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Old 06-11-2016, 11:37 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by johnnyretard View Post
2nd time at a qt station in Independance, I am asked by a man(40 and 30s)
to give him money for gas
would you give a dude money or even fill up his tank some?
I understand bad shit happens to people, but you are at a gas station, I just find it hard to buy you made it to a station and are out of money AND gas?
Since you like to be that douche to bash on other threads,
Learn to use the dictionary you so eloquently quoted in my thread to spell Independence.

Did you tell him you would buy gas but you just spent your last $20.00 on the Avenue walker just up the street?
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Old 06-11-2016, 09:08 PM   #17
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I would spare some cash. It helps my conscience.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:20 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by GemmaFox View Post
I would spare some cash. It helps my conscience.
Absolutely, I find myself doing this more often as I age, if only one time out of 10 it truly helps someone then it is worth it, we must all stay humble and kind and not allow the scams and rip offs to harden our hearts to those who need it. Last time I was in KC I was driving down Blue Ridge and at the 470 overpass at the light this guy asked me for some money for food. I told him no but I was going to Paul's Drive in for a burger so I bought him a meal. When I drove back to the light, I called him over and gave him the food and drink and the man looked like he was going to cry, he thanked me profusely. The feeling from that stayed with me the whole day.
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Old 06-12-2016, 09:02 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Absolutely, I find myself doing this more often as I age, if only one time out of 10 it truly helps someone then it is worth it, we must all stay humble and kind and not allow the scams and rip offs to harden our hearts to those who need it. Last time I was in KC I was driving down Blue Ridge and at the 470 overpass at the light this guy asked me for some money for food. I told him no but I was going to Paul's Drive in for a burger so I bought him a meal. When I drove back to the light, I called him over and gave him the food and drink and the man looked like he was going to cry, he thanked me profusely. The feeling from that stayed with me the whole day.
Exactly! I usually keep some non perishable packs in my trunk for cases like that too. Beef jerky, tooth paste and brush, little soaps and shampoos (hotel freebies), and a bottle of water. Doesn't take much to brighten someones day. And like you said, if it helps only 1/10 then it makes it worth it.
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Old 06-12-2016, 11:14 AM   #20
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happened twice. middle age man at the pump at QT. gave him $10.00 followed him in. Didn't buy anything but gas. 2nd time QT. 40 year old woman was frantic didn't bring her purse with her but already filled up with gas and couldn't pay. Gave her $20.00 followed her into the store. Didn't buy anything but gas.

My wife has been saved from car trouble several times by good samaritans. Help if you can. Not everyone is a con artist.
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Old 06-12-2016, 06:41 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Absolutely, I find myself doing this more often as I age, if only one time out of 10 it truly helps someone then it is worth it, we must all stay humble and kind and not allow the scams and rip offs to harden our hearts to those who need it. Last time I was in KC I was driving down Blue Ridge and at the 470 overpass at the light this guy asked me for some money for food. I told him no but I was going to Paul's Drive in for a burger so I bought him a meal. When I drove back to the light, I called him over and gave him the food and drink and the man looked like he was going to cry, he thanked me profusely. The feeling from that stayed with me the whole day.
We can always learn to read people.

One of the Navy medics I served with was getting discharged and he wanted to take the ocean liner "The Queen Mary" (I think that is right) on it's last trip across. That was to be a couple of days after his discharge. He went to buy his ticket; but, he didn't know about a couple of extra fees, and he was $35 short. Some man, he had never met, saw how downcast he was and asked about what was wrong. The guy gave him the money and a business card with the request to send him the money when he could.

When the guy returned to camp, he told us all the story; he was so happy he was able to make the trip. He sent the money to the man the next week.

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Old 06-14-2016, 12:23 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by floppydisk View Post
happened twice. middle age man at the pump at QT. gave him $10.00 followed him in. Didn't buy anything but gas. 2nd time QT. 40 year old woman was frantic didn't bring her purse with her but already filled up with gas and couldn't pay. Gave her $20.00 followed her into the store. Didn't buy anything but gas.

My wife has been saved from car trouble several times by good samaritans. Help if you can. Not everyone is a con artist.
good stuff and I agree, but I've been burned too many times.,

I help people but when a late 20s guy approaches me and asks me for $ $ with no prologue and nothing to help me understand his situation cept he wants money, and later I watch him go to his sports car and leave...(2nd situation)
or a man pulls up next to me as I'm leaving a store and he's in a minivan(the gas station is across the street) (1st time I was asked)and he's asking for gas money, again with no prologue for me to UNDERSTAND why he's begging me for money..I'm going to say no

It's not my job to give you money, But you can better sell your situation.
Oh i see my PM box has no providers telling me they'll just come over and give me a freebie....looks like I better explain myself better....or can I just blame someone else for not giving me help?.
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Old 06-14-2016, 12:25 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by GemmaFox View Post
Exactly! I usually keep some non perishable packs in my trunk for cases like that too. Beef jerky, tooth paste and brush, little soaps and shampoos (hotel freebies), and a bottle of water. Doesn't take much to brighten someones day. And like you said, if it helps only 1/10 then it makes it worth it.
I lke this idea of having non-persibiles in the car...

back a few months ago, when it was much colder, I went to a QT around this time(its 1:20am, maybe closer to 2am and a gal(late teens) was sitting in the cold with a coat and a bag and her iphone plugged into the side of the building
she didnt talk to me, but I approached her,
are you ok?
yeah, just bad night
you have somewhere to go?
yeah, my friend is coming later
hey, I'll get you something to eat, anything you want??
I got her donut, milk(small container) cheerios, and a candybar( snickers or payday)
and abig chocolate muffin

here ya go,...you'll be ok?
yeah, thanks

and I left

she looked to be having a bad night, it was freakin cold and she needed someone to show her kindness.
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Old 06-14-2016, 12:53 PM   #24
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I understand the need for error on the side of caution, but you come off like a paranoid psychotic. I'm sure lots of well meaning people have been turned down because of a few bad apples but not everyone is out to get you. I guess its a case of consider the source. If you're in gang country just keep your affiliations to yourself I guess. Maybe its just hard being from where I'm from to not want to help another. Sad, though, that this life is more often a case of get or get got.

Originally Posted by dumars View Post

However, when 99 out of a hundred are doing nothing but trying to get free cash, what then? Mr Retard did not mention if the guy had a car. Would the guy have taken a credit card purchase for his "gas"? No mention of that either! If the event actually happened, I'd bet "NO" would be the answer to both. Wanna bet the guy would have turned down a credit card purchase?

How many reading this has been hit in a Wal Mart parking lot about a car breaking down somewhere, kids in car and need cash to get gas and get home? Ask yourself this question, what's he sitting in when it's raining? He wasn't wet! Yes, that is a no shit! It has happened!!!

For myself, I give about $200 a year to Harvesters and more to others. I don't give shit to some dip shit coming up to me with some bull shit song and dance, and at night? My mother might have raised an idiot but she didn't raise a dumb ass.

Now, to change the subject a bit. Do you realize that when you pull out your wallet to grab a note or two the dip shit is most likely checking you out? "How much cash do I see?" "How many credit cards does this guy have?" In other words, you are wide open to a robbery! Takes a ½ second to grab your wallet, that's already out, and he's 50 yards ahead of you! Reality's a bitch ain't it?

You can be as big a target as you wanna be dude, not me!


P.S. Nothing wrong at all about being generous but you gotta use your head for YOUR protection. NOBODY is going to protect you better than you will.

You're welcome!
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Old 06-14-2016, 01:32 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta View Post
I understand the need for error on the side of caution, but you come off like a paranoid psychotic. I'm sure lots of well meaning people have been turned down because of a few bad apples but not everyone is out to get you. I guess its a case of consider the source. If you're in gang country just keep your affiliations to yourself I guess. Maybe its just hard being from where I'm from to not want to help another. Sad, though, that this life is more often a case of get or get got.
consider the source?
I help out others all the time, but it's really up to the source to be clear about them actually needing help
you sound as if someone can make a sad face at you and you'll give them something
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Old 06-14-2016, 03:40 PM   #26
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Use to see signs at M/C rally's "Ass for Gas no one rides for free".
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Old 06-14-2016, 07:06 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Y_eye_AwE_Ta View Post
you come off like a paranoid psychotic. I'm sure lots of well meaning people have been turned down because of a few bad apples but not everyone is out to get you.
Call it as you will! However, the correct term is "experienced". I've met a few people who pander. That's what they do, that's their life! They wouldn't have it any other way! Using your attitude I would call you gullible! There's a sucker born every minute, dude! Them panderers know that, that's what keeps 'em out there, looking for people like you! Kinda like Trumpettes!

Not everyone is out to get me but they don't wear signs either, do they? Telepathy has never been my strong point.

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Old 06-15-2016, 08:32 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by dumars View Post
Not everyone is out to get me but they don't wear signs either, do they? Telepathy has never been my strong point.
well said
exactly why I said
Originally Posted by johnnyretard View Post
good stuff and I agree, but I've been burned too many times.,

It's not my job to give you money, But you can better sell your situation.
so explain to me why I should give you cash and I likely will
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Old 06-15-2016, 11:05 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by johnnyretard View Post
so explain to me why I should give you cash and I likely will
'Cause I'm old, half blind, my escort/masseuse of the week has expensive tastes, my dick don't stay as hard as it used to and, most importantly, my Dodge Challenger Hellcat sucks a lot of gas better'n my escort/masseuse of the week sucks . . . !

So, express your pity with CASH!

P.S. I just got my insurance bill! Ain't no senior discount on a Hellcat!
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Old 06-15-2016, 11:10 AM   #30
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Buy gas or don't. Your choice, and anyone's opinion on whether or not you do/did is irrelevant. There's no need to seek approval from others, the stance you take with your money. My $.02
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