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Old 04-04-2016, 12:45 PM   #1
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Default So many cancelled appts in Vegas... I've never had this problem?

This post is really just for the providers but I'm just wondering if Las Vegas is known for cancellations, I've had tons just cause there hung over or had a long night gambling? Why make appts just to cancel of its not a real emergency like work or something not just cause they partied to hard. So LADIES is this a normal thing? And before there is a big uproar of negative replies welllll save that lol. Positive replying only!
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Old 04-04-2016, 01:30 PM   #2
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This, unfortunately, is a common occurence here. That said, I have noticed an increase over the past month or so...
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Old 04-04-2016, 03:08 PM   #3
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Default Vegas is tough

Originally Posted by Passionate Presley View Post
This post is really just for the providers but I'm just wondering if Las Vegas is known for cancellations, I've had tons just cause there hung over or had a long night gambling? Why make appts just to cancel of its not a real emergency like work or something not just cause they partied to hard. So LADIES is this a normal thing? And before there is a big uproar of negative replies welllll save that lol. Positive replying only!
From a guys perspective it is really hard to stick to any plans in Vegas.
The damn free drinks all day get you to drunk to keep the appointment or you are drunk and get intercepted by a casino girl. The gambling goes bad and you have no money left or it goes well and you don't want to leave the table. These are risks in other places, but in Vegas the likelihood is significantly increased by the shear fact that this is what people go to Vegas for. Drink, gamble and party (often to excess).In any case, I know it is inappropriate and rude to cancel and I will admit to having done so. At a minimum the gentleman must at least call to cancel.
On the other hand, because cancelation do happen so often many ladies will double book and then it is one of the gentleman that is left high and dry. Most time with out a call or excuse from the lady. So it does go both ways.
Anyway, that is my two cents. Have fun and be safe !
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Old 04-04-2016, 06:30 PM   #4
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That's the price you pay if you are coming to Vegas and jacking up your rates. If you kept your rates like you have them in texas $350 and under you might get more local guys who would visit. Most locals since we live here don't gamble away our money or get shit faced drunk and then cancel. I'm sure it's nice to make $500/hr but that's the trade off in my opinion. I'm sorry that's happening to you.
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Old 04-04-2016, 11:19 PM   #5
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Sorry Goodguy but I do not agree.I am the rate you mentioned and while I don't have a ton of cancellations.Traveling providers many do increase their rates by just a little or by alot to cover hotel expenses etc.Cancellations can happen to many providers at all price points.
As a provider who does not tour and has worked in vegas for ten years my experience there are many guys who come here for business and vacation who are awesome and keep their appts.
However,there are quite a few guys who come here book multiple appts all for one day and time and cancel on the rest of the ladies.Not too cool to do this in my opinion.
There are guys here who post an ISO and ladies reach out and get a response back but when it gets close to appt time they go silent.

Also it seems for some odd reason even though we have fabulous restaurants here to experience.
It seems food poisoning happens out here when guys cancel.I am sure there are some who really don't feel good however I wonder where in the world are they eating that it seems to be a well used excuse.Other ladies here have heard the food poisoning excuse so I am certainly not the only who has heard it.

Unfortunately,in vegas there are guys who gamble and drink all day.They don't even remember making an appt but somehow seems to encounter a casino lady spend a ton of money and a so-so time.Or sometimes a casino lady is not involved but they lost too much or had too much to drink.Which leaves the independent ladies with unexpected loss of an appt which more than likely she is not going to get another appt on shorter notice.That makes it hard for us ladies who do not double book.Now to be fair I am sure there are guys visiting and local who have experienced a provider ncns or cancelling same day last minute.It is not fair on either side of the coin.

just my .02
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Old 04-05-2016, 09:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jaydalee View Post
Sorry Goodguy but I do not agree.I am the rate you mentioned and while I don't have a ton of cancellations.Traveling providers many do increase their rates by just a little or by alot to cover hotel expenses etc.Cancellations can happen to many providers at all price points.
As a provider who does not tour and has worked in vegas for ten years my experience there are many guys who come here for business and vacation who are awesome and keep their appts.
However,there are quite a few guys who come here book multiple appts all for one day and time and cancel on the rest of the ladies.Not too cool to do this in my opinion.
There are guys here who post an ISO and ladies reach out and get a response back but when it gets close to appt time they go silent.

Also it seems for some odd reason even though we have fabulous restaurants here to experience.
It seems food poisoning happens out here when guys cancel.I am sure there are some who really don't feel good however I wonder where in the world are they eating that it seems to be a well used excuse.Other ladies here have heard the food poisoning excuse so I am certainly not the only who has heard it.

Unfortunately,in vegas there are guys who gamble and drink all day.They don't even remember making an appt but somehow seems to encounter a casino lady spend a ton of money and a so-so time.Or sometimes a casino lady is not involved but they lost too much or had too much to drink.Which leaves the independent ladies with unexpected loss of an appt which more than likely she is not going to get another appt on shorter notice.That makes it hard for us ladies who do not double book.Now to be fair I am sure there are guys visiting and local who have experienced a provider ncns or cancelling same day last minute.It is not fair on either side of the coin.

just my .02

I'm so glad you posted on this topic because I wish more ladies handled their business like you. You are a very highly respected and reviewed lady in Vegas. Your rates are right on and correct me if I'm wrong. I've been hobbying for four years and I think you have increased your price by $50 in a four year span! I commend you for that! You also offer specials so it's no coincidence you stay busy and not get too many cancellations. I'm not sure I agree with you about raising your fees for room expense. Vegas has many rooms available and you can find deals on and off the strip. I know some hotels just off the strip on the south end you can get a room for $40-$60 a night and they are nice 4 start hotels.

Yes like you I've been cancelled on last minute and I have had my share of ncns as well.I guess life happens sometimes. I agree with you that guys will double book and that's not cool. Maybe they reach out to a lady don't hear back right away so they move on to someone else. Me personality I've never cancelled on someone last minute. I'll give a days notice at least this way hopeful the lady can have time to find another appointment. I've lived in Vegas for eight years and I've never had food poisoning. I guess it probably happens but I think it's more of an excuse or they are sick from drinking too much lol.

So you say you stay busy, you don't get too many cancellations, your rates are very reasonable and you make enough money to live your life. I think you just proved my point!!!
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Old 04-13-2016, 06:49 PM   #7
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Cancellations all the time in Vegas!
It drives me crazy... especially since I live 2 hours outside Vegas and its a 4 hour round trip for me to come into town Grrrrrrrrr
But I mostly chalk it up to guys doing multiple bookings with different ladies or as mentioned getting drunk

In all fairness to their reputations though a lot of visitors are here for conventions and they get stuck in dinners or meetings with business associates or bosses and simply CANT get away when they had hoped.
But it Doesnt hurt to send a message ahead of time that you need to cancel .. No shows are NOT acceptable!!!
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Old 04-13-2016, 10:44 PM   #8
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@goodguy thanks for your kind words.Unfortunately cancellations happen on both sides of coin and is a disappointment when it happens to either a gent or lady.
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Old 05-04-2016, 07:23 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Kitty_Rains View Post
Cancellations all the time in Vegas!
It drives me crazy... especially since I live 2 hours outside Vegas and its a 4 hour round trip for me to come into town Grrrrrrrrr
But I mostly chalk it up to guys doing multiple bookings with different ladies or as mentioned getting drunk

In all fairness to their reputations though a lot of visitors are here for conventions and they get stuck in dinners or meetings with business associates or bosses and simply CANT get away when they had hoped.
But it Doesnt hurt to send a message ahead of time that you need to cancel .. No shows are NOT acceptable!!!
You look awesome
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Old 05-04-2016, 09:38 PM   #10
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They actually called to cancel?

The last time I was in Vegas, the girl just didn't bother to show up.
Of course, a few hours later, as I was boarding the plane to fly home, I get a text saying "Still want to get together baby?"
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Old 05-15-2016, 11:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Goodguy_69 View Post
That's the price you pay if you are coming to Vegas and jacking up your rates. If you kept your rates like you have them in texas $350 and under you might get more local guys who would visit. Most locals since we live here don't gamble away our money or get shit faced drunk and then cancel. I'm sure it's nice to make $500/hr but that's the trade off in my opinion. I'm sorry that's happening to you.
This is what I'm curious about. I think I will keep my rates affordable for locals as well. Also I'm a little bit off as far as many are concerned. I like last minute appointments. A appointments up 3 hours in advance, so much can happen in that time. A appointment set up 30 minutes in advance leaves a small window for error. I will take a long notice with him confirming 30 minutes -1 hour before the appointment to be sure. I hate the NCNS ad much as the next person. I also have a easy screening process, so it works for me and has been.

Then after my 1-2 appointments I'll hit the casino for some Rum punch.
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Old 05-16-2016, 06:54 PM   #12
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Guess I'm definitely out of the ordinary. I normally try to book 2-3 months in advance of my trip after doing a lot of research deciding who I'd like to see. Now I understand why some ladies would respond "Get back to me when the time is closer"
The highlight of my trips are always the ladies I meet. So much so that I rarely drink & only gamble moderately anymore.
Can honestly say I've not canceled or ncns at all.
Be there in a month, all scheduled, & can't wait!
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Old 05-18-2016, 04:10 PM   #13
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This is why I book a ladies time earlier in the day. Mid afternoon/early evening I haven't had a chance to get too drunk or lose too much yet. And if I hit a good streak and walk away from the tables a winner I'll just call and see if she can come back. Or maybe bring me coffee in the morning. Lol. See you next week, Vegas!
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Old 05-24-2016, 01:20 AM   #14
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Lightbulb Cancellations Are Exceedingly Common Here...

But, I am unwilling to deal with them. A few years ago, I got tired of the last-minute calls/emails cancelling, as well as the NCNS. I adopted a cancellation fee policy. I have not had any last-minute cancellations or NCNS since then 😀
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Old 06-28-2016, 08:03 PM   #15
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This happens because guys get in the casino drinking and lose track of time and in many cases find another lady in the casino. Personally, I gear more toward locals because I like consistency. But when I do take visitors I try to make those appointments early in the day before they get caught up in the Vegas hype.
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