From experience, I know.....
Clients become regulars, become friends, become lovers. Lines are crossed.
More often it is the men that tend to fall for the lady, in my opinion, this ihappens because the client has less options than the lady. We, as providers, have the opportunity of meeting more men than a client has to meet providers.
It is Simply numbers.
How to handle a situation where the line has been crossed? Difficult to answer lil grasshopper

. Every situation is different, follow your gut.
Money has a big influence in this situation. The amount of money a provider can make is very difficult to walk away from. Unless the client is in a position to provide for a lady economically, as well, or better than she is able to do for herself.
Also, being a provider gives a woman confidence, sexual power, independence....also difficult to give up for "love"
I know ladies that have met the love of their life in this hobby, gotten married, had children and live happily.....
I have a "special" friend that I met in the hobby. I live 5,000 miles away, so a serious relationship is not an option. Probably the reason our relationship works.... But, we do have a great friendship that I have no doubt will last forever.
You have a good head on your shoulders, you will make mistakes, as we all do, but I think you are one of the few that will find a way to make the best of this career. Much love and admiration for you lil grasshopper!!
Besos, Francisca