Originally Posted by dianaares_x
Wow that's absolutely kind of you!!
Personally, I think that'd be the sweetest thing ever.  If a person did that for me I'd be really thrilled. It's definitely an appropriate gift, especially if she likes music.
Damn, I like you girl! You're all cute and bubbly and shit. ECCIE has been missing a lot of that positivity lately. Unfortunately, continual interaction with society's underbelly will drain the fucking life out of you so quick, one would be reduced to finding happiness in other substances and material things that don't mean shit in the end.
One ends up tending to hate men and/women. Any possibilities for real relationships in the future are sabotaged by being infected with the atmospheric disease that is acquired through prolonged exposure to this site. There are some well adjusted individuals on this site too (not many). I hope to God you have a rw job and are working on things other than this.
I wouldn't wish the fate of this life being all one has on my worst enemy. If this is all you have, you are dying a long, dull, listless, meaningless existence. No one will rejoice in your living, and no one will mourn in your death.
So, stay bubbly and positive, I love to see it. If you can, get out of this life asap! Just my two cents. 😀