Originally Posted by Azebella_amor
I must have hit a nerve sound pretty mad there ....
I like! I like! the sound of that for my next AD: I will eat your ass like a Death Row inmate's last meal!!!
I get Paid for eating ass (Very Well too) but you in the other hand kiss , lick, suck, and eat Ass for FREE on the board. How many times did you drop the soap or did you bend over volunteering like a b****
Yes you are correct : I'm GREAT at it and so much more! We can both agree on that. You're not offending me I'm very comfortable in my skin. And the gentleman I see love it.
I don't hide behind a handle thinking I'm untouchable or do evil things like you. If you think I'm bored because according to you lately I've been posting unnecessary things can you imagine what I think of you. I cant post it because I will be guaranteed banned for life they will make a special exception just for me and ban me forever and one more day. With that being said. I'm done addressing you...
We are NOT on topic
Go take your meds hon...I think you got me confused with another member
All the gibberish you typed doesn't apply to me..but somehow you sound angry about something.
And the SHIT posting comment was just a metaphor that obviously went over your head...no surprise there
All you post about is OREO this and OREO that....but that's normal coming from dumb racist Hooker like you
Nobody is gonna ban you for speaking your mind,so don't let it eat you up and speak up
I would love to know where all this anger is coming from... I'm sure I have addressed you only one on the board.
Must be all your random rambling pms that I ignored? Nah that can't be it
I mean we're not friends, I don't gossip and certainly don't see providers who eat ass...so ignoring you was the most polite way to say I wasn't interested
Dropping the soap,volunteering?kissing ass on the board?? Whose ass?Wtf are babbling about??
Is this about another provider or something??
And yes...please use that line on your ad...no royalties necessary
More business is always good...maybe you will stop lying about retiring when business get slow
I'm done too..but I will do u one better and ignore you permanently
Have a good one!
Fuck it...it's lunch time.. feed me points!