Date: 7/28/2016
Provider: BP Shelly
Phone or Pager: 2514242768
Email Address:na
URL / Website:
City: Foley
State: Alabama
Area / Address: RV Park near Foley
Appointment Type:Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Session Length Scheduled: 1hr
Fee: $
Total Paid: 0
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length:Blonde Curly shoulder length hair
Age: 35ish
Race: Caucasian
Perfume/Fragrance: na
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell Either Way
Where did you hear about this provider? eccie and BP
Providers Body: She looked much like her pictures. She was in a sun dress but her face looked haggard
What was the Provider's Attitude like? Didn't get that far
Comments: I made an appointment with her. She gave me location. She said she was about 20 minutes away, I was a little further away than that. I got to the general area and texted her I was there. She replied the maintenance man was there and she need to chase him off. I saw where she was and there were two guys there. One in a big new pickup she was getting stuff out of and the BIG driver of the truck was coming out of the rv. The another guy at the trailer that looked so much like Joe Dirt I had to do a double take. Guy in the pickup took off. Joe Dirt gave her a hug and walked away from trailer. My spidey sense was ringing all my alarm bells. I followed Mr Big pickup out of there. She texted me saying the maintenance guy was gone and he was there because her trailer had a leak when she had it just moved there. (That rv has been there for a LONG time.) Like I said -- too many things didn't add up. Maybe I'm just being over careful but I thought I'd just pass this on.
It was quacking, had feather, a bill and webbed feet. (if you know what I mean)
Admin - If you don't think this is an appropriate post go ahead and edit or delete I just don't want to see somebody caught up in what I think is going on.
Would you recommend this Provider to others? No, but then I'm careful