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Old 07-20-2016, 05:00 PM   #106
Stewie griffen
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Im in for 37.50
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:01 PM   #107
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I come back to this forum because there is so much Wisdom to learn from you guys, I learn something new everyday haha.


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Old 07-20-2016, 05:14 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
The one the two above met was with me from 3PM until 1AM for a whopping $200 with a session early afternoon and after the party PLUS a DATY lesson with another lady AT the party. YUP It is ALL about the money!!
Ok, so you DID pay her. My statement stands.

Yes. She was a whore. Whores get paid. She is not like the other girls. I have a SO, a SB and I spend money on whores at times. Why is it so hard for you to follow?

How long did that relationship of yours last before you got dumped Reya? I dumped him because I highly suspected he wasn't being faithful yet I was and he had the balls to deny it until I got hard evidence on him.

You expected him to be faithful to a whore? Damn. Did you forget how and where you met him?

The one at home got in my bed 5 years ago and hasn't left yet. She pays for her own education via the scholarships and grants she gets. I never giver her a penny. Yes. I pay the bills and support her the same way any man supports the woman that takes as a wife but cash/payments? LOL... Nope... She is where she is for other reasons.

So, despite all your monetary success in life you are allowing the woman you love and claim to care for to saddle herself with debt-very likely because she hopes to leave your ass just as soon as she can afford it. You're like a splenda daddy. You scored a hotter, younger, girlfriend than you have a natural right to and are using her naivete against her while you suck out her youthful energy like an emotional vampire.

LMAO! Damn Reya/Leah... DO you not know what a Scholarship is? What Grants are? She's actually pretty damn smart and got a heck of a lot of free money she never pays back.... A few years ago I paid for a couple of classes for her because of a lapse of attendance before they would turn the grants back on but she quickly got it all back in place and the Scholarship committee reinstated her as well.

The other one had debt when I met her but has over half of it paid off just 1 year out of school.

WAIT!?? She actually has what it is YOU were trying to score right? Someone that would love her and care for her the man should? The funniest part about this statement is that you really seem to think you are a prize and in your head you think you are loving and caring for her by wasting her youth for pennies on the dollar.

Wasting their youth? Both of these girls drive solid functioning safe cars, one has already graduated and has a great job and the other graduates in a few months and will probably go to law school.

Wasted Youth? As opposed to someone like you? What have you amounted too? Your youth was wasted on what? Whoring? You are 10 years older than either of the ladies you criticize and have what? An education? decent job? health insurance? How is your credit? The one working I see could buy a house if she wanted to. WITHOUT my help...

You are turning into such a bitter old hag Leah..err.. Reya.... That's subjective and you have been known to stretch the truth if it helps you make your point so I will take it with a grain of salt.

Am I stretching the fact that you are bitter or old?

Actually Leah/Reya.... In MOST people's minds wives, SOs and girlfriends are quite a bit different than whores. Sure.. They are with a man for a reason and that reason DOES include support but not cash in hand per act and there are many other reasons....

In reality... You ARE a whore and although you try to turn away from it you return to what you are correct? Whore is a close enough approximation to my job description yes, but it's not the entirety of who I am as a person and it's simple minded of you to reduce a person to just their job. I come back to this job only when I'm single because it's great money, flexible hours and I like to meet a variety of people from all sorts of backgrounds in a more intimate way than typical societal interactions allow for. People fascinate me and I like the window that the hobby gives me into their lives. If you think I could not have married for money and security already if that was my only goal in life then you are dead wrong.

It's such a great job that you are on here in another thread trying to trade your ass for a car stereo? Suck some cock for a brake job? The GFE for some body work? You are simply not making any sense of your situation.

Based on your logic and understanding of the dynamics of a relationship wouldn't YOU, a true PROFESSIONAL in the whoring department make a much better life companion for a man than some gal without the business acumen and sex skills you should have? You're right. Shit, you should write my next civie dating profile for me.

Let me know when your ready. You might catch me in a charitable mood. I'm pretty good with those things.

Yet here you are back with us after another failed relationship..... And you don't even have the baggage of a kid... Kinda pathetic that single moms can land that elusive "man" to care for them and about them huh? You are the one that put man in quotes not me...IJS. Also, that's right guys! I'm childfree, not just now but for life! Tight pussy and no extra mouths to feed! I can travel whenever and wherever I want and explore anything I feel like exploring!

Providing those brakes get fixed and nothing else quits working?

WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!.... IS that it? Could it be?...... Leah/Reya.... Did you keep the coin changer in vew and the clock on the nightstand DURING the "relationship" that failed and landed you back here with us?

That is so far from the truth as to be laughable. If anything my desire to be legitimately in love has led to civie dates just using this poor old hag as their own personal clock free hooker as soon as I inform them of my whoring background- they never intended to give a shit about me beyond freebies. I'm not blameless because I jump into that shit of my own free will but of the two people involved I'm the one being taken advantage of. Be clear on that.

Why do you admit it to anyone? In that statement you prove to yourself and others it is never going be about who you are, could be or will be in the future. You are a whore and men will never see past that.

Oh girl..... damn,...... now I understand.... He might have known you were a whore when he met you Reya but he was hoping you might change for a shot at love and security.....
You're wrong on that point too...but what's new?
Really Reya/Leah? Am I really that far off?
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:15 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
I've suspected he has a crush on me for a while. All the insults are just to get my attention.
My replies are simply that. You started slinging shit not realizing that someone might sling it back at you
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:16 PM   #110
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:18 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Observing View Post
Did he tell her you were a "whore"?
And as a stripper with him she was higher on the pole than you even though she was paid to be with him?
She was "paid" for the time before the party and after the party.... During the party she mingled and enjoyed herself and met others while I did my thing....

Jesus lady... you never seem to get it do you?
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:20 PM   #112
Austin Ellen
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Don't worry about what you post costing you business. 99 percent of my clients don't read or care what is posted in co -ed. They only care about getting that pussy!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
My comments were specific to the person I was directing them to (Whispers) and his particular dating scenario that we were discussing- I have no "rule" to make exceptions for, not all middle aged men everywhere that date girls considerably younger than themselves treat their girlfriends like whispers has admitted to. As I don't know the details of their dating situations I can't comment on them. You're correct though Toyz in that anything I say in defense of myself will get misconstrued and could cost me business.

I am going to do my very best to only post ads and bullshit threADs about vapid things that I will never come back to comment on or actually discuss. Then when I get called shallow and stupid for only posting threADs I will just ignore it and keep posting threADs.
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:36 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Really Reya/Leah? Am I really that far off?
Yes you are. News flash Einstein, Sugar Babies ARE whores (as you like to put it). Just because one girl is selling her ass in a different realm of the hobby, does not make her any different than a girl selling her ass on here. Your sugar baby is just another whore deal with it

On another note please stick around for awhile. This fucken board sucks without you!
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:27 PM   #114
Leah Layada
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Even I have my limits Whispers...four colors in a long block of text is just too hard to follow for anyone watching. We'd have to put epilepsy warnings up because of all the freaking colors in such quick succession.

Suffice it to say that you are really far off...we both know it. You've said in previous posts that the girl you're seeing has student loans and yet you change your mind when it's convenient to your argument.

As for putting the poor girl that has to put up with you down?! Where did I express such a sentiment? I see her as your victim in this situation because she's not getting paid what she's worth and you are fully aware and enjoying the fact that you are getting a deal at her expense.

Now as to what I'm willing to sell my ass for?! I can't sell it only rent it! I'll have you know it's a nice car stereo that I want and after installation would be worth about an hour of time spent with my ass. If I wasn't renting out my ass some other small business owner or company would be making me smile at strangers and I've had a few civie jobs where I was out and out encouraged to directly flirt with the customers....for 8 hours a day and a day's pay at those jobs was far less than a car stereo or getting the brakes on my car fixed.

Call me what you want if it helps you feel better but if someone is going to be profiting off my ability to smile and be accommodating to strangers then that person should be me.

In any case...did y'all hear that? According to Whispers I'm practically giving away my time when I offer it in exchange for 1) mild body work on car 2) new sound system + the installation of it 3) getting my brakes fixed So don't let this offer pass you by!!! If you'd been wanting to see me but I was a bit out of your budget or if you're in any of those businesses and it'd cost you almost nothing to provide those things for barter then NOW IS THE TIME!

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Really Reya/Leah? Am I really that far off?
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:30 PM   #115
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Awww...you came so close to a +1 from me on this post...then you had to mention that you want Whispers to stick around. I'm so conflicted now.

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Yes you are. News flash Einstein, Sugar Babies ARE whores (as you like to put it). Just because one girl is selling her ass in a different realm of the hobby, does not make her any different than a girl selling her ass on here. Your sugar baby is just another whore deal with it

On another note please stick around for awhile. This fucken board sucks without you!
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:31 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
My replies are simply that. You started slinging shit not realizing that someone might sling it back at you
LOL TFF. you"sling shit" for enjoyment. Your own enjoyment... No one cares what you say, it's the same diatribe over and over and over.. your time is past and your opinions mean nothing.. blah blah blah I've seen some your your "playmates".. it does raise the question, since you date fat, out of shape whores, where's the line?
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:38 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
She was "paid" for the time before the party and after the party.... During the party she mingled and enjoyed herself and met others while I did my thing....

Jesus lady... you never seem to get it do you?
So-o-o-o,she was off the clock at the party?
Would you have had a problem with her giving someone a quick blow-job for some extra cash whilst you did your "thing"?
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:57 PM   #118
Leah Layada
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Well I'm sure 100% of the guys that see me currently don't care about posts in co-ed but I'm looking to expand my client base by a smidgen (so I can make improvements to my car among other things) and there's no telling how many potential clients I could be alienating.

Besides, posting here is like throwing my thoughts and responses into a huge black hole where every word is segmented and torn apart while wasting my own time and energy in the process. It's like reading pages from my diary to a person that only knows how to respond by making fake fart noises with his armpit. At some point it's pathological on my part to continue.

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Don't worry about what you post costing you business. 99 percent of my clients don't read or care what is posted in co -ed. They only care about getting that pussy!!!!!!!!
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Old 07-20-2016, 06:57 PM   #119
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I really want to see this happen!

I am UPPING MY OFFER of $37.50 by $2.50 to an even FOURTY BUCKS!


Come on...make your tithe today and lets make this unholy union happen!
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Old 07-20-2016, 07:07 PM   #120
Leah Layada
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You realize that Whispers would have to get the special Whispers' price, right?

I'd do it but not for less than 5k for the hour and you have to find a full body condom that can fit him!

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
I really want to see this happen!

I am UPPING MY OFFER of $37.50 by $2.50 to an even FOURTY BUCKS!


Come on...make your tithe today and lets make this unholy union happen!
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