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Old 07-05-2016, 12:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The FBI found multiple counts where Hillary and her staff mishandled classified documents that were classified at the time but they found insufficient evidence of criminality. He implied that someone other than Hillary would face other sanctions in their job. Demotion or firing?

793 does not require intent only gross negligence.
Too bummed out to provide a link to check your "analysis"? No worries.
I'll look it up.
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Old 07-05-2016, 12:22 PM   #17
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The gross negligence of Hillary would disqualify anyone else from having a security position.

Hillary out started Obama by sending him classified info on her server and he never reported her or prosecuted her then. She made him an accessory and her bitch.
You're right. Comey made reference that it was "widely known" that hildebeest was operating illegally. Hence, Odumbo was guilty by association, and that is the real reason Comey recommended for no indictment.

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Old 07-05-2016, 12:22 PM   #18
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But officer, I had no intent to speed.
I just didn't really give a shit.
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Old 07-05-2016, 12:31 PM   #19
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A couple of questions immediately come to my mind:

1. It is apparent that hildebeest and her campaign apologists have lied repeatedly since this scandal began - she set up the private server for "convenience", nothing classified was on it, nothing was classified at the time it was received/sent, nothing was clearly MARKED classified at the time it was received/sent, nothing classified was sent by hildebeest (since the designation burden falls on the sender), et cetera, ad nauseum. None of these lies were made under oath. When the FBI interviewed hildebeest on Saturday, she was under oath. Didn't they ask her about all her lies? If she repeated them under oath to the FBI, that is perjury and she should be prosecuted! Did she admit she lied to the American people or did she take the Fifth? Let's see the transcript of that 3-1/2 hour FBI interview!

2. Director Comey said it was "possible" that foreign hackers gained access to her illegal private server. Other IT experts go further and say it was "probable". Since hackers generally cover their tracks carefully, there is no evidence proving it. If there was evidence, Comey would have had to recommend indicting her. So if Putin and/or the Chinese or North Koreans (or anyone else for that matter) did successfully hack into hildebeest's illegal private server, they now have the ability to shape the outcome of the US election. All they need to do is show proof of their successful hacks and this whole scandal will blow up again on the hildebeest. Such new facts would render Comey's conclusion moot and premature and not based on all of the known evidence. Then what?
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Old 07-05-2016, 12:36 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
The election is completely in the bag for Hillary, barring a complete miracle.

Time to consider who will be the best candidate for 2020, and how we can hold onto the House and Senate in the meantime.

Liberals are going to be lording it over us for the rest of our lives. We can only hope our children and grandchildren can save what was once a great nation.

No way will I ever salute the flag or put my hand over my heart for a country run by Hillary Clinton. I will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance even if you put a gun to my head.

White conservative men are the new Black men now. They are going to get revenge on us boys, so get ready.
No point explaining the saluting the uniform and not the person concept to someone who has his own definitions of loyalty and honor (definitions that include no loyalty or honor). By his own definition (okay by my definition) he is a coward and that he runs when, if as he claims. is most needed.

What an American! What a man! Right?

Wrong. He's neither.

Tell you what. I'll help you move out of the country.

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Old 07-05-2016, 12:53 PM   #21
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Prosecutorial Discretion. Judicial Bookends .....

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Old 07-05-2016, 01:00 PM   #22
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but no mention of the Clinton Foundation
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Old 07-05-2016, 01:04 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You're right. Comey made reference that it was "widely known" that hildebeest was operating illegally. Hence, Odumbo was guilty by association, and that is the real reason Comey recommended for no indictment.
This is precisely what occurred to me when the scandal broke. The "guilt by association" brush had to taint so many people. Think about it. Everyone who uses email notices where each email originates from or goes to. So we have hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the State Department and throughout the federal government who must have noticed that hildebeest was using a private email address (even if they didn't know about the server). That makes hundreds/thousands of federal employees COMPLICIT in what she was doing. It was widely known - yet NONE of these people stepped forward and said anything when hildebeest's emails were under subpoena by Congressional committees and private FOIA litigants such as Judicial Watch.

It took a fucking Romanian hacker named Guccifer to spill the beans!

At the very least, you have hundreds of government employees (including Obama, since some of the private emails went to him) who are guilty of aiding and abetting the cover-up and obstructing justice by keeping silent and not telling anyone that the reason their subpoenas and discovery requests for hildebeest's official State Department emails were coming up empty was because she used a private, illegal, back-channel system for all of her communications! (That allowed the State Department to claim it did not "technically" lie when it claimed to have turned over all of her emails then in its possession before the server scandal broke.)

Think about the implications of this - it means our federal bureaucracy has been thoroughly corrupted and politicized! Nobody had the integrity to step forward and say something!
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Old 07-05-2016, 01:42 PM   #24
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I am sitting in my office watching CNN and MSNBC, and the liberal hacks are castigating Comey for giving the Republicans so much ammunition to use against Hillary.

He should have just came out and said......." We recommend no indictment".
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Old 07-05-2016, 01:49 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I said it in a previous thread. The Clinton/Lynch meeting was no accident. The ongoing statements about how "honorable" Director Comey was is no accident. The fact now that President Obama scheduled a campaign stop THIS AFTERNOON with Hillary is no accident.

They are all in it together. Clinton said "jump", they all did.

What other conclusion can any reasonable person come too.

The shame is, Comey has now turned the FBI into a political tool the likes we haven't seen since ole J Edger himself ran it.
+ 1 !!!!!
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Old 07-05-2016, 01:51 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone View Post
but no mention of the Clinton Foundation
If you mean the Clinton Crime Family Foundation that's the next shoe to drop.
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Old 07-05-2016, 01:54 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I am sitting in my office watching CNN and MSNBC, and the liberal hacks are castigating Comey for giving the Republicans so much ammunition to use against Hillary.

He should have just came out and said......." We recommend no indictment".
I'm not that upset with Comey. This whole thing is far from over. Let's see what the full FBI report contains.

Watching Comey made me think why the fuck can't we have someone like HIM on the ballot in November? You know, someone who is relatively sane and normal and knows how to tell the truth once in a while.
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Old 07-05-2016, 02:36 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
there is a two tiered legal system in this country

always has been

we never have been truly a nation of laws

this gives once again a now jaded, previously naïve believer in justice, justice being the equal application of law, the same sinking, despairing feeling that the IRS scandal and the other departments of the government under this administration targeting the American people for political beliefs did

if you ever once believed this was a nation of laws that applied across the board you will become disheartened from this, the left wishes you to be

the clinton's slithered away once more
And, once again, the FBI is politicized by the dumbascraps. All of the "happenings " of the past few weeks, Slick Willy Clinton " discussing grand children " with the Ag, word 'leaking " about how " fair minded and professional " Comey is, leaking word that Odummer was backing shriLIARry, were all teases for this announcement. We can expect that if shriLIARry gets elected, that MORE IRS audits will be used by that vindictive bitch against the Clinton's enemies. And since they got away with it during Willy's time in office ( when he wasn't being his sexual predator self ) and odummer's use of the IRS as a weapon against dumbascrap party enemies, watch and see how many people the Clinton's , who have just show AGAIN that the law doesn't apply to them, destroy with the powers of the White House. Watch and see how many of the women that made claims of Slick Wily sexually harassing them get " beat up " by shrillary's abuse of the powers of the Presidency.
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Old 07-05-2016, 02:43 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
FBI Director Comey just relegated himself down to the status of "Lackey".

He laid out the entire case as to WHY charges should be brought, but then said "no".

The bright side. He might just have cost Hillary the election.
Not to argue, since I respect your posts here on the board, but how would his announcement of today have cost her the election ? If anything, I would think that those lying liberals that were fans of Babblin Bernie and on the fence about supporting a lying, sexual predator enabling bitch would follower their Gruberized hearts and vote " for the first " woman President " like they did for the first " black " President, just for the novelty of it. Just look at assup's response to the OP. The libs are probably ecstatic over this and rubbing it into those of us that believed in " law and order " .
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Old 07-05-2016, 02:56 PM   #30
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If you want to see how the typical library acts just stick a probe in Munchkins ass and follow his reaction.

You know I reference Comey's press conference and Munchkin still wants a source.... sheesh! What are moroon.
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