Originally Posted by SassySue
Why don't you post a point of interest ....
If you would, it might be worthy of some serious discussion. All you are doing is confirming an age old adage about past indiscretions and women .....
... they just can't "let them go"!
Bush is not running for re-election. Neither is Bill Clinton .... or ...
... at least he wasn't until Hillarious-No-More admitted she needed his help in domestic affairs (not to be confused with adultery!) .... he's been proven an expert on cheating on one's spouse, and she's been proven a fool for not knowing he was .... in the same house in which she lived!!!!
BTW: Has it ever concerned you that Hillarious-No-More wants to PROTECT US from the evil-doers in the WORLD .... and she can't even find cancelled checks in shoe boxes in her closet or know her husband is getting his dick sucked in the other end of the house? ..... I didn't even mention she thinks she can only have one email account on one IPhone or believe she can "erase" emails from her computer!!!! Not to mention she didn't pass the DC bar exam and can't drive a car! That was all BEFORE she had brain damage problems.