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Old 08-02-2016, 10:21 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Talk about self delusions. Hillary actually thinks she helped the situation in the Crimea, Syria, Libya, and Iran. The difference between her failures and Trumps is that she was there and should know better. I know that Russia invaded the Crimea, a lot of people know that but not everyone does. That everyone could include some pretty savvy and powerful people. Why don't we line up the Hollywood elite and give them a quiz. Anyway, a President Trump would have an advisor giving him the current situation about anything going on in the world. Kind of like when they asked George Bush who the president of some piss ant country was, he didn't know but he said he could find someone who did.

Just like when they tried to take away Henry Ford's company for being incompetent. A lawyer put Mr. Ford on the stand and asked him about mechanical physics, he didn't know, he was asked about minute financial matters, he didn't know, he was asked about workers social issues, and he said he didn't know but he said get him a telephone and he'd have experts in the courtroom in 10 minutes that would have all the answers. The judge overruled the family.
Nice story. I bet Ford knew how many cars a day they made and other data that applies to actual car manufacturing. The attorneys asked stuff he didn't need to know.
The president needs to know who invaded who.
And this isn't palin unable to name a newspaper.

Good thing he has you guys to make excuses for him.
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Old 08-02-2016, 10:24 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
I hear you, man. She is the darling of the uniformed and will continue to tell them what ever the want to believe. I would say she is one of the best liars with a straight face but just look at that face and tell me it's straight. I don't thinck so.
Out of 200ish statements he has a 70% less that truthful.
Out of 240ish statement Clinton has 29% less than truthful.

Not even in trumps league.
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Old 08-02-2016, 10:29 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Donald loves you Eva. He loves the poorly educated.
You're the trumpy here. You know he was talking about his supporters when he said that, right?

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Keep trying Ivan ..
It doesn't look like he's the one that needs to keep trying. Y'all's responses are.............ineffective.
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Old 08-02-2016, 10:30 AM   #19
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Nice story. I bet Ford knew how many cars a day they made and other data that applies to actual car manufacturing. The attorneys asked stuff he didn't need to know.
The president needs to know who invaded who.
And this isn't palin unable to name a newspaper.

Good thing he has you guys to make excuses for him.
A president needs to be able to read and understand intelligence reports that indicate a rising level of anti-Western/American activities, masterdickmuncher. A president needs to be able to anticipate events based on such reports and plan accordingly, masterdickmuncher. A president needs to directly address a situation in a hostile locale that generates 600 some requests for additional security, masterdickmuncher; not ignore them.

Furthermore, an intelligent president would have the mental acumen to know that a person can have multiple email accounts on a single handheld device, and an intelligent president would also know that one doesn't wipe a hard drive the same way she wipes her ass after a hearty shit, masterdickmuncher.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Out of 200ish statements he has a 70% less that truthful.
Out of 240ish statement Clinton has 29% less than truthful.

Not even in trumps league.
Your fact checkers are covering for hildebeest's lying ass, masterdickmuncher, but you're too fucking "#Grubered" to admit it. Comey said hildebeest lied, but your lib-retarded fact checkers equivocate, masterdickmuncher. Here are seven "Pants-on-Fire" hildebeest lies that are not separately and individually addressed by your lib-retarded, so-called "fact checkers", masterdickmuncher:

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Old 08-02-2016, 11:12 AM   #20
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[QUOTE=DSK;1058467242]If a Gold Star family at an opposing national convention attacks you, are you not able to counterattack?
They attacked him because he was stating trumps policies.
And being the racist you are you wouldn't see trumps policy towards Muslims as being the first shots fired.
Here is the transcript.
Tonight we are honoured to stand here as parents of Captain Humayun Khan and as patriotic American Muslims - with undivided loyalty to our country.
Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy; that with hard work and goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.
We are blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams. Our son, Humayun, had dreams too, of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son 'the best of America'.
If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities; women; judges; even his own party leadership.
He vows to build walls, and ban us from this country. Donald Trump, you're asking Americans to trust you with their future.
Let me ask you: have you even read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. [he pulls it out] In this document, look for the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of law'.
Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America.
You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.
We cannot solve our problems by building walls, sowing division. We are stronger together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our President.
In conclusion, I ask every patriot American, all Muslim immigrants, and all immigrants to not take this election lightly.
This is a historic election, and I request to honour the sacrifice of my son - and on election day, take the time to get out and vote.
And vote for the healer. vote for the strongest, most qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton, not the divider. God bless you, thank you
What a dick. Telling the truth.

Hillary is in the exact same boat as Trump insofar as Chelsea didn't die in a war, and Hillary and Bill never served in the military.Under those conditions, she has sacrificed nothing.
We all know neither party nominees made the same sacrifice as their son....or should I say except trump. He's the one saying he has made sacrifices on their level.
As for pro-Trump - he is going to renegotiate the trade deals with multiple countries. He is going to change the status-quo with business and the American government. There are many US businesses who like trade the way it is, so they are attacking Trump. Bullshit. Nobody HAS TO renegotiate anything.

Our NATO allies love us paying for their defense. Those allies are stoking the anti-Trump fires because he is going to make the bastards pay, and they don't want to pay.
What's pissing them off is not the money. It's trump saying he won't honor treaty obligations. And as soon as the world sees we don't do what we say we will, you think we're disrespected now, you ain't seen nothing.
Finally, you would think the election of a black man One whole president! And you and your fellow racists have done nothing but bitch would have counted for something in this country, but blacks complain now more than ever. Women's right's advocates wail away like never before, even though women have never had it so good in America by a long shot.
What bastards! No wait. What are they bitching about that bothers you?

If Trump is going to upset the status quo, and the status quo is stacked against your own personal interests, why not vote for the guy who is offering change you can believe in? What change? Nothing you mentioned.

Attack Trump's business record all you want, but Forbes has listed him as a billionaire for a long time, and I don't see any buildings all over the world with your name on them Is that what spells success to you? How would you describe what a bankruptcy would be equal to if he were president?.[/QUOTE]

No complaints his campaign manager helped keep the Jews from having a claim to Jerusalem?
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Old 08-02-2016, 11:29 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
A president needs to be able to read and understand intelligence reports that indicate a rising level of anti-Western/American activities, masterdickmuncher. A president needs to be able to anticipate events based on such reports and plan accordingly, masterdickmuncher. A president needs to directly address a situation in a hostile locale that generates 600 some requests for additional security, masterdickmuncher; not ignore them.

Furthermore, an intelligent president would have the mental acumen to know that a person can have multiple email accounts on a single handheld device, and an intelligent president would also know that one doesn't wipe a hard drive the same way she wipes her ass after a hearty shit, masterdickmuncher.

Your fact checkers are covering for hildebeest's lying ass, masterdickmuncher, but you're too fucking "#Grubered" to admit it. Comey said hildebeest lied, but your lib-retarded fact checkers equivocate, masterdickmuncher. Here are seven "Pants-on-Fire" hildebeest lies that are not separately and individually addressed by your lib-retarded, so-called "fact checkers", masterdickmuncher:

All this is your opinion. He got caught with his pants down. He hasn't spent enough time on the info needed for the job he wants. Deal with it. And deal with fact you can't and won't follow the fact grading guide lines. Trump is at the very least her equal but probably in the middle. And tp of that trump will keep telling the same lie even when it's busted.
She didn't ignore 600 requests. Guess you didn't notice who the republcans pinned the blame on in their report. You ignore facts you don't like and you present out of context information on numerous occasions.
Your envy and hate blind you to a fact obvious to all who read these.
You are incapable of being objective and you present your opinion as fact,
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Old 08-02-2016, 11:47 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

All this is your opinion. He got caught with his pants down. He hasn't spent enough time on the info needed for the job he wants. Deal with it. And deal with fact you can't and won't follow the fact grading guide lines. Trump is at the very least her equal but probably in the middle. And tp of that trump will keep telling the same lie even when it's busted.
She didn't ignore 600 requests. Guess you didn't notice who the republcans pinned the blame on in their report. You ignore facts you don't like and you present out of context information on numerous occasions.
Your envy and hate blind you to a fact obvious to all who read these.
You are incapable of being objective and you present your opinion as fact,

You're the "#Grubered", Kool Aid sotted minion that needs to pull your head out of hildebeest's ass to see the facts. Hildebeest is demonstrably unqualified for the job of president, and her many failures as Secretary of State prove it, masterdickmuncher.
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
LOL, when you got nothing attack the messenger. Fucking Trumpazoids. Keep sucking down the tea.
Keep sucking down cocks, cum and dingleverries EKIM !
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:09 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
You're the trumpy here. You know he was talking about his supporters when he said that, right?

It doesn't look like he's the one that needs to keep trying. Y'all's responses are.............ineffective.
nice of you to WK for EKIM. Does he give YOU free dingleberry pickings down at HIS gloryholes ?
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You're the "#Grubered", Kool Aid sotted minion that needs to pull your head out of hildebeest's ass to see the facts. Hildebeest is demonstrably unqualified for the job of president, and her many failures as Secretary of State prove it, masterdickmuncher.
What facts? Your opinions as facts?
Your opinions are only that. Your opinions.
If I asked you what her successes were you would say she didn't have any.
Because you can't be objective.
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:52 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

What facts? Your opinions as facts?
Your opinions are only that. Your opinions.
If I asked you what her successes were you would say she didn't have any.
Because you can't be objective.
Comey's testimony under oath before Congress is a fact, masterdickmuncher, and in that single, short video provided above, Comey testified that at least seven of hildebeest's narratives were explicitly untrue, masterdickmucncher, but neither you or your so-called "fact checkers" can handle the truth. Another fact your lame ass readily dismisses is the extant evidence that hildebeest did ignore 600 requests for increased and better security in Libya and failed to provide the requested security, masterdickmuncher. BTW, masterdickmuncher, hildebeest had no "successes" as Secretary of State; her performance was abysmal.
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:53 PM   #27
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LMAO Bingo run chimpette.
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Old 08-02-2016, 03:10 PM   #28
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[QUOTE=Munchmasterman;105846806 0]
Originally Posted by DSK View Post
If a Gold Star family at an opposing national convention attacks you, are you not able to counterattack?
They attacked him because he was stating trumps policies.
And being the racist you are you wouldn't see trumps policy towards Muslims as being the first shots fired.
Here is the transcript.
Tonight we are honoured to stand here as parents of Captain Humayun Khan and as patriotic American Muslims - with undivided loyalty to our country.
Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy; that with hard work and goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.
We are blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams. Our son, Humayun, had dreams too, of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son 'the best of America'.
If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities; women; judges; even his own party leadership.
He vows to build walls, and ban us from this country. Donald Trump, you're asking Americans to trust you with their future.
Let me ask you: have you even read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. [he pulls it out] In this document, look for the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of law'.
Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America.
You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.
We cannot solve our problems by building walls, sowing division. We are stronger together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our President.
In conclusion, I ask every patriot American, all Muslim immigrants, and all immigrants to not take this election lightly.
This is a historic election, and I request to honour the sacrifice of my son - and on election day, take the time to get out and vote.
And vote for the healer. vote for the strongest, most qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton, not the divider. God bless you, thank you
What a dick. Telling the truth.

Hillary is in the exact same boat as Trump insofar as Chelsea didn't die in a war, and Hillary and Bill never served in the military.Under those conditions, she has sacrificed nothing.
We all know neither party nominees made the same sacrifice as their son....or should I say except trump. He's the one saying he has made sacrifices on their level.
As for pro-Trump - he is going to renegotiate the trade deals with multiple countries. He is going to change the status-quo with business and the American government. There are many US businesses who like trade the way it is, so they are attacking Trump. Bullshit. Nobody HAS TO renegotiate anything.

Our NATO allies love us paying for their defense. Those allies are stoking the anti-Trump fires because he is going to make the bastards pay, and they don't want to pay.
What's pissing them off is not the money. It's trump saying he won't honor treaty obligations. And as soon as the world sees we don't do what we say we will, you think we're disrespected now, you ain't seen nothing.
Finally, you would think the election of a black man One whole president! And you and your fellow racists have done nothing but bitch would have counted for something in this country, but blacks complain now more than ever. Women's right's advocates wail away like never before, even though women have never had it so good in America by a long shot.
What bastards! No wait. What are they bitching about that bothers you?

If Trump is going to upset the status quo, and the status quo is stacked against your own personal interests, why not vote for the guy who is offering change you can believe in? What change? Nothing you mentioned.

Attack Trump's business record all you want, but Forbes has listed him as a billionaire for a long time, and I don't see any buildings all over the world with your name on them Is that what spells success to you? How would you describe what a bankruptcy would be equal to if he were president?.[/QUOTE]

No complaints his campaign manager helped keep the Jews from having a claim to Jerusalem?
How the hell did his campaign manager keep the Jewish people from having a claim to Jerusalem? Are you fucking insane?

I think I'll survive just fine with Hillary as President, even if the country will continue going downhill. As you have surmised, other than paying the taxes I owe, I don't sacrifice a fucking thing for the good of America, just like Warren Buffett. I put my family first and the rest of you America destroying liberals can fuck off.

The point I'm trying to make about race relations that it is not clearly understood by the practitioners of diversity is that race relations are OK on a personal level, and even guys like me who would prefer the old, wonderful, white America get along fine with many diverse races in my "real" life.

I'm saying the very people I get along with on a personal level have race based group politics that I disagree with, and they stick to their tribe as much as I stick to mine. They just have the short term advantage insofar as the white man is currently out of favor, so the group politics of non-whites are favored.

However, as WTF said a long time ago, everyone is a little bit racist. Right now, it is OK to be racist as a group, as long as you are not the white group.
When every group eventually acknowledges they prefer their own group and discriminate against other groups politically, as a block, we might actually all be able to get along - separated from one another like virtually all of human history until the 1960's and the rise of American liberalism.

You are going to get Hillary as President, and you own her failures as well as her successes.
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Old 08-02-2016, 07:15 PM   #29
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[QUOTE=DSK;1058469066][QUOTE=Munchmasterman;105846806 0]

How the hell did his campaign manager keep the Jewish people from having a claim to Jerusalem? Are you fucking insane? I said he helped. He lobbied for Saudi Arabia against Israel for their claim to be rejected when they tried to move the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. .And that's the least of his good deeds.

I think I'll survive just fine with Hillary as President, even if the country will continue going downhill. As you have surmised, other than paying the taxes I owe, I don't sacrifice a fucking thing for the good of America, just like Warren Buffett. I put my family first and the rest of you America destroying liberals can fuck off.
It doesn't have to be a sacrifice. It can be making a contribution. But by your own admission you don't do that either.

So you're just a parasite.

I've noticed you never take responsibility for anything. You always have someone to blame or to proclaim someone is worse than you.

So you don't excel at anything.

The point I'm trying to make about race relations that it is not clearly understood by the practitioners of diversity is that race relations are OK on a personal level, and even guys like me who would prefer the old, wonderful, white America get along fine with many diverse races in my "real" life.

I'm saying the very people I get along with on a personal level have race based group politics that I disagree with, and they stick to their tribe as much as I stick to mine. They just have the short term advantage insofar as the white man is currently out of favor, so the group politics of non-whites are favored.

However, as WTF said a long time ago, everyone is a little bit racist. Right now, it is OK to be racist as a group, as long as you are not the white group.
When every group eventually acknowledges they prefer their own group and discriminate against other groups politically, as a block, we might actually all be able to get along - separated from one another like virtually all of human history until the 1960's and the rise of American liberalism. You have a fucked up view of the world. You can think whatever you want. It kills you to have to act like an American instead of being a white guy. We've covered all this before. No point in a rehash.

You are going to get Hillary as President, and you own her failures as well as her successes. Read the quote you don't have a clue as to it's meaning under the bullshit you post. I don't own something because you say I do. I can even say it has nothing to do with me because trump will probably carry our state. So fuck off. [/QUOTE]
Here are those words you don't understand.
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
― written by some arrogant asshole
So you're just a humble asshole? A plain asshole? A stretched and bloody asshole? A little help here. What type of asshole are you?

You will continue to claim you're just trying to help things out when you've never, like you've said many times, given a shit about anything but yourself.
You bitch that things are going down hill and the best suggestion your racist ass can come up with is separate the ethnic groups.
I could even say it's all trump's fault (the failures you predict will happen). But I won't.
I'm responsible for what I do.
And when you chose to be an obstructionist that's your choice and you own that.

So read the story in that link. He's your kind of prick, bud.
He makes, figuratively and literally, trump look not so bad.
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Old 08-02-2016, 10:03 PM   #30
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[QUOTE=Munchmasterman;105847000 6][QUOTE=DSK;1058469066]
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

How the hell did his campaign manager keep the Jewish people from having a claim to Jerusalem? Are you fucking insane? I said he helped. He lobbied for Saudi Arabia against Israel for their claim to be rejected when they tried to move the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. .And that's the least of his good deeds.

I think I'll survive just fine with Hillary as President, even if the country will continue going downhill. As you have surmised, other than paying the taxes I owe, I don't sacrifice a fucking thing for the good of America, just like Warren Buffett. I put my family first and the rest of you America destroying liberals can fuck off.
It doesn't have to be a sacrifice. It can be making a contribution. But by your own admission you don't do that either.

So you're just a parasite.

I've noticed you never take responsibility for anything. You always have someone to blame or to proclaim someone is worse than you.

So you don't excel at anything.

The point I'm trying to make about race relations that it is not clearly understood by the practitioners of diversity is that race relations are OK on a personal level, and even guys like me who would prefer the old, wonderful, white America get along fine with many diverse races in my "real" life.

I'm saying the very people I get along with on a personal level have race based group politics that I disagree with, and they stick to their tribe as much as I stick to mine. They just have the short term advantage insofar as the white man is currently out of favor, so the group politics of non-whites are favored.

However, as WTF said a long time ago, everyone is a little bit racist. Right now, it is OK to be racist as a group, as long as you are not the white group.
When every group eventually acknowledges they prefer their own group and discriminate against other groups politically, as a block, we might actually all be able to get along - separated from one another like virtually all of human history until the 1960's and the rise of American liberalism. You have a fucked up view of the world. You can think whatever you want. It kills you to have to act like an American instead of being a white guy. We've covered all this before. No point in a rehash.

You are going to get Hillary as President, and you own her failures as well as her successes. Read the quote you don't have a clue as to it's meaning under the bullshit you post. I don't own something because you say I do. I can even say it has nothing to do with me because trump will probably carry our state. So fuck off. [/QUOTE]
Here are those words you don't understand.
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
― written by some arrogant asshole
So you're just a humble asshole? A plain asshole? A stretched and bloody asshole? A little help here. What type of asshole are you?

You will continue to claim you're just trying to help things out when you've never, like you've said many times, given a shit about anything but yourself.
You bitch that things are going down hill and the best suggestion your racist ass can come up with is separate the ethnic groups.
I could even say it's all trump's fault (the failures you predict will happen). But I won't.
I'm responsible for what I do.
And when you chose to be an obstructionist that's your choice and you own that.

So read the story in that link. He's your kind of prick, bud.
He makes, figuratively and literally, trump look not so bad.
Not only are your sentences poorly constructed, your half ass "refutations" are jumbled together, also.

You are going to get Hillary, which is what you want. Trump has almost no chance to win, unfortunately. I hope he pulls off the upset but with guys like Bush and Warren Buffet selling him out, it is going to be tough.

You are on their side, and you hate Trump, so you are going to vote for Hillary, so you do own it, asshole. If she succeeds, you get to crow about it. If things get worse, she is on the hook for that.

As for me not admitting my mistakes, fuck, I've done that often. So fuck you again.

Warren Buffett, arguably the greatest investor ever, has made his own share of mistakes, BTW.

Just look up his massive losses in Energy Future Holdings. Even a monkey could have lost less.

As for you, I hope some black guy sticks a gun in your face, bitch slaps you, and takes your car, and calls you a white pussy. Then all your liberal friends can sit around with you and blame it on racist white Trump supporters being mean to black people...except for DSK, who is willing to have the government pay them reparations, you faggotty little cock sucking bitch.

Tell your mother I'm tired of fucking her, even at a thousand a pop. Same for your wife.
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