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Old 08-10-2016, 11:11 AM   #16
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I usually try to find something special in each of the guys that I see.
And I have to agree that my ATFs are the ones that I see monthly or more often. Seeing guys that often, you build a rapport and usually even a friendship.
I'll chat with those guys OTC as well. I'll PM just to say hi to guys that I've seen before. And the guys that reply are the ones that have potential of becoming ATFs, even if we don't set anything up. It's more than BCD activities.
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Old 08-10-2016, 02:48 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by spank_my_monkey76 View Post
Good point.. realize that after post. Totally understand. Also overlooked the fact most providers probably beautiful enough to get the guys that attract them in personal life and looks aren't an immediate area of concern on here as the money a greater need.
True. I wouldn't expect any provider to "paint themselves into a corner". I always read their entire profile/showcase to see their likes and dislikes then try to adhere to that. If I see something that I can't fulfill then I move on. Simple as that.

I might be wrong but I think most of the ladies take advantage of the M&Gs to see how hobbyists treat others as a signal, too.

Maybe you should have asked for their recipes for building the ideal hobbyist then pass it off to Dr. Frankenfurter.
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Old 08-10-2016, 10:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck View Post
Ok I'll play. My list is more than top 5. Most on my list have become my friends, are exceptional gentleman, they are funny and fun, respectful, and have always treated me with the upmost respect. Regardless if we are grabbing lunch or hanging out bcd I'm always excited to see them.

It has nothing to do with anything other than those qualities I listed that make me enjoy them.

Want to make my list? Be a gentleman, have charm, be funny, have wit, and be humble.

Sir hardnthick
Booty Bandit
Buddy G
Gaining Momentum
C*%#•*^ ( because I forgot your damn handle!!)
That's what I'm talking about. I think it should be more of a challenge to the guys to get on your list.

I think it's clear you are confident in your skills that you aren't worried about scaring anyone away with a list.

There are always two side however, and I get what Brittany is saying. On some level there is no point to making a list. Also agree with why would other guys want to see the list? I don't really care, just wanted to keep the convo going.

For the record, my comment wasn't directed at anyone is particular. Everyone is different and most will just stay away from the thread if they don't want to be drawn in.
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Old 08-10-2016, 11:58 PM   #19
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Did the guys on that list that have not reviewed you know you were going to put it on blast that they were clients?

A lot of guys will see 1 whore and not want it known because they also see some other whore that might blow them up for also patronizing you.

Discretion seems to be a lost art among so many of the whores here in Austin.

maybe that's why so much Austin money leaves town returning to Dallas every week.

Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck View Post
Ok I'll play. My list is more than top 5. Most on my list have become my friends, are exceptional gentleman, they are funny and fun, respectful, and have always treated me with the upmost respect. Regardless if we are grabbing lunch or hanging out bcd I'm always excited to see them.

It has nothing to do with anything other than those qualities I listed that make me enjoy them.

Want to make my list? Be a gentleman, have charm, be funny, have wit, and be humble.

Sir hardnthick
Booty Bandit
Buddy G
Gaining Momentum
C*%#•*^ ( because I forgot your damn handle!!)
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Old 08-11-2016, 10:36 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Did the guys on that list that have not reviewed you know you were going to put it on blast that they were clients?

A lot of guys will see 1 whore and not want it known because they also see some other whore that might blow them up for also patronizing you.

Discretion seems to be a lost art among so many of the whores here in Austin.

maybe that's why so much Austin money leaves town returning to Dallas every week.
Solid point. If there is no hesitation to post names without consent on an open forum you can only imagine how little discretion is utilized off forum such as during pillow talk with fellow mongers or over drinks with GFs.

It's basic common sense but not everyone has it and it can't be learned. You either have it or you don't.
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Old 08-12-2016, 12:59 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Lightesttouch View Post
Solid point. If there is no hesitation to post names without consent on an open forum you can only imagine how little discretion is utilized off forum such as during pillow talk with fellow mongers or over drinks with GFs.

It's basic common sense but not everyone has it and it can't be learned. You either have it or you don't.
It's a problem she has had in the past. She's one that wants and expects discretion but does not think things through and will put a client at risk in her haste to get noticed....
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Old 08-13-2016, 12:34 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
A lot of guys will see 1 whore and not want it known because they also see some other whore that might blow them up for also seeing you.
And what a joke that would be.

I guess you just can't win.

Ladies can't post because they might lose business because guys will get hurt, or because other ladies will be upset at the dude for choosing her over them??

Are you kidding me...the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
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Old 08-13-2016, 10:18 AM   #23
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What? You think just because they are whores they don't have petty jealousy or rivals here for business?

That's why some make for lousy references.
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Old 08-13-2016, 12:24 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
What? You think just because they are whores they don't have petty jealousy or rivals here for business?

That's why some make for lousy references.
One of the very few things that annoy me in the hobby, :

Him: I would like to set something up

Me:I'd love to meet.. Do you have any refs?

Him:Yes I have seen Sally Sluttypants but you can't contact her because Im not allowed to see anyone but her and if you contact her she will go all BSC on me


As fun as it would be to list my Atfs it goes against my better judgment as I always felt I get paid as much as I do not for my magic pussy tricks but for my silence and discretion
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Old 08-13-2016, 12:38 PM   #25
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I will brag on myself. back in my days of 5-7 Providers a month( 2001-2009), I always get special treatment. Most of them I could call and within 2-3 hours we were fuking..I guess since I am a nice guy, good looking and in shape and treated all of them with respect.

They liked that and liked me...and many told me they would bump customers or flat out cancel to see me instead.. plus I always paid full price!!! and Outcall to me if they wanted, and being Single they did not have to worry about some wife, or SO calling and harassing them..

and to add some more.. I tended to get a lot of OTC BCD and or a lot of extra time at no charge or same hourly rates....
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Old 08-14-2016, 01:48 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY View Post
and to add some more.. I tended to get a lot of OTC BCD and or a lot of extra time at no charge or same hourly rates....
Hourly rates for OTC BCD?


They saw you coming huh?

Some of us got the same treatment.... Married, overweight and old fucks....

Ya think maybe it was simply the money we both spent?

I do.
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Old 08-17-2016, 05:10 AM   #27
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Ok,ok,ok.....I've read a ton of threads tonight...this morning...looking for something that really cought my eye and that I really had something to say about...

I have to agree with Miss. Brittany. I commend you Brittany for standing your ground and stating your opinion. I also believe that discretion here is the key.


Miss Kitty,

Here are some things I think you should have CONCIDERED BEFORE THROWING THEIR NAMES OUT THERE and some of the possible consequences now that you have....

Did you check with any of these guys before putting their names out there to see if they had any issues with you identifying their handle?
Do any of these guys see you often enough to feel like they deserve to get special treatment? Now that they are on a list of OVER A DOZEN, their treatment you give is not genuine.
Do any of these guys like you so much that they feel as if they are relatively exclusive?
I think it was asked....to list a FAVFIV....how many did you put on that list again?
Do you know if any of these guys are friends with each other?
They could be buddys on the golf coarse or co-workers...perhaps john1234 didn't know that John5678 was seeing you or saw you...that could be a potential problem.
They are going to talk about you badly behind your back if ANYTHING WAS EVER JUST A LITTLE BIT OFF and both will go in search for a new provider.
How many of the ladies have seen these same guys and could possibly feel THEIR GUY was THEIR FAV also? NOW, the provider is questioning what she did or didn't do well enough to keep her hobbyists attention like she thought she had.
How many times has a hobbyist showed interest in you and then saw someone else?
What if one or two of these guys or dreadfully more...really likes you and now that he has been exposed...doesn't want to see you again out of PISSEDOFFTIVITY of being exposed?
What if a guy now feels like he doesn't want to see you out of fear of BECOMING A PERSON ON A L.I.S.T.?
I like to believe that our hobbyists have favorites also...Are you one of the favfiv on their list? AND YOU KNOW THIS FOR SURE?
What kind of discussions are going on in the Men's Room now between these guys you have listed?
I could go on and on my dear with questions as to why I think publicizing your list is bad....
These are just things you should mull over for a little bit and decide how you feel about them. Yes, everyone runs their buisness differently and this is how you choose to run yours.
I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED if you end up having to apologize INDIVIDUALLY, TO EACH HOBBYIST JUST AS PUBLICLY as you exposed their names to begin with.

I'm not trying to blast you my dear, nor am I trying mask my emotions by softening my tone...what I am trying to get across here is SOMETIMES WE DONT THINK ABOUT THE REPROCUSSIONS OUR ACTIONS MAY HAVE. THIS IS A SECRET SOCIETY WE ARE MEMBERS OF. ITS A PRIVELEGE TO BE A PART OF IT. Disrespecting the rules of DISCRETION is just not GOOD BUISNESS.

I really hope you don't get any negative feedback from any of your hobbyists but this is a sure-fire way to cause your list to diminish very quickly.
I'm kinda new here but DEFINETELY not new to the game. DISCRETION IS KEY
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Old 08-17-2016, 11:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by BeverlyJ View Post
I'm not trying to blast you my dear,

But you did it so well!

nor am I trying mask my emotions by softening my tone...what I am trying to get across here is SOMETIMES WE DONT THINK ABOUT THE REPROCUSSIONS OUR ACTIONS MAY HAVE. THIS IS A SECRET SOCIETY WE ARE MEMBERS OF. ITS A PRIVELEGE TO BE A PART OF IT. Disrespecting the rules of DISCRETION is just not GOOD BUISNESS.

Most whores should run ads, get seen, go to the bank and only open their mouths when a cock is in front of them

I really hope you don't get any negative feedback from any of your hobbyists but this is a sure-fire way to cause your list to diminish very quickly.

I'm kinda new here but DEFINETELY not new to the game. DISCRETION IS KEY

Kitty ya been served by one of your own!.... Your Turn!

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Old 08-17-2016, 11:33 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by BeverlyJ View Post
Ok,ok,ok.....I've read a ton of threads tonight...this morning...looking for something that really cought my eye and that I really had something to say about...

I have to agree with Miss. Brittany. I commend you Brittany for standing your ground and stating your opinion. I also believe that discretion here is the key.


Miss Kitty,

Here are some things I think you should have CONCIDERED BEFORE THROWING THEIR NAMES OUT THERE and some of the possible consequences now that you have....

Did you check with any of these guys before putting their names out there to see if they had any issues with you identifying their handle?
Do any of these guys see you often enough to feel like they deserve to get special treatment? Now that they are on a list of OVER A DOZEN, their treatment you give is not genuine.
Do any of these guys like you so much that they feel as if they are relatively exclusive?
I think it was asked....to list a FAVFIV....how many did you put on that list again?
Do you know if any of these guys are friends with each other?
They could be buddys on the golf coarse or co-workers...perhaps john1234 didn't know that John5678 was seeing you or saw you...that could be a potential problem.
They are going to talk about you badly behind your back if ANYTHING WAS EVER JUST A LITTLE BIT OFF and both will go in search for a new provider.
How many of the ladies have seen these same guys and could possibly feel THEIR GUY was THEIR FAV also? NOW, the provider is questioning what she did or didn't do well enough to keep her hobbyists attention like she thought she had.
How many times has a hobbyist showed interest in you and then saw someone else?
What if one or two of these guys or dreadfully more...really likes you and now that he has been exposed...doesn't want to see you again out of PISSEDOFFTIVITY of being exposed?
What if a guy now feels like he doesn't want to see you out of fear of BECOMING A PERSON ON A L.I.S.T.?
I like to believe that our hobbyists have favorites also...Are you one of the favfiv on their list? AND YOU KNOW THIS FOR SURE?
What kind of discussions are going on in the Men's Room now between these guys you have listed?
I could go on and on my dear with questions as to why I think publicizing your list is bad....
These are just things you should mull over for a little bit and decide how you feel about them. Yes, everyone runs their buisness differently and this is how you choose to run yours.
I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED if you end up having to apologize INDIVIDUALLY, TO EACH HOBBYIST JUST AS PUBLICLY as you exposed their names to begin with.

I'm not trying to blast you my dear, nor am I trying mask my emotions by softening my tone...what I am trying to get across here is SOMETIMES WE DONT THINK ABOUT THE REPROCUSSIONS OUR ACTIONS MAY HAVE. THIS IS A SECRET SOCIETY WE ARE MEMBERS OF. ITS A PRIVELEGE TO BE A PART OF IT. Disrespecting the rules of DISCRETION is just not GOOD BUISNESS.

I really hope you don't get any negative feedback from any of your hobbyists but this is a sure-fire way to cause your list to diminish very quickly.
I'm kinda new here but DEFINETELY not new to the game. DISCRETION IS KEY
Holy shit no one cares

I urged others to post and she stepped up. Clearly by her comments she knows what she's doing. Your attacks on her show your own insecurity and pettiness. Feeling bad today?
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Old 08-17-2016, 11:50 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by russellevans View Post
Holy shit no one cares

I urged others to post and she stepped up. Clearly by her comments she knows what she's doing. Your attacks on her show your own insecurity and pettiness. Feeling bad today?
Actually russell, I do care. And I take notes.

First note: you don't have a clue and have disqualified your opinion from consideration by me.

Second note: kittywhateverthefuckhernameis is on my blacklist. I will now be researching her friends, aka like minded providers to see who else is going on the list.

Discretion matters.
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