Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
QUOTE by Torre Tames: "the real deal is the hunt, chase, luring tempting and excitement of doing so"
.. this is a whore board.....not pretty woman.......hunt, and chase and don't forget to pay you :
No Tony...it's a DICK Board ..
1) DICKS with Money
2) DICKS without Money
a). DICKS who are polite, courteous and appreciative (not your category)
b). DICKS that are just DICKS sitting behind a keyboard (this would
fall into your category) or....in other words...DICKS who are just Asses.
I prefer selectively #1a
BTW - It is amazing to me that you so proudly call this a WB
Whoreboard.....Whoreboard..... Whoreboard
Bite me MF. ... I wouldn't give you the opportunity of "paying me"
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