Originally Posted by royamcr
What is interesting is look at the damn.scarlet profile and see the yahoo name. A search for that yahoo name shows this.
Originally Posted by zeejoe
LMFAO- the "executive" has a mighty fine prison-ball-point-&-safety-pin face tattoo there.
The other site she referred me to doesn't have written reviews like eccie. All you can do is click a button (or something... don't know exactly, as I just made a usename to check it out. The site sucks) to say "safe" or "unsafe", and if you click on a profile, it brings up a list of who has verified that profile. That one was one of the ones, I believe, who had apparently seen her and verified her. That's my take, anyway.
Originally Posted by Couture
My thoughts exactly!
Yeah, occasionally.... ok, rarely, lmao... there will be something legit on there. Just gotta be careful which ones you answer.