Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't have a clue about the law regarding negligence and the standards of care required for ALL government employees, especially including Cabinet members. Take a lesson from someone else who posts in this forum and understands classification rules much better than you do... he is appalled at Hillary for being "gross(ly) negligent and (showing) willful disregard for highly sensitive material... that puts US security superiority at very significant risk-- a borderline treasonous act. Anything less than a long jail sentence is a joke."
LAD, The FBI found hundreds of classified documents on computers of the mistress of General Petraus. Over 300 of the documents were marked "SECRET" . For knowlingly giving classified documents to his mistress who was not authorized to receive them, Patreaus had to resign from the CIA and pay $100,000 fine. I would say that is a pretty steep for an "MSOG".
Lad, you didn't hand me anything. All you did was prove how partisan you are. You still think Hillary is going to get indicted?

Don't hold your breath. The case with the mistress and Petraus is just another example of how widespread the mishandling of classified information is in the government. Those UFC rules were put in place so that classified information did not end up in the hands of a spy, not to catch a sitting SOS in gotcha moment trying to communicate with staffers.