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Old 06-07-2016, 12:54 PM   #1
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Default A wierd request for me.

OK. I have a long time fiend who used to be a provider. She is now a DOM.
So she calls me and asks me if I want to make $100 by fucking her. Of course I say sure. She says it has to be bareback. So I ask when is the last time you've been tested? A month ago - a couple of more questions like why are you paying me?
She says she has a client that wants to watch and eat the cum out while she sits on his face and I watch. I said couldn't you just give him a BJ and put my cum in his mouth? She says no as this is what he wants to do and she is getting $600. I of course say shouldn't I get half? I was joking about the last thing.
I declined and she was pissed and said "fine". "I'll just go out and get someone else to do it". If I get a disease, it's your fault. I won't debate the logic but since this is still pending I don't know what to do. I just find this past my normal boundaries. Opinions? FYI. She is very attractive and has very big fake boobs (not my favorite). But as I say I've known her for a long time and she has been very pleasing in the past.
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Old 06-07-2016, 01:06 PM   #2
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Lets see

Bare back a hooker and cum in her

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Old 06-07-2016, 01:16 PM   #3
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I'm game. I am fixed and tested. We can test together beforehand. That kind of stuff is right up my alley!
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Old 06-07-2016, 02:20 PM   #4
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Just FYI. We go through a very elaborate testing program. You don't think any of your SBs fuck anyone else? That's insane. All you can do is play it as safe as possible. Don't be such a pundit if you don't know the facts. She is not a whore but rather a DOM. Believe and verify. She picked me because she knows I'm relativity safe.
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Old 06-07-2016, 03:11 PM   #5
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Hey man I get it. I don't fuck around when it comes to the safety part. I spoke up because I love that shit. The scene she is trying to get done for her client is extremely exciting. I'll do any testing required, the more the better in my mind. I will send her pics if she wants. And I'll do it for absolutely nothing!
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Old 06-07-2016, 04:01 PM   #6
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So, your having second thoughts before you show up... and then your meet dude numero dos in the corner waiting for you to complete -- and your going to feel doubly trapped because you said yes and your getting paid... What's the upside here? You get a $100 and a free fuck, so maybe $300 (I'm assuming a $200-30min session roughly.) The downside, a year (or lifetime) of worry or regret over your health, and the possibility of some shit you can't get out of your head...

I know nothing of your past experiences, but it kinda sounds like you just don't want to say no, to something you definitely should (IMHO)
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Old 06-07-2016, 05:21 PM   #7
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What she is trying to accomplish for her client is a pretty common fantasy. I DO have men that request that quite a bit. Well, maybe not all of the time but enough that it doesn't surprise me to read about it.

But the "domme" should probably not be willing to give that man what he wants. Some men have (and it makes me gag to write this) requested that I save used condoms so that they can drink the jism out of them. The more the merrier. Ugh.

I decline those as well but I used to have a roomie that would do just that.

Anyway, if it's out of your comfort zone, then just say no. And don't ask to be paid to do it. Sex workers hate splitting funds unless they're doing doubles with another sex worker.

I know ... it's not a popular thing to suggest. But trust me, if she acted a bit peeved because you "jokingly" asked for half, she probably was.

My tendency, in business, is to enjoy myself thoroughly when opportunity presents itself. And afterwards, I've had men tell me (jokingly, of course!) well ... you should pay ME. It's not funny but I always try to smile and it just leaves an awkward pause.

So remember that in the future. (Gosh ... I'm being blunt today!)

What else? Now since I've sounded like a complete bitch with my response, I'd better go. It's a good question and topic. But I feel that you already know the answer.

OH OH OH. I'm being female and wish to add one more thought. If a sex worker, or dominate, offers something like she did for you, she must like you. Or at least, trust you enough to offer you this "deal." I know that in one way, if it's a job to you, then you deserve to get paid.

But when I'm considering your situation, she must really like you or considers you good in bed. I cannot IMAGINE someone asking for something like that and you be a poor lover. So she has to appreciate you in some fashion.

Consider her request a huge compliment even when you tell her no.

Hope this helps.

Take care,
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:17 PM   #8
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The request is not weird (at least to me), maybe because it gets requested frequently. I don't offer this service, if I had a friend with benefits in the civie world then I would. And, it's best to go get tested together instead of taking someone's word for it. Not sleeping around much doesn't make anyone immune to health complications.
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:30 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Lets see

Bare back a hooker and cum in her

I'll second that.
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:33 PM   #10
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i think coming back w/ a (what you thought was) humorous line is what cooked your goose.
apparently you all arent as close or as good of friends as you thought. otherwise, she would have caught your drift & laughed w/ you about it.

but, to me, it sounded like she was serious & didnt like your joking about it. think if this had been a real world friend asking something serious of you & you responding in a similar manner.

since it sounds like you didnt feel like you could have performed that role, then a more appropriate reply might have been along the lines of "thanks for asking, but i'm not ready for that / comfortable w/ that / it's past my boundaries / whatever."
like elisabeth wrote, your "long time fiend" (which i'm guessing is a freudian slip typo) must really like and/or trust you to have come to you w/ that offer.

now, your relationship w/ her has changed; it's prolly not going to go back where it was.
if you want to keep some sort of relnship w/ her, you might want to contact her and explain yourself better, starting w/ an "about your proposal, i'm sorry ..."
or hope she'll forget it (which i doubt).

btw, are you a sub to her Dom, client of hers, or just long time friends??
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:41 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Lets see

Bare back a hooker and cum in her

he posted "OK. I have a long time fiend who used to be a provider. She is now a DOM."

if (and a very big IF) a) Doms dont bb fuck their subs very much and b) she doesnt bb fuck other guys very much,
then i dont think your reply works in his situation.

but, it's generally a smart & safe assumption (even though we all implicitly know some providers DO bb fuck their clients).
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:45 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by anita View Post
The request is not weird (at least to me), ...
based on what i have seen, viewed, and read about over the past 20 yrs in the realm of different sexual practices, i def agree - it's not that weird.

now, using one or more mens' sperm to make a malted sperm shake or cocktail and having another man or woman drink it, that might be weird. on 2nd thought, maybe not.
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Old 06-08-2016, 01:36 AM   #13
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Thanks for pointing out the typo. No she isn't pissed as she called today and asked if I would be OK coming to her place and making a deposit in a condom. And I'm not all that good in bed. She just cums easily. So it must be the "fiend" thing.
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Old 06-08-2016, 03:41 AM   #14
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Hey, once the baby makers leave the nest, they are on their on. If some provider wants to save them for some sick bastard to drink, that's up to her. And if she asks me to come over and make a deposit for free, WOO HOO! No hesitation.
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Old 06-08-2016, 12:33 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
he posted "OK. I have a long time fiend who used to be a provider. She is now a DOM."

if (and a very big IF) a) Doms dont bb fuck their subs very much and b) she doesnt bb fuck other guys very much,
then i dont think your reply works in his situation.

but, it's generally a smart & safe assumption (even though we all implicitly know some providers DO bb fuck their clients).
Maybe he doesn't want to take the chance of impregnating her. I know the chance is small but escorts do occasionally get knocked up.
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