Ok, here's what is perhaps an innovative idea. I've LONG thought it unfair that providers cannot comment on reviews of them. How about we pick at least ONE day coming up where the Providers can review Hobbyists. Maybe let them pick their best, worst and whatever calls. Identifying the Hobbyist would be OPTIONAL, and Hobbyists would need to look at this with an open mind. Could be enlightening to say the least. The MODS would obviously need to set up at least a temporary area to make this happen. I guess in the spirit of fairness, should Hobbyists be allowed to see the ROS (as Providers are NOT), or should we be excluded from seeing this and it's only seen by Providers. I am assuming there is something like this in the urban legendary Powder Room, but that does not allow a Hobbyist (if identified) to know a review has been done on them.

The Evil Genius (You know who you are!