Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I seldom waste my time on any link especially without commentary.
regardless of where it comes from, there is always bias and attempts to link things that have little or no relationship to the other.
I was watching a documentary last night and it occurred to me that I could change the narration and totally change the bias of the documentary. I could use the same statements made, change the narration, and make it completely different from the intent.
It is like the advertisers for gold. They lead you to believe that banks are buying gold because there is an eminent crisis and they know something we do not know. What I do know is that the government has required banks to have a much larger reserve than before and a good way for them to do that is with gold. This in no way means that gold is a good investment for you. Remember when gold was at 1800 bucks and "they" claimed it was predicted to go up to 4000. where is it now, about 1320. Sure hope all those people that bought at 1800 dont need cash anytime soon.
You do have a point, but I think if Greenspan is worried and the Federal Reserve is warning the top ten largest banks, we have an upcoming disaster on our hands. I wouldn't totally ignore the situation either.