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Old 06-16-2016, 09:34 PM   #1
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Default No reviews? No posts? No premium access???

So I have never experienced this problem as much as I have being here in the Ole Paso. Why is it that someone could be a registered member for 3 , 5 or how many ever years and not done any reviews? Some won't even have any posts either?!NOTHING! Red flag! If I can't read a review (and I do read potential clients reviews) , I gotta have some references. and sometimes girls won't reply to reference checks or it will be days later , by then its too late.

But reviews are an easy way to make sure a guy is safe or not the police. And if I can't confirm ur legit, I won't see u. Period. It is too risky.
I have ran into this problem ALOT here & maybe someone has an answer to why this is????
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Old 06-16-2016, 09:42 PM   #2
dirt street cowboy
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I would ask someone you have seen, and trust, to help you out. Sometimes they can ask fellow mongers, in the town you are in to help vet your client.
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Old 06-16-2016, 09:45 PM   #3
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Okay, that's a legit answer. But that's kinda not very probable that someone else who hobby's is gonna know them. Especially if they have never wrote a review, or posted anything EVER. Ya dig?
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Old 06-16-2016, 10:21 PM   #4
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Zgirl, just be careful while you're in EP. Things have been a little scary out there recently. If you're spidey sense is up and running, just fucking walk away. It's pretty obvious that you're quite the hot commodity that is wanted in all of West TX, so do not risk yourself for a session that you're not comfy with.

And if they've never posted a review OR even ONE fucking post in the time they've been on, let it go. It's most likely not worth it.

Fucking right it's a red flag! Don't respond, let it go and walk way.
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Old 06-16-2016, 11:10 PM   #5
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Eccie is full of luckers. I also find it strange many members do not post or write reviews.

Many of these luckers do see VPs and can provide references but like you say if the provider is slow to respond to your inquiry the client is shit out of luck.

I saw a VP in Dallas. She told me she tries to make contact using all contact info PM, email and cell number if provided. She said many times a lady will answer more quickly than if you rely solely on the PM system.

Dirt Street Cowboy does offer a solution. I've had VPs ask to help screen a potential client. But ultimately it's your decision because it's your safety and well being at stake.

There are some alternatives for screening such as meet and greets or coffee dates but if you are out of town not familiar with the area or pressed for time they may not be a good option.

Maybe if these luckers miss out enough on a good thing they will finally learn the value of of posting and writing reviews.
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Old 06-17-2016, 01:41 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by busternutzs View Post
Eccie is full of luckers. I also find it strange many members do not post or write reviews.

Many of these luckers do see VPs and can provide references but like you say if the provider is slow to respond to your inquiry the client is shit out of luck.

I saw a VP in Dallas. She told me she tries to make contact using all contact info PM, email and cell number if provided. She said many times a lady will answer more quickly than if you rely solely on the PM system.

Dirt Street Cowboy does offer a solution. I've had VPs ask to help screen a potential client. But ultimately it's your decision because it's your safety and well being at stake.

There are some alternatives for screening such as meet and greets or coffee dates but if you are out of town not familiar with the area or pressed for time they may not be a good option.

Maybe if these luckers miss out enough on a good thing they will finally learn the value of of posting and writing reviews.

Great solutions stated here. I always use every way possible, given by the potential client, to reach out to providers in reference to getting confirmation on whether or not she has in fact seen him.

Girls should take verifiying more seriously, just because it's very important. But I suppose some have bigger fish to fry than to respond to an email or text. Whatever

But the coffee date /meet n greet idea are awesome idea, given there is TIME for that. It would make much more sense if the client took the time to become premium members (write a f*****g review!) , But it is my ass I'm trying to keep outta jail or safe, so I suppose it's my responsibility to put In the extra work to screen him.
Although it's much much easier to just politely say "sorry, it's too risky " and move on to the next potential.

Just saying.....
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Old 06-17-2016, 01:49 AM   #7
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Default Ur the shiznit

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR View Post
Zgirl, just be careful while you're in EP. Things have been a little scary out there recently. If you're spidey sense is up and running, just fucking walk away. It's pretty obvious that you're quite the hot commodity that is wanted in all of West TX, so do not risk yourself for a session that you're not comfy with.

And if they've never posted a review OR even ONE fucking post in the time they've been on, let it go. It's most likely not worth it.

Fucking right it's a red flag! Don't respond, let it go and walk way.
You have taken the words right outta my mouth.... I couldn't agree more. But I hope these gents aren't screwimg themselves outta a good time, for no good reason! It's a simple solution! But whatever!
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Old 06-17-2016, 04:44 AM   #8
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Unless they're brand new to the hobby there's really no reason they shouldn't be verifiable somewhere, that's just a reality when trying to see ladies from here. Whether they sign up with Date Check or Reverified or P411 or have a presence on here or one of the other dozens of hobby boards and can be vouched for by references, they need something.

I understand 1 client could mean thousands in income down the road as well as all the benefits of meeting the right person but like others have said were I in your shoes I wouldn't risk it.

I know some providers see newbies or people who aren't verifiable, if you have access perhaps you can ask in the powder room for some help/guidance with this.

Also if you turn down any guys who don't have any means to let you know they're safe, you should probably let them know why so they can get their shit together.
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Old 06-17-2016, 06:34 AM   #9
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Hi I'm one of those guys that dont post much. I like to have my privacy I also dont like most of the drama that comes with posting regularly. I do see providers and have a few go to girls so there isnt much need to post a review if I see the same girls. When it comes to refrences it is rare that I go and meet a new girl but I know if I do a can give my usual girl a quick txt and give them a heads up about needing a reference
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Old 06-17-2016, 07:50 AM   #10
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Yes, I dig. The reasoning behind my suggestion is just because he has few to no posts, does not mean he does not communicate with other mongers via text and pm. There are several that do not post on here regularly that I communicate with.
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Old 06-17-2016, 10:26 AM   #11
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absolutely. everybody has their own motivations. i have a friend who is an awesome guy but he will not ever post in here. i think you should always ask for a potential clients handle so you can check them out, but if they don't have anything you can look at in the way of posts, then just communicate with them a little bit and see how it feels. go with your gut.
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Old 06-17-2016, 10:36 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
absolutely. everybody has their own motivations. i have a friend who is an awesome guy but he will not ever post in here.

I have heard that some guys are legit , but never post, so I def am open to that being a possibility....

.... go with your gut.
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Old 06-17-2016, 10:37 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by dirt street cowboy View Post
Yes, I dig. The reasoning behind my suggestion is just because he has few to no posts, does not mean he does not communicate with other mongers via text and pm. There are several that do not post on here regularly that I communicate with.

Okay! That's actually good to know !
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Old 06-17-2016, 11:31 AM   #14
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I hope you use the meet and greet method. I would enjoy seeing you and I enjoy the hobby. I don't post reviews cause most of my visits are a result of Twain or John_deere recommendations.To be verified on a P411 site or the such scares me after the Ashley Madison scandal. I know someone who lost his Career as well as his family. Due to info being tracked back to real world life.
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Old 06-17-2016, 01:06 PM   #15
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If someone is on here with no posts and no reviews, then they are lurking and to me that is a red flag. Verify if you can, but proceed with great caution.
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