Originally Posted by LexusLover
Holding ..... there will be a burp ..... but the uncertainty is volatile.... holding ....

There is a certain evil cleverness to the elite liberal rulers of the New World Order. They have managed to stick a narrative into this situation that goes like this:
If Brexit happens, it will be voted in by ignorant, xenophobic losers voting against their interests. Economies everywhere will fall, and we will all be poorer for it.
If that doesn't happen, and over time we all get richer anyway - well, it would have been even better if all the stupid sumbitches had voted to remain!
Just like when they scold us about how moral and wonderful their programs will be, and when those fail, they say not enough money was spent on it by the stingy, racist conservatives.
They just don't get why people don't like them and want to get rid of them!!!