Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Isn't there still an airliner hiding under palm fronds out there?
who cares? i'm more concerned about this ... opps!
Hillary’s State Department Killed Investigation Of Omar Mateen’s Mosque
June 14, 2016 by
Jack Knox 5 Comments
The Obama Administration and candidate Clinton are peddling the idea that Omar Mateen was a lone gunmen radicalized by videos he saw on the internet. Does that sound familiar at all? It’s awfully similar to the bogus story Clinton and Obama told about the “spontaneous protest” in Benghazi that was supposedly in response to an “insulting” video on YouTube. You know, because everyone attends a “spontaneous protest” with mortars and shells. Both stories are lies.
It turns out that there was an active investigation related to the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce, Omar Mateen’s mosque, inside the Department of Homeland Security that was shut down at the behest of Hillary Clinton’s State Department. So says retired DHS officer and whistleblower, Philip Haney who was working on the investigation.
As a member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units, Haney helped develop a case in 2011 on a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaat, as he recounts in his new book
“See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.” Within a few months, the case drew the “concern” of the State Department and the DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office because the Obama administration believed it unfairly singled out Muslims. The intelligence, however, had been used to connect members of the movement to several terrorist organizations and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.
In the immediate aftermath of the Orlando massacre, Haney has found that the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Florida, is part of a network in the United States that originated in the Indian subcontinent.
The Fort Pierce mosque’s website features a link that demonstrates its relationship to the Shariah Board of America, a division of the
Rahmat-e-Alam Foundation, which operates the
Darul Uloom Chicago madrassa.
The madrassa is closely affiliated with the Institute of Islamic Education, which was a major component of Haney’s Tablighi Jamaat case.
Along with the State Department’s and Department of Homeland Security’s quashing of the case in June 2012, the administration subsequently ordered the deletion of an additional 67 records related to a report on the Institute of Islamic Education.
Haney explained that this kind of information comprises the “dots” that counter-terrorism analysts connect to form cases that are used to identify potential terrorist threats.
Mateen’s mosque was also the mosque of the first American to kill himself and others in a suicide bombing. That was 22 year old Mohammad Abusalha in 2014. The FBI determined during an investigation of Mateen that he and Abusalha knew each other but that it wasn’t of any consequence. As of today, they are sticking with that theory. Amazing.
So why would Hillary shut down this investigation? Political correctness? Bad multicultural ideology? Incompetence? Was she trying to curry favor with the muslim community in hopes of securing their support – and money – in advance of her Presidential bid? It’s probably some combination of all of these.
But let’s remember that the Clinton Foundation has received tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and other benefactors in the muslim world. Let’s also remember that according to the Petra News Agency, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman claims the Saudis have provided 20% of Clinton’s campaign funding. Follow the money.
Whatever the reasons – incompetence, bad ideology, payoffs, or pandering for votes – it’s clear the Hillary Clinton does not have the safety and security of this country at heart. She is what she has always been – dishonest, self-seeking, and dangerous and she has no business in the White House.
now go ahead pig and yell Trump's a racist for saying mosques should be monitored. they
were being monitored, except guess who stopped it? WHO???