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Old 07-05-2016, 04:56 PM   #16
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I started out working for 5 bucks and hour in the 70's in a warehouse driving a truck.
I still work for the same company but now I own part of it and make 6 figures.
Wages are not stagnant, people are.
I worked my ass off to get where I am at and it wasn't 9 to 5 either. I worked plenty of long extra hours without the expectation of additional pay.
My wages grew as my abilities grew.
My wages grew as I applied myself to the work and learned to rise up from the truck driver warehouse man learning more and more about the business taking on the least desirable jobs with a goal to rise to the top.

Wages are only stagnant to stagnant people. you wanna great people at the drive through all your life please understand that that is only worth a certain amount of money and once it is totally automated it will be worth zero because of the pressures the government artificially places on business people and consumers to pay more than a fair amount for wages and product.

The fallacy is that by driving wages up you can get people to pay more and then everything rises in an artificial inflation where the amount of money paid is still not enough to get out of that entry level job you have been in all of your life. The reason is that the cost of goods and service rise to the point that those that work in entry level jobs will still not be able to afford the food they sell at the drive in window.

When the worker does more, is more efficient, that the business can make a profit and the people will pay the amount, that is when wages will rise.

Raising the minimum wage not only increases the cost of the product but makes it so that the minimum wage earner can still not rise above the minimum wage job and will not be able to afford the things they could not afford before.

You want to earn more than the minimum wage then do not be a minimum wage worker.
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:09 PM   #17
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You could give everybody the exact same amount of money and in the end a small number of people would have the majority of it. It isn't because they have any advantage over the others other than their ambition, desire, and the work ethic to increase their abilities over those that choose to coast.
It is like playing poker. If you do not have the desire to win and take the calculated chances then you will slowly allow the rest to take all of your money.

Nobody gave me what I have. I am not one of the people that Obama thinks did not earn what I have. I worked very hard and many long hours sacraficing to make it where I am today. I helped build a company, borrowed money to buy a stake in it and worked my ass off to repay my loans not knowing if I would make enough each year to pay my note. The good thing was i wanted to achieve and i did. I did not sit back and wait for somebody to give me a raise because a year had past and for some reason the passage of time equates to some people as a reason they should get paid more rather than what they have added in their abilities and contributions to the success of the business.

In doing so, i have assisted in providing employment to over 400 people and am not nor did I get rich off the backs of any individual.

You lazy ass I did my 8 hours and I am going home bunch of people, how many sick days do I get and what about as much family time, and vacation is my first concern and oh yeah its been a year where is my raise are what is wrong with this nation or at least is a lot of what is wrong with this nation. And you wonder why you cant make more money. Look in the mirror and see the problem.
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:10 PM   #18
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Yeah and only 7 families control all the wealth in Mexico, why don't you run down there and get that straight.
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Old 07-05-2016, 05:11 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
I started out working for 5 bucks and hour in the 70's in a warehouse driving a truck.
I still work for the same company but now I own part of it and make 6 figures.
Wages are not stagnant, people are.
I worked my ass off to get where I am at and it wasn't 9 to 5 either. I worked plenty of long extra hours without the expectation of additional pay.
My wages grew as my abilities grew.
My wages grew as I applied myself to the work and learned to rise up from the truck driver warehouse man learning more and more about the business taking on the least desirable jobs with a goal to rise to the top.

Wages are only stagnant to stagnant people. you wanna great people at the drive through all your life please understand that that is only worth a certain amount of money and once it is totally automated it will be worth zero because of the pressures the government artificially places on business people and consumers to pay more than a fair amount for wages and product.

The fallacy is that by driving wages up you can get people to pay more and then everything rises in an artificial inflation where the amount of money paid is still not enough to get out of that entry level job you have been in all of your life. The reason is that the cost of goods and service rise to the point that those that work in entry level jobs will still not be able to afford the food they sell at the drive in window.

When the worker does more, is more efficient, that the business can make a profit and the people will pay the amount, that is when wages will rise.

Raising the minimum wage not only increases the cost of the product but makes it so that the minimum wage earner can still not rise above the minimum wage job and will not be able to afford the things they could not afford before.

You want to earn more than the minimum wage then do not be a minimum wage worker.
Got to hand it to ya. That's the way America was intended. They say America is the land of opportunity, you obviously found one, recognized the potential and kept your eye on the ball. If it weren't for Capitalism you might still be driving that truck.

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Old 07-06-2016, 08:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Got to hand it to ya. That's the way America was intended. They say America is the land of opportunity, you obviously found one, recognized the potential and kept your eye on the ball. If it weren't for Capitalism you might still be driving that truck.

The Waltons are one of the family dynasties controlling a major portion of the country's wealth, as well as the Rothschilds. There a few more, just don't recall the names. They are known as family dynasties now. Actually, as I understand it, those families are the ones that control almost half the wealth in America today, or close to it. See this article:


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Old 07-06-2016, 10:39 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
The Waltons are one of the family dynasties controlling a major portion of the country's wealth, as well as the Rothschilds. There a few more, just don't recall the names. They are known as family dynasties now. Actually, as I understand it, those families are the ones that control almost half the wealth in America today, or close to it. See this article:


The Walton family actually plays a small part in the wealth inequality in America. There are really four families that play the largest role and they are the Greenberg's, Rockefellers, Bloomberg and the Rothschild. These families own the Main Stream Media, Entertainment Industry and of course our political system. While the average American such as yourself concerns themselves with issues such as Wealth Inequality what they fail to realize is this is all done by design and manipulated by the families I mentioned above. They actually do this through deceptive practices to shape your opinions economically, politically and even socially. The clip below is an example. It entails a News interview from the TodayShow of Omar Bin Laden and his wife. In reality these two individuals are actors. Omar Bin Laden is actually Tony Greenberg and his wife Anne just playing a role to deceive viewers. It's done because they can, they have the money the power and influence. People like this also get into politics they get elected into office and we think they are legit and they aren't. The only wealth anyone should be concerned with is their own. Because the big money in this country is only concerned about theirs.


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Old 07-06-2016, 11:06 AM   #22
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When the worker does more, is more efficient, that the business can make a profit and the people will pay the amount, that is when wages will rise.

Unfortunately, most companies already squeeze twice the amount of work out of one worker than ever before. It's called downsizing. It's due to an increase in technology for one thing and office automation. Yet, salaries have remained nearly stagnant. I remember when I started out in the legal field, they had one secretary to one attorney, then as office automation increased and computers took over, they had one secretary to two attorneys, then one secretary to three and four attorneys. Now, some offices have one secretary actually working for five attorneys! Yet, the highest salary, on average, in large cities is $40,000, right at where it was about 10 years ago. More than one-third of these positions do not pay medical benefits either.
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Old 07-06-2016, 11:12 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
family dynasties
Speaking of family dynasties, how about the Clinton Crime Family Foundation? You know? The one that's supposed to be a charitable organization, but in fact only 10% of it's proceeds ever finds it's way to a charitable cause.

Now that's controlling wealth!!

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Old 07-06-2016, 11:12 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
The Walton family actually plays a small part in the wealth inequality in America. There are really four families that play the largest role and they are the Greenberg's, Rockefellers, Bloomberg and the Rothschild. These families own the Main Stream Media, Entertainment Industry and of course our political system. While the average American such as yourself concerns themselves with issues such as Wealth Inequality what they fail to realize is this is all done by design and manipulated by the families I mentioned above. They actually do this through deceptive practices to shape your opinions economically, politically and even socially. The clip below is an example. It entails a News interview from the TodayShow of Omar Bin Laden and his wife. In reality these two individuals are actors. Omar Bin Laden is actually Tony Greenberg and his wife Anne just playing a role to deceive viewers. It's done because they can, they have the money the power and influence. People like this also get into politics they get elected into office and we think they are legit and they aren't. The only wealth anyone should be concerned with is their own. Because the big money in this country is only concerned about theirs.


You definitely have a point, and yet at the same time, these families are also contributing to inequality in America. When too much wealth is concentrated at the top, too much control gets into the hands of those people via their wealth.
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Old 07-06-2016, 11:33 AM   #25
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I tell you one thing. If I work my ass off and tkae the risks associated with creating an empoire that creates hundreds of thousands of jobs, I damn sure want to earn ore than the guy that is stocking the shelves.

The fact of the matter is you can separate some of the wealth from all of those families if you have something you can sell to them. Opportunity for those that have the ambition to rise above mediocrity. You will never make 6 figures stocking shelves unless you are paying 4 figures for a pack of toilet paper.
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Old 07-06-2016, 11:39 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
You definitely have a point, and yet at the same time, these families are also contributing to inequality in America. When too much wealth is concentrated at the top, too much control gets into the hands of those people via their wealth.
Wealth Inequality is real, but my point is wealth inequality is held in check by these wealthy families. Our Politicians are also owned by them. We are in many ways slaves to this. In other words an elected official isn't going to change much. If someone goes from making minimum wage to making several thousands a year they didn't get there because of some government involvement. So with that being said if the next president is going to influence a significant change in the wealth distribution in America they first have to reduce the power and influence of the worlds wealthiest families. The president can start by enacting into law that the media can't report fake news stories which unfortunately is how they make a lot of money at the expense of our emotions. The clip in my previous post is totally fake and everyone in the MSM knows it. We shouldn't stand for that kind of crap.

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Old 07-06-2016, 04:20 PM   #27
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yeah it sucks to be the underachiever, the person that only got a trophy for participating and never for winning, the person that dropped out instead of being the valedictorian, the patient instead of the doctor, the passenger and not the pilot, the crew and not the captain,the private and not the General, the mail room clrek and not the CEO.

Looks like a whole lot of inequality there as it should be. It does not mean that teach of those are any better or worse of a person than the other it is just that they have not done what it takes to rise above or to achieve the same levels that others have. Not everybody is a leader and not everybody is a follower. You will never ever in any lifetime change that. It goes totally and completely against human nature and the laws of natural selection.

Nothing I did was easy to get to where I am at today. I am very happy and content with my personal life even knowing that there are a lot, and I mean a lot of people that have a lot more than I do. It could have been me had I followed a different p;ath and I could be on the bottom looking up had I not changed the p;ath I was on. I did it on my own and did not get help from government or any social engineering organizations except for i did get a very bad FHA loan at one point in my life that almost broke me. I sucked it up and sacrificed and learned from my mistake and would never do it again and have educated my children about hose pitfalls.

I have no pity for those that have fucked off their opportunities and chose the easy path that leads to mediocrity.

I recall an elevator ride where I overheard a conversation about if one person was going to wrk on a project over the weekend in order to get it done and the other stated he already "gave" them his 40 and was not going to put out anything extra. I keyed on the "gave"
them as if he donated his time rather than was compensated for it in his pay. It was just an elevator ride but it told so much about that person. I hold no wish of ill will for him and fully understand that there is life out of work but I also would not pity him when the pink slips came out and he was the first to go.

My goal in life is to take some of that wealth from those that have it but, I am going to do it with my ability to work for that wealth rather than to have it taken by fiat and given to me or others. I have no birthright to others wealth. I only have the opportunity to work to earn as much of their wealth as possible.
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Old 07-06-2016, 11:16 PM   #28
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You're fine, 2Dogs. The wealthy we are talking about did not work to get there. They use their wealth to manipulate the government into giving them more. That kind of wealth does not arise in a free society, it happens in statist societies. The Clinton family are willing pawns in their game, not players. When the elitists are done with them, they will toss them aside.

So when we talk about wealth inequality, we aren't talking about you. You made yours the right way, and should be very proud. What you have done is admirable. But what these others have done is despicable.
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Old 07-07-2016, 06:56 AM   #29
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I have no issue with inherited wealth.

I think you mean the wealth of the likes of a George Soros, Vladimir Putin, and those like them.
I would not lump the Walton family in this group.

The problem is how the left lumps hard working people that have done what it takes to rise above into the same category. You do know at some point you will have made enough money according to the idiot in chief.

Why is it that the left destroys the middle class, elects a president that furthers that destruction, and gives 20 billion dollars to an oil company that Soros owns a huge stake in while attacking people like me with taxes that are way out of proportion to my income.
Why is it that the left will give money to a few people that will take it spend it like it is their own and then plead the 5th when asked what did they do with all that money yet never face justice. I suppose it is sort of like Hillary escaping justice for the crimes she knowingly committed bur yet is said to not have the intent. I never intended to speed when I got that ticket and the fine, I just was not aware that I was going that fast. shouldn't I get a break on that?

It seems to me that all these leftist should take care of their own house and leave the rest of us alone.
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