is a video of you walking in there. Nothing more!! If questioned about what services you received, you simply got a Body Rub.

To me, it would be more logical that you might get a letter in the mail from the DA. I am sure they took down license plate #s of all the patrons. They may want you to come in for questioning. If so, you simply got a Body Rub. Nothing more!!
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Old 09-02-2016, 07:40 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply. Hope nothing will happen. Time to take a pause..

Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
Assuming they so spend time locating every guy that went in there for 10 months, all they have is a video of you walking in there. Nothing more!! If questioned about what services you received, you simply got a Body Rub.

To me, it would be more logical that you might get a letter in the mail from the DA. I am sure they took down license plate #s of all the patrons. They may want you to come in for questioning. If so, you simply got a Body Rub. Nothing more!!
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Old 09-02-2016, 10:47 AM   #4
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I assume that Independence PD and the DHS decided to expend resources to investigate and raid the AMP because a letter raised suspicions of sexual slavery of undocumented workers. That's beyond the normal (illegal) activities at an AMP. The employees congregating in the parking lot must have looked suspicious, too.

LE caught the big fish and shut the place down. It's highly unlikely that LE will pursue cases against the Johns. Assuming I'm wrong and LE can learn your identity and approach you in person (I've never heard of that happening in an AMP bust), or call you (calling happens, but very infrequently), SAY NOTHING about the AMP or what you did there.

Here's a good article to read:

"I've been stopped by a cop. What do I do now? STFU!"

Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
If questioned about what services you received, you simply got a Body Rub.
I disagree. If questioned, SAY NOTHING.

Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
To me, it would be more logical that you might get a letter in the mail from the DA.
I've never heard of that happening in an AMP bust.

Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
I am sure they took down license plate #s of all the patrons.
Why are you sure of that? The article states that the cops did video surveillance for five and a half hours. There's nothing in the article to indicate cops walked the parking lot and took down license plate numbers.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:14 AM   #5
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Cheviiman ... I will defer to ShysterJon's replies. I have read many of his post and he does make good sense in 99% of them. I do believe he has a lot more experience in this than I do. Simply say nothing. In doing so, they cannot use your words against you and they would have to have some other good evidence to proceed against you.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:18 AM   #6
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"anonymous" letter and "10 month investigation" are red flags. either lazy or inept LEOs.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:44 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
"anonymous" letter and "10 month investigation" are red flags. either lazy or inept LEOs.
...or reactive, which cops tend to be regarding vice crimes.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:20 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
If questioned about what services you received, you simply got a Body Rub.
NO. I do not agree with "never talk to the Bad Guys", but never admit to any specific act unless you are 100% sure it can't be used against you, AND you are not connected to any related investigation. Neither would be true in this case. Obviously you ARE under investigation in such a case, and you have no idea if getting a body rub would be used against you. It's easy to think of ways that it could be. What do you gain by admitting to a body rub? Not a fucking thing, at the absolute best.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:25 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
"anonymous" letter and "10 month investigation" are red flags. either lazy or inept LEOs.
That's the only kind there are. 100% of "anonymous letters" are written by the Bad Guys themselves, because there's no justification for a warrant and they're too dumb or lazy to come up with evidence.
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Old 09-06-2016, 08:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
Why are you sure of that? The article states that the cops did video surveillance for five and a half hours. There's nothing in the article to indicate cops walked the parking lot and took down license plate numbers.
An AMP I used to frequent in Ohio was busted a few years before I started going there. The police had set up video surveillance on the parking lot and had the plates of every person that went there. They contacted a great number of those guys and used that against them in exchange for testimony.

Owner ended up selling it to someone else, who kept it open. But now there's a nice 6' tall privacy fence around the parking lot. lol
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Old 09-06-2016, 10:08 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by chevyiiman View Post
The AMP I frequented was busted and the news stated that it was under investigation for 10 month and they were taking pictures of people coming and going. My question is I've been there several times during that 10 months. Should I be worried about a knock at the door by the local LEO? I understand that they have what they wanted, to shut down the AMP. I know they have more to do than chase down everyone that was there.


Low traffic or high traffic at hotels or motels or private locations draw attention to nosy people.Nosy people contact police.Police want to shut down illegal business everywhere.Consending adult going to jail.Police need to fight real crime.
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Old 09-06-2016, 11:49 AM   #12
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Buying a way:
99% of vice and narc Leo's are detective grade, not patrolmen. Detective's ask squirrely twisted questions and it's very rare that a civie can keep their wits together and not say something damaging.
Jon is quite correct. Stfu.

As for license plates:
More and more hotels have parking lot cameras. Some of which are specifically positioned.
More and more Leo vehicles have cameras for plate readings and that runs direct through the onboard communication system to the state dmv data without a LEO thinking about anything except driving by (or circling a parking lot).

Leo is simply getting better at collecting low hanging fruit.
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Old 09-07-2016, 03:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown View Post
Assuming they so spend time locating every guy that went in there for 10 months, all they have is a video of you walking in there. Nothing more!! If questioned about what services you received, you simply got a Body Rub.

To me, it would be more logical that you might get a letter in the mail from the DA. I am sure they took down license plate #s of all the patrons. They may want you to come in for questioning. If so, you simply got a Body Rub. Nothing more!!
I would say foot rub.

If they catch you with your pants down or naked then all the better because your obviously not conceal carrying at the time.
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Old 09-07-2016, 04:03 PM   #14
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Default regardless of the circumstances

if you lie to a law enforcement officer during an investigation and they find out then you have commited a violation of law, either local or federal.

That said you are required to identify yourself and show proof of your ID. NOTHING MORE>

Be polite and advise that you would feel more comfortable with your attorney present. As I said, be polite. Do not piss off a LE who is doing his job.

In most cases they will get your ID and you will be on your way.

Keep your mouth shut. Once you start talking it is difficult to cut it off.
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Old 09-07-2016, 08:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by shooter6.5 View Post
if you lie to a law enforcement officer during an investigation and they find out then you have commited a violation of law, either local or federal.
I'd be cautious making broad statements like that regarding federal law and the unique laws in each of the 50 states.

In Texas, "[a] person commits an offense if, with intent to deceive, he knowingly makes a false statement that is material to a criminal investigation and makes the statement to:
(1) a peace officer or federal special investigator conducting the investigation; or
(2) any employee of a law enforcement agency that is authorized by the agency to conduct the investigation and that the actor knows is conducting the investigation."

Texas Penal Code sec. 37.08(a) (emphasis added).

A "material" statement is one that "could have affected the course or outcome of the official proceeding."

Texas Penal Code sec. 37.04(a).

In other words, you don't have to tell a cop the truth about EVERYTHING. If you ignore me and insist on speaking, lie about something irrelevant. Say you have faith Tony Romo will make it through the season without getting injured again.

Originally Posted by shooter6.5 View Post
That said you are required to identify yourself and show proof of your ID. NOTHING MORE>
In Texas, you only have to identify yourself if you're ARRESTED, and you only have to show your driver's license to a cop if you're driving, which few do while in an AMP. "A person commits an offense if he intentionally refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information." See:

Texas Penal Code sec. 38.02(a) (emphasis added).

So if John Law asks you, "Friend, what's your name?," you ask, "Am I under arrest?," Mr. Law replies, "No," then your retort is obvious: "Well, then, officer, I'm Spartacus."
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