Originally Posted by champagnechanel
Dig myself into a bigger hold lol sooo funny fuck face everything your saying is pure lies and it makes me laugh that you would go to great lengths to try to destroy a pregnant provider. Sure I have a real job but this does help lol not like I need it though. But I'm glad you enjoyed the ride that whom ever put you on
lets laugh at this...
Originally Posted by champagnechanel
maybe you should text my Old number again and see if they'll take you for another.
That was your old number lol... same number that was used as a contact in previous reviews. 9364355656
I checked all this before I sent the money, lol I was dumbass sure. but I checked to see if you were actually using it.... and there it is as a contact
as well as the email adress you provided. Money was sent to a person matching your facebook page. pic and everything. lol money was sent to
YOU I google the name I sent it to and literally all your social media profiles pop up. even twitter

you try to say via PM that that is not you that your last name is something else... how are there 3 different social media profiles under a "fake name" not to mention profiles made in 2013 (with family pics which I doubt any provider would upload to a hobby profile, IF they did have a fake one) not to mention every one of those profiles has a pic of you... like this one
and this is actually the profile pic LMAO
and i
all these profiles are under the name I sent the money to as well as who you claim your not
I would love to just type the name and let everyone decide for themselves but that would be outing and as much as I would like with all your bullsh
it, I'm not.
LMAO now that I think about it. you just called me fat lol which when we were texting each other about the money. You asked what I was doing, I responded, my fatass was in the gym

and not to toot my own horn fellas

I've lost 20 pounds since Dec.
Originally Posted by champagnechanel
Oh that's right I did inform you my phone was stolen and you called me a liar
lol yea you told me this just last night.... weeks after the fact. I went back on your post history to check if you mentioned anything about your hobby phone being stolen like I've seen most reputable providers do so and nothing
Originally Posted by champagnechanel
but yet your not the brightest one in the book to contact me any other way to verify that it was truly me as you are saying it was. Next time take my advice and don't send money to a provider unless you can confirm its actually that provider, you've seen them multiple times, and have built some sort of trust. Every hobbiest knows to be precautious and take caution when sending to a provider or anyone for that matter.
agree on this tho. I had done it before which is why I felt
safe doing it again...... lol bitch you got me. with all this bullshit I know for damn sure you not sending the money back or whatever so I'm done. if any other member has a doubt or question. I'll glady answer here on the thread so it can be public (outside of outing ofcourse)
just hope no one else falls for you