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Old 07-01-2016, 06:14 AM   #1
Chivalrous Incubus
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Default [newbie user] Seeking tips from veterans

Newbie here, I was wondering for those with "hobby phones" where did you get yours, how do they work and is it a dinosaur phone with no camera and can only receive calls/texts?

Also, what are things you wish you knew when you first started and just any helpful tips you'd like to share

I look forward to the community's replies!
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Old 07-01-2016, 09:42 AM   #2
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Welcome. I'm glad you came here for advice, you'll get plenty of it, and I'm glad you've made the decision to use a hobby phone. My best advice would be to use the search function of the board and read the many threads about hobby phones. You'll learn everything you wish to know probably. They are safe, easy to use, and quite inexpensive.

The best of it all to you.
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Old 07-01-2016, 12:41 PM   #3
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Walmart, $20. Basic calls and texting.

Also - if your "date" wants to take the cash out to her driver or leave the room for whatever reason - don't allow her to. That is to say you can let her leave - but make sure she doesn't leave with your cash. Because if she does you won't see her again.

Oh, and don't be shy about letting your provider know what you like and what you want.
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Old 07-01-2016, 03:54 PM   #4
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I use my neighbor's phone. How about using the Search tab? All of your hobby questions can be answered with a search.
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Old 07-01-2016, 08:52 PM   #5
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Default [veteran] offering tip to newbie

The wisest words I've heard: download more porn!
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Old 07-02-2016, 07:19 AM   #6
Chivalrous Incubus
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Everyone saying use the search button, but that's what I've been doing but the forums make an all-inclusive search for terms so if I put "hobby phone" it pulls up a ton of reviews because of "phone". If I just put "hobby", just about everything comes up and just "phone" well already mentioned that.

Same thing for when I search "newbie friendly", I just pull up users that say NOT newbie friendly, a provider ad/review saying they're a newbie or they're just friendly.

So I've figured out the burner phones (what I learned they're actually called) and now it's just general tips / hindsight of veteran eccie members both providers and clients that I'm interested in reading.

Thank george hentson for your post
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Old 07-02-2016, 09:13 AM   #7
SA Angel
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My ECCIE Reviews

1) Never talk explicitly with a lady unless she prompts it herself after she screens you.

2) Only see women that have a verifiable REPUTABLE presence until you learn the ropes.

3) Ask the guys in your area for recommendations as far as newbie friendly providers go.

4) Male sure your first lady is reference friendly!

5) Arrive to her incall freshly showered.

6) If you have a specific brand of condom you prefer bring it yourself. Not every lady is going to offer Magnums XLs or Iron Grips.
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Old 07-02-2016, 10:40 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chivalrous Incubus View Post
Newbie here, I was wondering for those with "hobby phones" where did you get yours, how do they work and is it a dinosaur phone with no camera and can only receive calls/texts?

Also, what are things you wish you knew when you first started and just any helpful tips you'd like to share

I look forward to the community's replies!

Welcome newbie.
If you get a ‘hobby phone’ make sure you have a 4 digit code to lock it less you should have it lost or stolen. Never put real names in it and keep it charged and turned off (with a code to unlock it once turned on) Another thing you can do is look at the many apps that create a second number ’Sideline’ is one and some work off your carrier so that you do not have to pay the monthly fee, leaving more ‘scratch for your snatch’. If you have a significant other, a hobby phone may get found and if it is… deny its yours and you found it at the bar, work, job site, bathroom or someplace. An app gives you more ways to hide your dark deeds.
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Old 07-02-2016, 11:33 AM   #9
Buying a *Way to Heaven
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) Never talk explicitly with a lady on the phone, EVER. Don't mention money either. You don't know who could be listening. Never talk explicitly with a lady at all until you've had sufficient contact to be certain she is what she says she is. If the lady is incautious enough to mention money, don't get drawn into talking about it, just say something like "sure whatever okay". Half of them won't even remember what they asked for on the phone anyway. If she uses jargon or acronyms, act like you don't know or care what it means. If the lady gets explicit, it's a sting.

2) Don't waste your time on women who demand "references", and be careful who, if anyone, you provide these references to. Remember that the Bad Guys could be at the other end of the line, or in between, or going through your phone records later on. Any information you hand out might be used, if indirectly, against you or someone else. Use BP (with great caution) and P411 (if you have to).

3) Don't ask guys for referrals, or anything else, unless you are certain they are not the Bad Guys. Ignore ladies who have anything to say about "newbies", even in the exotic cases where they claim to be "newbie friendly". They are not. If a woman uses the N-word on you, she doesn't want your business. She might be collecting RL information for future sale to the Bad Guys if she gets busted, she might actually be the Bad Guys. Hang up and go on to the next, there is plenty of other seafood in the sea.

4) You have no way of knowing in advance if a lady will give you a reference, or whether that reference will be accepted by any other ladies. Don't waste your time hunting references.

) Arrive to her incall and use the bathroom (or use a hotel outcall). If you're going to find out she has a friend lurking in the bathroom, the least inconvenient time to find out is before you've disrobed and parted with money.
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Old 07-03-2016, 07:52 AM   #10
Chivalrous Incubus
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Helpful tips everyone, thank you! I appreciate it! Knowledge is power
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