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Old 06-26-2016, 12:21 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post

They are not progressive and they are the ones being childish and immature if you ask me. GOP stands for "Grand Old Party". It's old and it's definitely not grand.

We get it, you don't like the party that was against slavery...

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Old 06-26-2016, 11:48 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
So..you want DUE PROCESS to make them leave the country.. but no due process to take away their right to buy a gun?

Wow. If you can violate due process for one Constitutional right.. you can violate it for all of them, right? Anyone on the watch list can have their First Amendment rights cancelled (government takes over all facebook, twitter, snapchat,etc accounts and all web pages the suspect visited), their 4th Amendment rights (anyone on the watch list can have anything, home, office, car, computer, phone, etc searched without a warrant) or their Fifth Amendment rights..(Police take them in for questioning, they can't say "I refuse to answer".. but are forced to speak even if it incriminates them"

All those for tossing out the Second amendment rights of CITIZENS on the "watch list".. should also be for all those other Amendments/rights being cancelled.
I'd be happy to respond if I knew what the fuck you are ranting about. Everyone is entitled to due process. If you are on a no fly list, or something similar, and it interferes with your right to do something, you should have a hearing. If you are in this country illegally, you have a right to a hearing so the government can show that you are here illegally. Then you get deported. When did I ever say that a person who is being prevented from exercising their second amendment rights should be denied due process? Never, actually. Unlike others, I'm a big fan of due process.
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Old 06-27-2016, 12:04 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
Your post is so unrealistic it's not even funny. It's the super rich kids who don't want to work and who have never worked for a living. It's the middle class kids who have to work while going to school. They struggle to pay their student loan debt after graduation even if they can't get a job after graduation! I saw a youtube video about a young girl who graduated with an enormous amount of student loan debt after graduating, who had to work 3 minimum wage jobs to support herself and pay off her student loan debt, because she could not find a job in the field she had studied for. You don't know what you are talking about. The banks are making a killing off these student loans because these kids and their parents cannot afford to pay for college.
Actually Sassy, you are the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. The banks are NOT “making a killing off these student loans”. In fact, they don't even offer many programs anymore since the federal government now runs most of its loan programs directly. So you need to find a new scapegoat. Why don't you blame the colleges? They've been raising their prices at double or triple the rate of inflation each year for the past 4 decades! That's why middle-class parents can no longer afford to pay for college for their kids. It's the COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES who push all this debt on new students. They rake in millions of federal loan dollars. They use this money to overpay their professors, add bloated administrative staffs, and make the cost of college completely unaffordable. The correlation between the availability of federal student loan programs and soaring college tuition costs is overwhelming!

To help you put this into perspective - if you took all of the credit card debt in the US today and added several hundred billions to it, it would still be less than the amount of student loan debt outstanding! We now have over $1.2 trillion in student loan debt - that's a national disgrace!

You and Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren like to accuse those “greedy bankers” of so-called “predatory lending” don't you? According to the left-wing narrative, during the housing bubble the banks pushed too many poor suckers into buying houses with mortgages they couldn't afford, right? So where is your outrage (and Elizabeth Warren's outrage) at the colleges and universities? They are heaping mountains of debt on unsuspecting 18-year-old students who have zero income, no collateral and no financial sophistication. That sounds pretty damn “predatory” to me. When are you going to direct your anger and frustration at the right culprit?
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Old 06-27-2016, 12:28 AM   #109
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The real scandal is that the government creates this money out of thin air, and then lends it to students at interest who have to sell their time to pay it back. The colleges will keep raising fees as long as the government keeps printing money. It's a nice deal. Colleges pretend to educate, and the government keeps you bound to them for decades with debt. You will never be free. Unless you're going into math, science, engineering or medicine, don't go to college. It's a waste. And only go into medicine if you're willing to serve a rural or underserved population. They will pay your loans off for you, and then you can go wherever you want after 5 or so years.
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Old 06-27-2016, 02:36 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Unless you're going into math, science, engineering or medicine, don't go to college. It's a waste.
First, you must add the field of education to your list. Almost all real teaching jobs require a bachelor's degree and eventually a Master's degree for the most part.

My kids graduated from college in 2001 with liberal arts degrees. Both got multiple high-paying job offers from major companies immediately upon graduation. These job offers were made possible through on-campus interviews. These jobs were simply not available to those without a college degree. A college degree guarantees the graduate absolutely nothing but what it does do is open doors that otherwise are closed. Whether or not the degree earned is in a field related to the prospective job is also irrelevant. Recruiters are looking for intelligent people from the best colleges.
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Old 06-27-2016, 05:32 AM   #111
i'va biggen
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As Seth Meyer said, it is bad when you see people sitting on their ass on the floor of the house, and know they are finally doing something.
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Old 06-27-2016, 07:06 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
As Seth Meyer said, it is bad when you see people sitting on their ass on the floor of the house, and know they are finally doing something.
Thank goodness Boehner is out of there now. He sure wasn't any help in getting anything done.
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:39 AM   #113
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
The real scandal is that the government creates this money out of thin air, and then lends it to students at interest who have to sell their time to pay it back. The colleges will keep raising fees as long as the government keeps printing money. It's a nice deal. Colleges pretend to educate, and the government keeps you bound to them for decades with debt. You will never be free. Unless you're going into math, science, engineering or medicine, don't go to college. It's a waste. And only go into medicine if you're willing to serve a rural or underserved population. They will pay your loans off for you, and then you can go wherever you want after 5 or so years.
I would agree with you on that. Go to college for a career in something spectacular such as Medicine or Engineering, ect. Way too many kids are taking up bullshit curriculums like Liberal Arts, Interior Design. Just what the fuck can anyone really do with that, ya know. Colleges shouldn't even offer such nonsense. I was a Public Health Major and a Biology Minor. Some of the courses were terribly difficult but my career had some substance because of that. College tuitions may actually come down if they didn't offer these useless off the wall curriculums.

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Old 06-27-2016, 08:39 AM   #114
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
Thank goodness Boehner is out of there now. He sure wasn't any help in getting anything done.
But you are ok with Hank " Guam's gonna fall in the Pacific Ocean " Johnson from Georgia, huh SS !
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Old 06-27-2016, 05:52 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
First, you must add the field of education to your list. Almost all real teaching jobs require a bachelor's degree and eventually a Master's degree for the most part.

My kids graduated from college in 2001 with liberal arts degrees. Both got multiple high-paying job offers from major companies immediately upon graduation. These job offers were made possible through on-campus interviews. These jobs were simply not available to those without a college degree. A college degree guarantees the graduate absolutely nothing but what it does do is open doors that otherwise are closed. Whether or not the degree earned is in a field related to the prospective job is also irrelevant. Recruiters are looking for intelligent people from the best colleges.
Congratulations to your kids! I think they may be an exception to the rule. Good parenting, no doubt.

I was thinking of my neighbors in law school who had racked up close to $200k in student loans pursuing degrees in "Recreation". They are now bouncing balls to old people in a nursing home. Or at least they were. How do you pay off that kind of debt with those job prospects? I've got three kids, two professionals, and one who sells cars. Guess who makes the most? Lol!

I do think there are many people in college who would do better if they weren't there. If I had it to do over, I don't think I would have gone. At least not to law school and beyond. My Bachelor degree was debt free. Should have stopped.
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Old 07-01-2016, 03:11 AM   #116
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Actually Sassy, you are the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. The banks are NOT “making a killing off these student loans”. In fact, they don't even offer many programs anymore since the federal government now runs most of its loan programs directly. So you need to find a new scapegoat. Why don't you blame the colleges? They've been raising their prices at double or triple the rate of inflation each year for the past 4 decades! That's why middle-class parents can no longer afford to pay for college for their kids. It's the COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES who push all this debt on new students. They rake in millions of federal loan dollars. They use this money to overpay their professors, add bloated administrative staffs, and make the cost of college completely unaffordable. The correlation between the availability of federal student loan programs and soaring college tuition costs is overwhelming!

To help you put this into perspective - if you took all of the credit card debt in the US today and added several hundred billions to it, it would still be less than the amount of student loan debt outstanding! We now have over $1.2 trillion in student loan debt - that's a national disgrace!

You and Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren like to accuse those “greedy bankers” of so-called “predatory lending” don't you? According to the left-wing narrative, during the housing bubble the banks pushed too many poor suckers into buying houses with mortgages they couldn't afford, right? So where is your outrage (and Elizabeth Warren's outrage) at the colleges and universities? They are heaping mountains of debt on unsuspecting 18-year-old students who have zero income, no collateral and no financial sophistication. That sounds pretty damn “predatory” to me. When are you going to direct your anger and frustration at the right culprit?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
The real scandal is that the government creates this money out of thin air, and then lends it to students at interest who have to sell their time to pay it back. The colleges will keep raising fees as long as the government keeps printing money. It's a nice deal. Colleges pretend to educate, and the government keeps you bound to them for decades with debt. You will never be free. Unless you're going into math, science, engineering or medicine, don't go to college. It's a waste. And only go into medicine if you're willing to serve a rural or underserved population. They will pay your loans off for you, and then you can go wherever you want after 5 or so years.
Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I would agree with you on that. Go to college for a career in something spectacular such as Medicine or Engineering, ect. Way too many kids are taking up bullshit curriculums like Liberal Arts, Interior Design. Just what the fuck can anyone really do with that, ya know. Colleges shouldn't even offer such nonsense. I was a Public Health Major and a Biology Minor. Some of the courses were terribly difficult but my career had some substance because of that. College tuitions may actually come down if they didn't offer these useless off the wall curriculums.

a number of points on college tuitions.

it'd be affordable to alot of people if they cut out a lot of nonsense (like junk courses) out of the tuition.

when you break the tuition bill down, something like 50% to 60% of the tuition covers education and administration, the other half covers social programs.
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Old 07-01-2016, 03:16 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
Thank goodness Boehner is out of there now. He sure wasn't any help in getting anything done.
actually, you're right & wrong about Boehner and not in a good way.

He didn't do anything but frustrate the tea party members of congress who wanted certain things done.

Boehner went out of his way to make sure Obama got his agenda thru.

he failed to use the House's power of the purse to end programs detrimental to this country.
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